The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Thanks Betty! As far as I know there are no sperm count issues :)
Even if it doesn't happen this month I'm still very excited lol

Thanks for your reply Hay hope it ain't too bad if i make it to tues but anything to hurry baby up know how you felt now and I'm only over 2 days!

Had a spicy curry last night and been for a walk with hubby today in the freezing wind! Getting braxton hicks again every 8 to 10 mins last few hours praying they turn into labour contractions but based on last week or so of them I doubt they will!

I have everything crossed for you, I had quite painful regular contractions for 2days on and off so hopefully you are definitely on your way now :) I went into labour not after taking freezing walk with my hubby xx
Didums I was super excited the first pos opk I had!!!! Fxed you catch it if not it's good that your oving!!!

Kix I really hope they are proper contractions soon! Come on baby!!!!

X x x
poor kix-good things come to those who wait!!

Diddums good news on the opk.

I wonder how my scan will go as il be 19 wks and have a lot of flubber so may have to go back then :wacko: think il just wait and see how it goes!

Hope everyone is well xx
Don't worry if ya gotta go back...just means another scan to see bump!

Kix the sweep is uncomfortable especially if your cervix is very posterior, but its a pretty quick procedure and can only be done if they can reach your cervix and it's open enough to admit a finger

Morning everyone what a frustrating night! BH contractions started at 3.30 yesterday afternoon and continued until 6.30 this morning then stopped?! Contractions went to 7 mins apart and were like clockwork the whole time. That's 15 hours is this normal? Also lost a lot of clear yellowish discharge ( sorry tmi) can plug be this colour?

Also had strong cramps in lower ab on left side when lying down that were peaking in middle of contraction but only got about 4 of these really painful ones.

I haven't slept exhausted samie what do you reckon is going on?

Aww kix, sorry to hear you haven't slept!

All sounds promising if not massively frustrating!!! I really hope the stronger pains are it and they become regular!

X x x x
Hope baby makes a suprise entrance today kix it must be frustrating.
I have work soon and hoping it goes quick . Good shift yesterday . I got asked to babysit Wednesday and I was trying to remember what I was doing and then remembered I had my scan how could I forget lol.
Hope everyone's weekends are going ok .its really windy here but not to cold x x
It does all sound promising and yellow discharge can be normal as long as no offensive smell to it.....

Do you know where baby is lying...? Is it back to back?
Sometime when baby isn't in the best position your labour can take ages to get going!
No smell at all to discharge it's more clear and watery than anything else.

I think baby has moved in back to back position as I could feel little bum and back for weeks on right hand side but now my tummy feels soft on both sides and defo can't feel bum and back anymore.

Uh oh?! Xx
It sounds like a back to back stop start labour....
Just gotta try move baby round...lots of sitting backwards on chairs so your bump weighs forward. Wash the kitchen floor on hands and knees if need be lol or crawl about, walk up and down stairs sideways help rock the head into the pelvis.

Discharge sounds normal. It can vary in colour and amount but its usually like stringy slime.
Thanks samie really appreciate your advice kitchen floor could do with a scrub ha!

Have next midwife appt on tues should I just wait until then or if contractions start strong again should I ring hospital or is there no point?

Aww how cool is it having samie here to give advise!!

Come on baby kix be nice to mummy!!

X x x
If they are strong enough your not coping call in but general advise is call when they are 5 mins apart and regular. If they continue and only 7 mins apart you could tell a little porky and ring in to go in and get checked to see what your cervix is up to!
I know how horrible it is and annoying to go over, prob worse for u as u are getting some signs whereas I didn't get any really!
But it honestly all feels a blur after and once u have baby in ur arms the wait will all be worth it :) fingers r crossed baby comes before tues for u!

it is getting promising now for kix yey! come on baby k!

my friend had her little girl last night- shes lovelly cant wait to visit!

