The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Well I'm sure itll shoot back up tomorrow!!! I'm going to keep looking! Stay positive!
What about this one?
I'm not super familiar with it, but maybe u can have some beta tests done to ease your mind? Over the next few days so you can see progression. I'd imagine anything to help the stress go down would be beneficial.
I'm going to try to just ride it out and see what happens. Even if I were to m/c, there isn't anything the dr could do except put me on progesterone which they've already done after I requested it last week. My dr is on vacation all this week too so that doesn't help. I'll temp tomorrow, if I goes back up, I'm throwing the stupid thing in the trash and not worrying about it. If it stays low or goes lower, I'll probably keep temping until it's over.

OH is totally stressing because we got in a pretty nasty argument the night before the first temp dip and he thinks the stress and bickering is causing a m/c no matter how many times I tell him it isn't his fault and that nothing could have prevented it if it wasn't meant to be.
It's sweet that he is so concerned. It's not his fault! Poor guy :(

Anyway I'm here if you wanna talk at all. I look forward to your post tomorrow about how your temp went back up! :) sticky dust is comin your way, girl! I didn't know progesterone was something you could request! How does that help? I am so new to this stuff lol
Progesterone is the hormone the fertilized egg (corpus luteum) produces after fertilization. It's then produced in greater quantities after implantation and eventually by the placenta. The dr tested my progesterone at 18dpo and found it at 8.2. It's supposed to be between 9-47 but drs prefer to see it above 20 according to everything I found online. My dr said my level was "okay" but agreed to give me progesterone to help 'ease my mind'. For women who suffer from recurrent miscarriages, it's usually because their body can't/doesn't produce enough progesterone to sustain the pregnancy. So I have to take this (200mg pill inserted vaginally twice per day...) until 10 weeks when the placenta should be fully formed and functional. Hopefully I'll make it that far.
Very interesting, thank you for the info! Good luck! I bet you make it just fine! :)
@edens: I've got my fingers crossed that every thing is ok. I can't imagine how stressed out you must be right now. (HUG)

I hope everyone had a great holiday! Mine was great since the weekend can with a positive opk and I'm hoping I ovulated! :happydance: (But seriously it would show a + the MORNING that we leave for all our holiday travel. Way to make BDing difficult universe!)

FDH and I also got to pick up his son for the holidays. Every five minutes he asks me how much longer until I give him a baby brother or sister. :baby: Ha! It is so cute because he is so excited about it. I so badly want to tell him we are working on it but I know he'll tell his Mom and since her current mission in life is to make my SS hate me (She's one of those nutty mothers. It makes me so mad sometimes that she's such a horrible person yet SHE gets to be a mother. Anyway, I digress.) I keep my mouth shut. The good news is no matter what crazy thing she makes up and tell him about me (or my dog. Yes, this lady even feels the need to tell him that my dog is stupid. :huh:) my SS still thinks I'm awesome and still can't wait for his future baby brother/sister. (So take that crazo!)

I go back and forth on when or if I should even test. I have no idea when AF should show up though I guess in about two weeks? :shrug: Just in case it actually worked this month I'm trying to eat tons of veggies. :thumbup:
@Edens - I would totally encourage you to stop temping. I understand wanting to temp until it goes back up, but if it's stressing you like this then... yeah. Do what's best for your mental and emotional state. *hugs* I'll bet it goes back up, if it hasn't already.

@BabyO - Oh my goodness, I'm sorry about your partner's ex. I'm always so frustrated with people who feel the need to do things like that. From my perspective, if there is a healthy, happy adult in the life of a child, who loves them... who cares who that person happens to be sleeping with? The kid sounds adorable though. How old is he? :)

I hope you oved and totally 'caught' this month!

Afm... well. I have NO IDEA why I don't have crosshairs yet. I had to have oved by now! I think my temps show that maybe I did somewhere around Sunday? Monday maybe? Ugh!

I'm stressed and worried that maybe I didn't ov and won't ov this cycle. Maybe I won't ever ov again. Cause my stupid body is stupid and being stupid and BLAH! Whine. Pout. I wanna stomp my feet and yell nofairnofairnofair. I'm being a whiny brat about things this morning. Haha, I really expected crosshairs to show up today.

