The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

@Edens - OMG look at that little bean in there! Ahh! So itty-bitty! :D :D :D

Afm... I've been super emotional today for no reason whatsoever. I woke up all BLAH-I-don't-wanna-get-out-of-bed-waaaah. I'm all weepy. This is not at all like me. I think this whole stupid ambiguous chart thing is *really* getting to me. I just want to know when I oved, if I oved, if I'm going to ov, if I'll ever ob again. Gah. GAH!

Yesterday the morning OPK I took was halfway to being +, but then the last one I took was almost not there. I dunno what this means. I'd stop taking them, stop all of the charting... but I think I'd be even more of a mess if I didn't have *any* info.

Dang it, I like clear precise information. Whine. Pout. Whine.

I hope all of you are having a wonderful and lovely little non-frustraing day. I'm gonna go watch The Nutcracker and be cheered. :)
Humm ok having had the bleed the other day and the weird pressure sensation i keep getting along with tender boobs and neausea my mind is all over the place right now!! but I promised the man I wouldn't test until after xmas as he don't want me depressed over xmas, which i get... It's just that when I am stressed I bake. In the past 24 hours I have made 21 mince pies, 12 jam tarts, 6 giant jam biscuits, and 42 vanilla cookies, maybe I'm more stressed then i thought? :)

Oh well that was a short lived dream :( Went to the bathroom to find a present from the :witch: :(

Awwww Edens you has a tiny bean!! :)

Aw Calasen, I'm so sorry! I was so hoping this was it for you! :( Lots of hugs headed your way!
Aww calasen, I'm so sorry... :hugs:

Edens- Thanks, I'll probably try that. I mean, it's not like I can do anything about it anyways whether I ov'd or not, I just want to KNOW.

Ginger- Ugh. I'm sorry. I totally understand your frustration!! The not knowing is the WORST. Isn't temping supposed to tell us that definitively???? Grrr. One thing I've tried- and I'm not expert, so take this with a grain of salt- but a few times, I tried peeing and emptying my bladder, then waiting maybe an hour without drinking anything, and then squeezing enough out into a sample cup to dip a test. It seems to me this fresh-post-empty-bladder pee would be MORE concentrated than holding it for hours and letting the kidneys filter more and more liquid out...? I dunno, maybe I'm thinking backwards. But it seems the few times I did this, my OPK was a "darker negative." Of course, mine went darker and lighter all the time, so who knows.

Also, I looked at your chart... and that's a lot of Sleep Deprived days. I'm so sorry. o_O

Yeah..... Sleep Deprived is kinda my baseline. In fact, I stopped tracking that, because I was tired of having the open circles on my chart and I wanted to pretend I could temp like a normal person. :haha: Is it not normal to wake up every time you have to shift position, and toss and turn from about 0300/04000 until wake up time???? Because I honestly can't remember the last time I just slept all night!
Dont worry ladies, your not the only ones not sure when O'd. I had a huge peak in temp on day 12 but OPK wasnt + until day 13, got slight spotting on day 14, so I am not sure. FF just decided today that it was day 13 so I guess Ill believe them.

DH says he doesnt want to know about all the details so there is less pressure but has now asked me three times why I keep checking my temp. Can he really have no idea at all?? So far Ive given him evasive answers about just wanting to see what its doing!

I did read that about 1/3 women dont have an LH surge big enough to detect with an OPK - doesnt mean your any less fertile, but makes OPKs completely useless for them. Maybe give it another month and if still no + give up on it and stick with temping/Cm/CP

I guess the best thing would be to switch off OCD tendencies and stop obsessing about ovulation date - just BD around round O date (!) Im going to stop staring at my chart...Now...

Aaaaaand my crosshairs are gone agin. And my temp this morning dipped *dramatically*, lowest it's been ever. My chat. It makes no sense. I'm gonna cry real tears for real. Ok maybe not *real* tears. But maybe!

Ok LOOK body. I take amazingly good care of you. I eat a diet consisting almost *entirely* of the freshest, most local, organic foods avalible. I cook almost everything I consume from scratch. I've been freaking *vegan* for like 16 years now. I do yoga twice a day, I go climbing weekly, go for super long walks, and ride ye ole bicycle every single day (weather permitting). I take vitamins. I do everything I can to keep you happy and healthy and strong. IS IT REALLY SO MUCH TO ASK THAT YOU JUST BE CLEAR ABOUT WHEV YOU OVULATE?!