really random question- anyone had dry / peeling nipples?!!! i think pregnancy is affecting my skin as i have never been a dry skin person and always oily but i slap on extra rich moisturiser 3/4 times a day now and my exzma has appeared on elbows too so im assuming nipples are joining the party LOL! ive just slapped on some oilatum-cant say ive ever moisturized my nipples- very surreal!

i dont think anyone will but il ask this too..anyone had a weird feeling in their lady bits? i cant really describe it other than it feels like something is 'up there' :blush: like an awkwardly sat tampon or something-its a bit uncomfy to sit down and when i stand it feels like something drops a bit. im hoping its all in my head (as normal) or possibly its a prolapse or something-im trying really hard to stop convincing myself its my cervix open and everything is falling out :dohh: im really, really trying to get a grip on this anxiety i just wish that all the worrying symptoms werent also the same as normal symptoms! May book in to see gp maybe she will have a look? MW told me last week if any concerns go to the labour and delivery ward but i really think thats wasting resources in this case xxx
I got dry nipples early too, it didn't last forever though.
I remember feeling like something was pulsating in my lady bits really early... I convinced myself I had a cord prolapse lol but it was what I learnt much later baby having hiccups!

Stop being so worried about wasting time if your worried its what they are there for go get checked to put your mind at ease.
I know what you mean about anxiety I worried about everything, people at work were convinced I had antenatal depression!
Seriously I was never gonna get pregnant....I got pregnant after 6 weeks
I was gonna miscarry...bled at 8 weeks was blase she had died but all was fine
I was gonna be told at 12 weeks baby had abnormalities...she didn't
At 20 week scan they were gonna find a heart defect or something else...they didn't
She was gonna die before 24 weeks....she didn't
I hit 24 weeks and had a bit of peace of mind she would survive if born..every week further I got I read about chances of survival
I was gonna be diagnosed with diabetes at 28 weeks...I didn't
I was gonna get pre eclampsia...... Well this I did lol
I was gonna go 2 weeks over due have a failed induction trial of ventouse which would fail then an episiotomy for forceps that would fail then I'd end up with an emergency c section and postnatal infection.....
I was induced it was sooo straight forward,I am still amazed. my waters went on their own syntocinin started at 3 i had an epidural so was lay down all day, convinced i wouldnt dilate and would make her back to back, i dilated normally, was fully at 23:30 and I had a normal delivery at 01:23 with a small tear. The epidural was pants and it bloody hurt! I now understand the ring of fire lol

She came out flat as a pancake and needed resuscititating, but the relief of my pelvis not hurting was sooooo good I didn't pay much attention to what they were doing. Put it this way I'd been sooo pessimistic the whole pregnancy when I asked Chris afterwards what Sophia was like at delivery he said
She was so blue all I could think was please don't die this will kill Sam!!

That really touched home how negative id been the whole time I'd made Chris think she wouldn't make it

The above are only a quarter of my pessimism lol

So trust me I know how you feel :winkwink:

Aww bless you! The worrying is normal though I think, I did think about all those things just tried not to let it affect me and tried to enjoy pregnancy as much as poss which I did :)
My epidural was a life saver and couldnt feel a thing, every labour is so different and effects people different ways it's impossible to say what people woul be best with! My friend said water birth was amazing, I couldn't stand to be in the water it didnt help my contractions at all!
I had the pulsating too and made me so paranoid until I realised it was hiccups too haha! He still always gets them now he got them so often in my belly!

Anna my nips and boobs have been Sooooo itchy!! Prob because they are growing at a rate of nots!

As for the other feeling I'm not sure, I haven't felt antytjing like it but I'm sure like the other girls have said it's all normal :thumbup: but if you are worried callthem like samie said it's what they are there for!!

I hope kix went Into labour last night and is cuddling her new bubba now :hugs:

My cold is still hanging around and I have a nasty cough with it, I can't help but worry about the baby while I'm coughing :(

X. X x

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