Of course, this is totally not a big deal when I make myself step back and have some perspective. This is the first cycle of ttc after af came back. It'll happen. Maybe even this month. But gah! The not knowing is driving me mad!

Today things officially get Back To Normal after the Holidays. It'll be nice to have my daily routine back. The kids have been out of sorts for a week now, getting them back on schedule will be bumpy, but they'll be happier in the end. Yesterday I did 14 hours of laundry, because I skipped a week due to the Holidays. And I cleaned out both children's rooms to make space for their new stuff, which happens twice per year (and is always a much larger job than I think it should be, darn it!). It'll be nice to just have 'normal' daily life again. How about you guys? How is everyone?
Ginger- I def think u ovulated between Sun/Mon!! Woo hooool!!

Also, I bet you feel fantastic after getting all that done. Good now bc if you do get preggo you will be super exhausted and not want to catch up on it. LOL. I love that feeling you get after you work your butt off at home!! Productivity!!
Edens-hurry and get here. Lol Im anxious to see how you are doing! I literally had you in my thoughts all night! Praying for stickiness!!
@Edens - I would totally encourage you to stop temping. I understand wanting to temp until it goes back up, but if it's stressing you like this then... yeah. Do what's best for your mental and emotional state. *hugs* I'll bet it goes back up, if it hasn't already.

@BabyO - Oh my goodness, I'm sorry about your partner's ex. I'm always so frustrated with people who feel the need to do things like that. From my perspective, if there is a healthy, happy adult in the life of a child, who loves them... who cares who that person happens to be sleeping with? The kid sounds adorable though. How old is he? :)

I hope you oved and totally 'caught' this month!

Afm... well. I have NO IDEA why I don't have crosshairs yet. I had to have oved by now! I think my temps show that maybe I did somewhere around Sunday? Monday maybe? Ugh!

I'm stressed and worried that maybe I didn't ov and won't ov this cycle. Maybe I won't ever ov again. Cause my stupid body is stupid and being stupid and BLAH! Whine. Pout. I wanna stomp my feet and yell nofairnofairnofair. I'm being a whiny brat about things this morning. Haha, I really expected crosshairs to show up today.

Of course, this is totally not a big deal when I make myself step back and have some perspective. This is the first cycle of ttc after af came back. It'll happen. Maybe even this month. But gah! The not knowing is driving me mad!

Today things officially get Back To Normal after the Holidays. It'll be nice to have my daily routine back. The kids have been out of sorts for a week now, getting them back on schedule will be bumpy, but they'll be happier in the end. Yesterday I did 14 hours of laundry, because I skipped a week due to the Holidays. And I cleaned out both children's rooms to make space for their new stuff, which happens twice per year (and is always a much larger job than I think it should be, darn it!). It'll be nice to just have 'normal' daily life again. How about you guys? How is everyone?

Wo! what a pre-ovulation dip. I agree you MUST have ov'd sun/mon but it may take a few days for FF to decide where to put the cross hairs. this month it took FF 5 days to decide I had ovulated, and still Im not sure Ive got the right date. How do you make a link to your temp chart?:shrug:
@Edens - I would totally encourage you to stop temping. I understand wanting to temp until it goes back up, but if it's stressing you like this then... yeah. Do what's best for your mental and emotional state. *hugs* I'll bet it goes back up, if it hasn't already.

Afm... well. I have NO IDEA why I don't have crosshairs yet. I had to have oved by now! I think my temps show that maybe I did somewhere around Sunday? Monday maybe? Ugh!

I'm stressed and worried that maybe I didn't ov and won't ov this cycle. Maybe I won't ever ov again. Cause my stupid body is stupid and being stupid and BLAH! Whine. Pout. I wanna stomp my feet and yell nofairnofairnofair. I'm being a whiny brat about things this morning. Haha, I really expected crosshairs to show up today.

