The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

@Panda - If temping is stressing you out, were I you, I'd totally stop. You're using OKPs, check your cm, and go with that. If things change for you at any point, you can always go back to temping again. Of course hopefully you'll get your bfp ever so quickly and won't need to worry with any of this stuff anyway!

I certainly HOPE ov is close. I'm chomping at the bit and driving myself batty! Thanks for telling me about the stupid opk getting lighter. If I hadn't known that before using one today I'd be ready to throw something at my ovaries. Or at least give them a Very Stern Talking To about acceptable behaviour. *nods*

So I was reading somewhere about OPKs working better with more concentrated urine? Has anyone heard of this?

Personally, I drink about a gallon and a half of water per day, plus several cups of herbal tea. I am extremely well hydrated. My current obsessive worry is that I drink so much water that my urine isn't concentrated enough, and therefore OPKs won't work properly for me.

Did... did I ever mention that I'm kind of an obsessive worrier? High strung, I think my partner likes to call me... ;)

I got some instructions with my OPKs which say to not pee for 4 hours before testing, and to limit liquid intake during that time:coffee:
Mine say to only test in the morning when urine is concentrated. I tested once mid day but since I drink so much water, it didn't register anything at all. I've never had NO line on my OPK other than the one time I did it in the afternoon.

It seems like now I have the death flu invading. I have no idea what that does to ovaries, but it can't be good. Yuck.
Huh. I didn't get any instructions about when to test, or how much to drink, or anything with my OPKs. It was kindof annoying, really. Plus, we're TTC, shouldn't we keep well hydrated??? I would say stick with your current drinking habits, and watch your temps and CM. I like the suggestion to BD every other day, too. Hopefully that + OPK shows up soon and you can stop worrying [about this] as much!

(On a side note, can I still post in here to support you guys?)

Oh edens, I would miss you if you abandoned us just because you got your :bfp:!!!! :flower:
Guess what I got this morning!?!

A +Opk!!! Wooo hoooo! My ovaries work!

@edema--I hope you keep posting here. :)

Is everyone ready for the holidays? Here's to hoping next year we are all buying a baby's first Christmas ornament!!
WOOHOO bbyO!!!!!!!!!! People with regular cycles just don't get how absurdly exciting that first + opk is. :)

My OKPs didn't come with instructions either, but I read that the LH levels rise throughout the day, and it's best to test midafternoon & evening... so that was what I had been doing. This morning I tested midmorning instead, and got the darkest line I've seen yet. It's still very negative... but yeah. Darkest one yet.

@BabyO! SQUEE! I hope the death-plague-flu will pass quickly, and you feel much better very soon. YAY for positive opk! :D

@Edens - Please stick around! Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease? :)

@babydreamers - If I'm not supposed to pee for four hours, and limit liquid intake... then I'm screwed. OPKs will not be a good option for me. Ah well. There are other methods. No way can I go without peeing for *four* hours! That's too many hours! o_O

@panda - Man. I can't wait for that excitement to happen. I'm kind of feeling that sort of excitement for having had af last month. It's weird. But Yay! Cycle happened! :D

Ok so fertilityfriend put my dotted-crosshairs back for cycle day 12... but I *really* don't think I oved that day. I think I am either oving now, or it happened last night. I got a temp drop yesterday, and it's back up this morning. Not dramatically... but enough for me to notice. My cervix was *very* freaking high, I could barely reach it, and *very* freaking soft, like almost not there, yesterday. And my cm was more copious (but still creamy :( ) yesterday.

No ewcm yet, or even what I would call watery... but with the darkest OPK (though no where near +), the almost-not-there-cervix, the temp going back up, and the more-cm-than-there-had-been... maybe it happened/is happening/will happen soon?

Maybe I'm just loopy though. What do you guys think? Batty, or possible ov? How often is fertilityfriend straight up wrong?

@babyO! Holidays! I am a Holiday NUT! We have so many traditions. For instance, on Christmas Eve, all of us open one present. It's always jammies. The kids get *so* excited about their Christmas Jammies, it's awesome. Then we put on our new jammies, all pile into the car (yes! in our jammies! even though it's FREEZING where I live!), and drive around looking at Christmas lights. I pack snacky-type-dinner, and we eat in the car and everything. Then my partner and I stay up super late watching It's A Wonderful Life (every year, no matter what), stuff the stockings, and finish wrapping any gifts we weren't able to complete before then.