Really, body. I'm afraid that if your performance doesn't improve... I'm just going to have to replace you. I'm glad we had this talk. I expect to see you step in line soon. *nods*
Aah, nice pep talk ginger!! I'm sure your body will listen. Looked at your chart... watery CM, CP high and soft, dropped temp... SURELY ov must be around the corner! (Although cd 20? That seems so late! As I'm sure you are well aware...)

AFM.... (dotted) crosshairs finally appeared for real! I even un-discarded all my wacky temps, and they are still there. FINALLY. And I happened to be not-sleep-deprived for once last night, and my temp was still "up" at 97.0, so I'm pretty positive it happened. One more week to go before testing!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
I hope everyone had a marvelous Holiday! Ours was just lovely. We had a relaxed little day, full of smiles and laughter and fun. :)

I am *pretty* sure I had a + opk this morning... but then it was very much gone a few hours later. I don't know what to think anymore. My temps are erratic, my cm has never been ew, my cp is weird.... I often wonder how I ever managed to get pregnant with my first two kids! I'm going to do my veryveryvery best to just stop stressing about all of this, and just... I dunno. Just be? It's very Zen of me and all, but I'll be damned if I know how to accomplish the goal. Ha. :D

My fingers are crossed that the possibly-most-likely-I-really-think-it-was + opk from this morning was actually +. We'll see.

Incidentally, my partner is an environmental engineer. And so he uses all of these different types of testing things, from powder to strips to dip-sticks, and all manner of other things. He's an expert with reading these test strip things, and interpreting them. Haha, he does not think that the opk this morning was +, as it was just a tiny tiny bit lighter than the control line. I told him to take his science-y engineer brain and apply it to something else! (seriously though, it looked just as dark to me as the control line, and also I looked up a ton of examples of + results and mine looked just as + as theirs, so I'm fairly certain) :D
I hope everyone had a marvelous Holiday! Ours was just lovely. We had a relaxed little day, full of smiles and laughter and fun. :)

I am *pretty* sure I had a + opk this morning... but then it was very much gone a few hours later. I don't know what to think anymore. My temps are erratic, my cm has never been ew, my cp is weird.... I often wonder how I ever managed to get pregnant with my first two kids! I'm going to do my veryveryvery best to just stop stressing about all of this, and just... I dunno. Just be? It's very Zen of me and all, but I'll be damned if I know how to accomplish the goal. Ha. :D

My fingers are crossed that the possibly-most-likely-I-really-think-it-was + opk from this morning was actually +. We'll see.

Incidentally, my partner is an environmental engineer. And so he uses all of these different types of testing things, from powder to strips to dip-sticks, and all manner of other things. He's an expert with reading these test strip things, and interpreting them. Haha, he does not think that the opk this morning was +, as it was just a tiny tiny bit lighter than the control line. I told him to take his science-y engineer brain and apply it to something else! (seriously though, it looked just as dark to me as the control line, and also I looked up a ton of examples of + results and mine looked just as + as theirs, so I'm fairly certain) :D

Treat it as a positive, you may have just missed the peak of LH by an hour if they were not quite equal but certainly sounds like it has detected a surge
Hey there everyone - hope you all had a great Christmas. Ours was stressful but good. We told the rest of the family about our little bean which was exciting. I wore my "am I glowing yet?" t-shirt to each of the three gatherings (mom's parents, stepdad's parents, stepmom's parents) and it was fun waiting to see who noticed first. At my stepmom's parent's house, my Memere noticed almost as soon as we walked in the door. At my stepdad's parent's house with 30+ people , it seemed to take forever even though we were all sitting in a circle around all the kids opening their gifts. My 14 year old cousin - who asks if I'm pregnant yet EVERY single time I see her - finally noticed my shirt and went and whispered to my mom "Does that mean she's pregnant?" but was then too shy to blab the news. Her mom was sitting next to me, got up a few minutes later, crossed the room, and on her way back to her seat saw the shirt and SCREAMED. It was hilarious. And at my mom's parent's house, it took a while too. I thought for sure my 25 year old cousin would notice right away and she did but had ZERO idea what it meant. She asked me if I was supposed to be a Christmas tree. Um, yea, she's kinda ditzy, lol! But my granna finally caught on about an hour or so later. Anyway, lots of fun and now everyone in the family knows. We had originally planned to wait to tell but it was just too much fun to tell on Christmas and when everyone is together.

Ginger - if it was that close, take it as a positive! lol. It's strange that your dip was so far before your positive but maybe your temp will dip again tomorrow? Good luck trying to relax on it - I promise the temps and charting does get better and easier to understand after you have a few cycles under your belt! Have you read Taking Charge Of Your Fertility? It was very interesting to read with tons of info...