Of course, this is totally not a big deal when I make myself step back and have some perspective. This is the first cycle of ttc after af came back. It'll happen. Maybe even this month. But gah! The not knowing is driving me mad!

Today things officially get Back To Normal after the Holidays. It'll be nice to have my daily routine back. The kids have been out of sorts for a week now, getting them back on schedule will be bumpy, but they'll be happier in the end. Yesterday I did 14 hours of laundry, because I skipped a week due to the Holidays. And I cleaned out both children's rooms to make space for their new stuff, which happens twice per year (and is always a much larger job than I think it should be, darn it!). It'll be nice to just have 'normal' daily life again. How about you guys? How is everyone?

I got home last night to find that OH had done some 'research' online and found all the hundreds of posts that say to stop temping after your bfp so he took my BBT, broke it into a million pieces, and threw it away. lol. I can't be mad at him, I do feel a huge load of stress off my shoulders! I think FF hasn't put in your cross hairs since your post ov temps aren't higher than your pre ov temps if you did in fact ov on CD20. Don't stress about it (haha, coming from me...!) or try not to anyway! That's great you got caught up at home. I'm so behind and totally not in the mood. We have stuff EVERYWHERE from all the gifts and stockings we received and I'm just not in the mood to clean at the moment!

@edens: I've got my fingers crossed that every thing is ok. I can't imagine how stressed out you must be right now. (HUG)

I hope everyone had a great holiday! Mine was great since the weekend can with a positive opk and I'm hoping I ovulated! :happydance: (But seriously it would show a + the MORNING that we leave for all our holiday travel. Way to make BDing difficult universe!)

FDH and I also got to pick up his son for the holidays. Every five minutes he asks me how much longer until I give him a baby brother or sister. :baby: Ha! It is so cute because he is so excited about it. I so badly want to tell him we are working on it but I know he'll tell his Mom and since her current mission in life is to make my SS hate me (She's one of those nutty mothers. It makes me so mad sometimes that she's such a horrible person yet SHE gets to be a mother. Anyway, I digress.) I keep my mouth shut. The good news is no matter what crazy thing she makes up and tell him about me (or my dog. Yes, this lady even feels the need to tell him that my dog is stupid. :huh:) my SS still thinks I'm awesome and still can't wait for his future baby brother/sister. (So take that crazo!)

I go back and forth on when or if I should even test. I have no idea when AF should show up though I guess in about two weeks? :shrug: Just in case it actually worked this month I'm trying to eat tons of veggies. :thumbup:

Thanks for the hugs hun. I really am feeling loads better today. Whatever happens will happen. So sorry to hear about your OH's ex. My parents had it the other way around - my stepmom always badmouthed my mom to me when I was younger. Now I'm older and I can see my stepmom's the wacko, not my mom but it was rough when I was little. My stepmom and mom still don't get along!

@Ginger-Wo! what a pre-ovulation dip. I agree you MUST have ov'd sun/mon but it may take a few days for FF to decide where to put the cross hairs. this month it took FF 5 days to decide I had ovulated, and still Im not sure Ive got the right date. How do you make a link to your temp chart?:shrug:

When you're looking at your chart, there will be a dropdown menu at the top labeled Sharing, then go to Get Code and use the bbCode in your signature. :)

Edens-hurry and get here. Lol Im anxious to see how you are doing! I literally had you in my thoughts all night! Praying for stickiness!!

lol, I'm here! I didn't temp this morning since OH broke my thermometer but I'm feeling loads better and much more relaxed about everything. I'm still looking forward to my next appt (Jan 13) for sure but whatever happens, I know OH and I will be okay. :) Thanks for everything yesterday - Sorry for being in such a crappy mood!
Edens- a bad mood would be expected... and its no problem we are all here for support! We will all have our moments I'm sure... But I didnt take it as you being in a bad mood, anyway. lol I can only imagine how stressed you were. I'm really happy you are feeling better today! The 13th is the day I'm testing so maybe we will both get to be happy ladies that day!
@Edens - I'd been thinking about you since yesterday too! I am so glad to hear you're feeling better. :)

I wish I could high five your husband! I think it's great that he took the initiative to do so much research, then to give you the support that he thought you needed. Granted, maybe most of us might be upset by the presumptive-ness... especially if we're in a heightened emotional state to begin with, but it turned out for the best. *hughughug*

Merh. You're right... the 'post' temps aren't higher. Maybe I didn't ov when I think I did. But, I mean I guess there is nothing I can do about it no matter what. So I need to stop focusing so hard on it.