So I cannot WAIT for Christmas to happen! How about you guys? What are your traditions like? :D
BabyO - Hip hip hooray for positive OPKs!! hehe. Next step :baby: Hope you start feeling better soon!! I'm starting to come down with something and am terrified to take any meds so hopefully it passes quickly. No fever at least! Feel better hun!!

Panda - Looks like you definitely ovulated! Fingers crossed for you!

Ginger - Glad you are getting a bit darker of a line. I laughed out loud when I saw your "No way can I go without peeing for *four* hours!" lol. Just hold it for as long as you can! hehe. As for FF and moving crosshairs, it definitely happens. Sometimes it won't solidify the crosshairs until af arrives and sometimes they stay dotted. I had a cycle in April where I was super sick at the beginning and it either totally delayed my ovulation and created a super short LH phase or I oved on time and had a really long LH phase. FF never did decide! And this cycle, it keeps going back and forth between CD15 and CD18 so I was actually looking forward to af to see when I actually oved. Guess that won't happen! lol

And I love your tradition! We had the same jammies tradition each year - the whole family gets matching pjs (or when we were older, the boys got matching ones and the girls got matching ones). My mom has been going through old photo albums and posting each year's photo on Facebook. :) I can't wait to start the same tradition with my LOs!!

Afm, thanks for still welcoming me here. I don't know what I'd do without you guys! I'm really hoping today doesn't DRAG by. Our first ultrasound is today at 1:45 and I've been looking forward to it ALL WEEK so it feels like it's been a million years! Just under 6 hours to go! :happydance:
BabyO - Hip hip hooray for positive OPKs!! hehe. Next step :baby: Hope you start feeling better soon!! I'm starting to come down with something and am terrified to take any meds so hopefully it passes quickly. No fever at least! Feel better hun!!

Panda - Looks like you definitely ovulated! Fingers crossed for you!

Ginger - Glad you are getting a bit darker of a line. I laughed out loud when I saw your "No way can I go without peeing for *four* hours!" lol. Just hold it for as long as you can! hehe. As for FF and moving crosshairs, it definitely happens. Sometimes it won't solidify the crosshairs until af arrives and sometimes they stay dotted. I had a cycle in April where I was super sick at the beginning and it either totally delayed my ovulation and created a super short LH phase or I oved on time and had a really long LH phase. FF never did decide! And this cycle, it keeps going back and forth between CD15 and CD18 so I was actually looking forward to af to see when I actually oved. Guess that won't happen! lol

And I love your tradition! We had the same jammies tradition each year - the whole family gets matching pjs (or when we were older, the boys got matching ones and the girls got matching ones). My mom has been going through old photo albums and posting each year's photo on Facebook. :) I can't wait to start the same tradition with my LOs!!

Afm, thanks for still welcoming me here. I don't know what I'd do without you guys! I'm really hoping today doesn't DRAG by. Our first ultrasound is today at 1:45 and I've been looking forward to it ALL WEEK so it feels like it's been a million years! Just under 6 hours to go! :happydance:

@Edens - I hope you're not getting sick, or that it passes very quickly. Feel better!

Maaaaaaan... this whole not knowing thing? It sucks! Gal-darn moving things around. Gah! But. Thank you for sharing that yours has moved as well. Especially this cycle. That helps me relax. :) (I'm not a totally abnormal freak of nature! yay!)

Oh! Oh! Oh! Will you post photos of the ultrasound? I wanna seeeee! :D
@Edens - I hope you're not getting sick, or that it passes very quickly. Feel better!

Maaaaaaan... this whole not knowing thing? It sucks! Gal-darn moving things around. Gah! But. Thank you for sharing that yours has moved as well. Especially this cycle. That helps me relax. :) (I'm not a totally abnormal freak of nature! yay!)

Oh! Oh! Oh! Will you post photos of the ultrasound? I wanna seeeee! :D

Thanks hun, hopefully it's nothing but allergies or a mild cold or something! Definitely relax, I can't begin to tell you how many times FF would move my crosshairs, even after they were solid lines! For example, I had positive OPKs on CD16, 17, and 18 (like I said before, I have LONG surges) this cycle. In previous cycles, I've always ovulated on the third or fourth day of my positive OPKs. But if I input a positive OPK on CD16, it moves my ovulation from CD18 to CD15 because that temp was lower. In reality, I know I didn't ovulate that day because I've never had positive OPKs after ovulation confirmed by higher temps. So just let FF do their thing and it will start to make more sense after a couple cycles! :)

I'll definitely post pics but there won't be much to see. I'm only 4 weeks and 4 days so it'll just be a little blob, lol. :haha: I'm hoping to schedule our next one for at 8-10 weeks so we can actually see the heartbeat, etc.
Ah, I'm getting fed up with FF!! In my head, I still know it's awesome, but I'm bugged. Aren't they supposed to take into account *all* fertility signs?? Between me and Ginger, they seem to be only counting temps! This morning my temp jumped way up, and I tried discarding my low temp on CD20 (the one after I took nyquil and slept more deeply than I have in months)... and lo and behold, crosshairs! Gah. I know discarding temps is discouraged, but I'm sticking with that.