How's everyone else??
Edens, what a wonderful story you shared with us! I agree with you... I would have totally spilled the beans on christmas, too!! What a perfect way to make your holiday in 2011 super memorable for everyone! I love it!

When is your next appt?! I hope to join you SOON! Can't wait to test in mid January. Probably the 13th or so!

I am so super happy for you! Can't wait to hear more about your pregnancy in the future mos. to come!
Ginger, it sounds like a positive opk to me!!! Get that eggy!!! Hehe sounds like our O date and testing dates will be close together!! I'll be crossing my fingers for our bfp's!!! Good luck!!
My temp shot up this morning, as high as it's ever been. I'm getting this gut instinct that I oved on Christmas. Which is pretty awesome, I think. Oh, if only I believed in fate... ;) But yeah, I think I oved after I did the last opk on Christmas Day, then yesterday morning I was catching the last bit of the surge when I took the opk I am considering a positive. On Christmas, one of the opks I took was also fairly dark, but not *quite* positive.

I'm blathering on like an idiot here, but I don't even care! I'm so excited to have (possibly? maybe? IhopeIhopeIhope!) oved! We've been bding like mad as of late, so I think we're good there. Gosh, I certainly hope we're good there... o_O Here is hoping a bfp comes this cycle. Fingers. Crossed. (for all of us!)

@Edens - I love it! Your 25 year old cousin's reaction is utterly adorable. Makes one want to pat her head and bless her little heart (in a good way!). ;) It's so exciting that you got to tell everyone on Christmas! Did you show anyone the video of your husband finding out? It's really just the best reaction. :D

@Taurus - Ohh, yay! I hope your ov comes right on time. I'm not sure how I'm going to not drive myself utterly batty during the next couple of weeks, and refrain from testing every single day, and not symptom-spot like an obsessive obsessor. Perhaps sitting on my hands will keep me from testing constantly... hmm... Nah. Best to chain myself to the radiator, I think. ;) Good luck to you, I hope you get your bfp this cycle!
Ginger- oh yea!! Thats great news!! I'll be thinking of you during the tww!!! I wonder how many BFP's qt are going to get on this thread this cycle!
And btw, I'm the same when it comes to testing! I start at like 5 dpo Hahaha like a crazy person!

I've started tracking all my symptoms daily on fertilityfriend... I am having the same light, dull achey feeling i had last month and the month before when i O'd... So I am either getting ready to O or I am today, I think. Lol not really sure its just the same consistent feeling at the same time each cycle. Seems like everything is lining up just right since my previous cycle so my fingers are seriously crossed... Lets throw in fingers, toes, arms, too... All crossed. Lol
I'm scared ladies. My temp came down a bit yesterday which I didn't think much about but it came down further today. I'm so scared I'm going to miscarry and there isn't anything I can do about it. I know you guys can't do anything but I feel like a zombie. I can't concentrate and I certainly don't want to be at work right now... :cry:
Don't worry Edens! When do you go to the doc again? Maybe u can call and go in?? I'm sure all is well... I'll be thinking of you... Praying for a very sticky bean!!!! Keep us updated...and as hard as it sounds, do whatever u can to relax so you don't stress as much!
My next appt isn't until 1/13. There isn't anything I could do if I went in today unfortunately. It's too early to search for a heartbeat to confirm everything is okay so there isn't much to look for. I'm trying to hold out hope but...
Very true! I didnt even think about that!!! I seriously bet everything is just fine. I'd continue to temp and just relax until then. Could def be a fluke! Have you googled to see if other moms had the same experience before? Thats what I'm going to do now!
Found this old thread and stalked her profile... Her temps dropped early and she had a healthy baby girl!
I wish I could see her chart. Mine isn't just "a bit". I did find a couple threads on other boards through a google search but they were all one-time-things like temp dropped today and went back up the next, I couldn't find any where it dropped two days in a row... :(
I'm scared ladies. My temp came down a bit yesterday which I didn't think much about but it came down further today. I'm so scared I'm going to miscarry and there isn't anything I can do about it. I know you guys can't do anything but I feel like a zombie. I can't concentrate and I certainly don't want to be at work right now... :cry:


I looked at your chart... but I'm honestly no help there. I am certain, however, that everyone is very different. I know the 'idea' or 'typical' chart would show sustained high temps, but I've seen many charts which resulted in happy healthy babies that did not follow the higher temps pattern.

It's really no help to say this, as I'm sure you already know it... but try to just breathe. Try to keep your mind busy. You haven't had a 'typical' conception path... so why should your chart after pregnancy be 'typical'? (maybe?) Try to keep in mind that no matter what, you're awesome, and it's going to be alright.

*morehugs* Hang in there. Breathe. :)

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