And of course your mood was off! Any of us would react the same way, for sure. This community is here in order for us to support one another. So if you need support, in whatever way feels supportive to you, we're not gonna mind giving it to you at all! :)

Hey, are you having any pregnancy symptoms yet? :)

@taurus - OMG I looooove Getting Things Done. In my friends circle, people are constantly asking me if I'd consider taking them as a client, and helping them organize their home/life/things/time/etc. I never do... I learned the hard way a long time ago that it never works out the way people think it will, and there are all too often hurt feelings in the end. But. My point is : I LOVE being productive. I am not a person who is capable of being still and quiet. Haha, it drives my partner batty, because he is *extremely* peaceful and 'go with the flow' type. ;)

@babydreamers - I know right! It's a HUGE dip! Edens told you the way I linked to my chart. I went to the sharing tab, got the bbCode, and c/ped that into my signature. Thanks for the reassurance. It does help. :)

I monkeyed with some settings on FF, took out the + opks, changed from advanced to the other methods, etc. And still no ov detected. Ah well. I promise to stop obsessively obsessing now. Well. Or obsessively obsess less at least!
@Edens - I'd been thinking about you since yesterday too! I am so glad to hear you're feeling better. :)

I wish I could high five your husband! I think it's great that he took the initiative to do so much research, then to give you the support that he thought you needed. Granted, maybe most of us might be upset by the presumptive-ness... especially if we're in a heightened emotional state to begin with, but it turned out for the best. *hughughug*

Merh. You're right... the 'post' temps aren't higher. Maybe I didn't ov when I think I did. But, I mean I guess there is nothing I can do about it no matter what. So I need to stop focusing so hard on it.

And of course your mood was off! Any of us would react the same way, for sure. This community is here in order for us to support one another. So if you need support, in whatever way feels supportive to you, we're not gonna mind giving it to you at all! :)

Hey, are you having any pregnancy symptoms yet? :)

@taurus - OMG I looooove Getting Things Done. In my friends circle, people are constantly asking me if I'd consider taking them as a client, and helping them organize their home/life/things/time/etc. I never do... I learned the hard way a long time ago that it never works out the way people think it will, and there are all too often hurt feelings in the end. But. My point is : I LOVE being productive. I am not a person who is capable of being still and quiet. Haha, it drives my partner batty, because he is *extremely* peaceful and 'go with the flow' type. ;)

@babydreamers - I know right! It's a HUGE dip! Edens told you the way I linked to my chart. I went to the sharing tab, got the bbCode, and c/ped that into my signature. Thanks for the reassurance. It does help. :)

I monkeyed with some settings on FF, took out the + opks, changed from advanced to the other methods, etc. And still no ov detected. Ah well. I promise to stop obsessively obsessing now. Well. Or obsessively obsess less at least!

Ginger, you're hilarious. (obsessively obsessing) :haha:

The only "symptoms" I have are being more bloated than I've ever been in my life and super sore boobs. They're all numb and tingly, very strange. And I finally understand what my mom means when she says she gets bloated before/during her period. I've never been bloated before apparently because I've certainly never felt like this! I feel like I'm a thousand pounds, short of breath, and so weighted down. I shouldn't because I'm relatively thin - 5'6" and 140ish pounds. I had hoped to lose 15ish before getting pregnant but that didn't soon as the wedding passed in June, I seemed to put it all right back on, oh well! :)
ok i very confused now :( 2 days of spotting 3 days apart :( Tender breasts and neasea :( Bodys confused!!!

Edens honey I agree with your husband, continuing to test is a bad idea as it will add more to your worries and stress
@Calasen, do you have a chart on FF? When do you think you ovulated? Could it be ovulation or implantation bleeding?

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