Holidays.... oh man, I am so excited. We go to my in-laws every other year for christmas (where I am now) and the whole family is there, and it's just so much fun. I'm jealous of your jammies-and-lights tradition, Ginger, that sounds like SO much fun!! I might start that with my own fam (DH and DS)... we don't have any traditions right now, because I *always* have to work when it's not our year to go to the in-laws.

Edens... I'm super excited and anxious for you!!! The first ultrasound is sooooo amazing, even if it is just a little fuzzy blob with a heartbeat. Cutest fuzzy blob you'll ever see! Only... what, 2 more hours? squee! :happydance:
We won't even have a heartbeat at this point unfortunately. It's way too early for that but it's still exciting! :)

I bet if your temp stays higher over the next two to three days, it will ignore that lower temp that you discarded too. :) You could try putting in some fake temps to see. I was definitely the queen of "what if my temp is xxx tomorrow and xxy the next day" etc. lol
@Panda - Please feel free to steal away!

The first year we did it, it was kind of on a lark. My son has autism... and he was just too excited on Christmas Eve to even sit for more than a few moments at a time. Eating dinner was NOT working... So eventually we put him in his new jammies, packed some easy to eat food (trail mix, apples, carrots), tossed both kids into the car, and just drove around until he was calmer, able to eat, and then blissfully falling asleep. We ended up finding all of these awesome little Christmas House Enclaves that we didn't know about. We had such a wonderful little relaxing time that we decided to do it every year. Honestly? Best. Decision. Ever. :D

Also, I looked at your chart... and that's a lot of Sleep Deprived days. I'm so sorry. o_O

I say we gang up and kick FF in the teeth. It's a good plan. Ok ok ok maybe not. I know it's helpful and awesome and great... really I do. I just wish I knew if I'd oved or not. Frus. Tra. Ted. Gah!

@Edens - How did the ultrasound go? I'm so excited to hear about it! Eee! :D
@Edens - How did the ultrasound go? I'm so excited to hear about it! Eee! :D

The scan went well I guess. It was very quick - the whole appointment was over in a matter of minutes it seemed. Probably because it's still so early I guess. She scheduled a follow up for 1/13 when I'm 7w5d so we can hear the heartbeat and everything. They did another blood test to make sure the hcg is doubling too but I haven't gotten those results back yet - probably tomorrow. Anyway, here's our little bean at four weeks, four days!
Humm ok having had the bleed the other day and the weird pressure sensation i keep getting along with tender boobs and neausea my mind is all over the place right now!! but I promised the man I wouldn't test until after xmas as he don't want me depressed over xmas, which i get... It's just that when I am stressed I bake. In the past 24 hours I have made 21 mince pies, 12 jam tarts, 6 giant jam biscuits, and 42 vanilla cookies, maybe I'm more stressed then i thought? :)

Oh well that was a short lived dream :( Went to the bathroom to find a present from the :witch: :(

Awwww Edens you has a tiny bean!! :)
Humm ok having had the bleed the other day and the weird pressure sensation i keep getting along with tender boobs and neausea my mind is all over the place right now!! but I promised the man I wouldn't test until after xmas as he don't want me depressed over xmas, which i get... It's just that when I am stressed I bake. In the past 24 hours I have made 21 mince pies, 12 jam tarts, 6 giant jam biscuits, and 42 vanilla cookies, maybe I'm more stressed then i thought? :)

Oh well that was a short lived dream :( Went to the bathroom to find a present from the :witch: :(

Awwww Edens you has a tiny bean!! :)

So sorry AF got you. Hold in there it will happen:hugs:
Hello ladies... Spent the past month moving into our new house... And I'm finally all set up. Hubby was out of town for work so I completely misses my chance for a December BFP but i am due to O soon so maybe January is the month for us! Now i am going to read all the posts I've missed! I've had serious withdrawals from everyone! Lol
Thank you, Edens!! Congratulations on yout BFP! I just got done watching your video... I totally teared up!!! What a great way to remember that day!! :) wishing you a happy and healthy 9 mos!!

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