The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Calasen- that IS odd! Could be implantation! Was it bright red spotting? Are you going to wait a while to test again or 2 weeks from your O date?
Calasen- that IS odd! Could be implantation! Was it bright red spotting? Are you going to wait a while to test again or 2 weeks from your O date?

was dark brown on both occassions :( Trying to avoids testing at all to be honest have a family crisis at the moment so don;t think i could handle the disappointment

I use OPK's honey :)
oh :) Okay, that works too then. Have you ever continued taking OPKs even after your positives just to see if you're getting doubles? Maybe that's why you've had such long cycles lately? Because your body is gearing up to ov but then doesn't? That happened to a friend of mine....she ended up getting positives like three times several weeks apart before she finally oved....
Well I think it sounds positive. Will always keep my fingers crossed for you, calasen!!

Good point, edens. I've never heard of that before! Sounds worth looking into!
doctors have decided it must be because of all the meds i am on :( maybe next cycle i takes a whole months worth of tests?
Calasen that's what I did. I bought the opk pack from target that has 20 in it and did one every morning until I got a + and then I kept doing them anyway. I have finally run out but next month I plan on doing the same thing and buying the big pack of 20 again. They aren't that expensive, like $15 for pack of 20.
@BabyO & Calasen - I do the same thing. As soon as I bought the OPKs I started using them, and I've used them every day since. I am/was so paranoid of missing the lh surge, and thus my ov, that I also did/do them multiple times per day.

Haha, not that it's cleared anything up for me! Oh no sir, that would be too simple for my body. Grumble. :) FF still has not given me crosshairs, even though my temps continue to rise/stay high/whatever. Ah well. I suppose I've always been nothing if not abnormal. Why should this be any different? :p

I've been feeling mighty 'odd' lately. I went to sleep at 9:00pm last night, and slept right on through till my alarm went off at 6:00am. That *never* happens. I took a nap yesterday too. And I am, bizarrely, salivating like a mad beast. My tummy has been so off that eating has not been prudent. And I just feel al around down, physically and emotionally. I figure either af is about to happen, I'm coming down with something/fighting something off, or this is what ov feels like now that I don't have Mirena to interfere with hormonal things. No matter what though, I feel weird. o_O

Hopefully today I do considerably more than I did yesterday, and manage to avoid napping midday. I certainly got enough sleep last night that it shouldn't be a problem!

How are all of you? How is your post-Holiday-week going?
Ok I had ewcm, then it was gone... Then it came back full force and last night I had serious twinges for a few right where my left ovary is. Wahooo!! I always cramp for like 2 days, very mild... Then BAM I feel these Sharp little twinges... 2 weeks later af shows. Hopefully last month was the last of her for a while!! Oddly enough, I only ever feel the pain if its on the left side. Anyone else ever had somethin likethisduring O? This month it was acting a bit different, thought I might have already o'd but I'm sure of it now.
Ok I had ewcm, then it was gone... Then it came back full force and last night I had serious twinges for a few right where my left ovary is. Wahooo!! I always cramp for like 2 days, very mild... Then BAM I feel these Sharp little twinges... 2 weeks later af shows. Hopefully last month was the last of her for a while!! Oddly enough, I only ever feel the pain if its on the left side. Anyone else ever had somethin likethisduring O? This month it was acting a bit different, thought I might have already o'd but I'm sure of it now.

YAY! Get to bding! :D :D :D Good luck and fingers crossed for you!
Thanks ginger. I am 99% sure I O'd in the wee hours if the morning... So I am going to consider myself 1dpo tomorrow! FX for a fast tww.... Yea right. Lol in my dreams.

As for this week... I'm trying to stay busy at home. I'm feeling very tired... i think its the weather change, a lot of people are getting sick! It snows, then gets warm and melts the next day, then freezes, then is warm... It's messing me up!! Headaches and sinus issues are getting stronger so I wouldnt be surprised if i woke up with a full on cold tomorrow. I need a new project to keep me busy! I'm always on pinterest looking up organizational stuff, crafts, and recipes! Helps me pass the time!
Edens- we did late last night! DH is at work and we are totally gonna bd again as soon as he gets home around 830. Lol
BTW how are you feeling today?
The nausea is setting in and I can't seem to get enough sleep. The exhaustion has been going for maybe 7-10 days now but the nausea started this morning. Haven't lost anything yet, but my tummy is definitely not happy...

I'm guessing it's a good thing though. After the scare a couple days ago, any sign of pregnancy - even nausea - is very welcome. I'm already counting down the days until my next scan and am so tempted to go in and ask for things to be checked out now but I don't know what they'd be able to see at this point so I'm trying to behave!
Well I think the oncoming of more symptoms is definitely a GREAT sign of hormones climbing! Your little bean is growing!! Oh I hope I get my BFP this month so we can be bump buddies! I'm glad you are feeling better! Send me some of your preggy vibes! Lol
@taurus - Oh! oh! Oh! We're tww buddies! Yay! :D I hope we both get bfps this cycle. Hopehopehope...

@edens - So, I have a HUGE amount of experience with Tummy Issues, due to the fact that I have both gastroparesis and chron's. It's no fun, but it's life, and I live with it. So I can totally give you completely unasked-for advise! (aren't you lucky! feel free to tell me where I can take my totally unasked-for advise... :p)

Try smelling lemons. Seriously. It's used in chemo patients who can't take any meds. For me, it's been the only thing that's helped countless hundreds of times, when I can't hold down even liquids. It's my go-to for nausea now.

Other things that help : powdered or fresh very very thinly sliced ginger either under your tongue or just in your mouth (not enough to chew or swallow, we're talking a *tiny* bit here) for a few minutes, there is a pressure point just barely above both eyebrows and about an inch to either side of the top of the bridge of your nose (press firmly but gently for 60 - 90 seconds, stop for 30 - 60 seconds, repeat ad nauseum), slowly consuming something salty and non-dairy (for me it's typically veggie stock with NOTHING at all in it - completely 100% liquid only), and just breathing deeply and slowly and focusing on breathing for awhile.

Typically, dairy of any kind, corn (in ANY form! including corn syrup, corn starch, etc), tomatoes, onions, garlic, pears, black-eyed peas, broccoli, all citrus fruits, agave nectar, caffeine, and alcohol are all big time 'trigger' foods for any person's nausea for any reason.

Hopefully my totally unasked-for advise helps somehow...

OK! We're cool with TMI here yeah?

If you're not alright with TMI, you should stop reading here.

You were warned! :D

Soooooooo... Today there is this WHOLE HUGE TON of cm I am having. Like. A lot. Like. way way more than I can ever remember having before ever in my life. And it's thick and creamy. It's not infection kind of thick and creamy... it's just regular thick and creamy, but there is a LOT of it. All day. There is no off oder, no itching, no other thing at all. Just a huge amount of cm. o_O

What the crap is going on with my hormones?! Gah! Gaaaaaah!!

(but other than being extremely and strangely tired, I'm feeling a ton better today. I baked two loaves of bread, made a -giant- stock pot of black bean soup, three dozen chocolate chip cookies, and cleaned out the entire pantry & washed the shelves and stuff. I'm feeling much better after Getting Things Done! :D )
The nausea is setting in and I can't seem to get enough sleep. The exhaustion has been going for maybe 7-10 days now but the nausea started this morning. Haven't lost anything yet, but my tummy is definitely not happy...

I'm guessing it's a good thing though. After the scare a couple days ago, any sign of pregnancy - even nausea - is very welcome. I'm already counting down the days until my next scan and am so tempted to go in and ask for things to be checked out now but I don't know what they'd be able to see at this point so I'm trying to behave!

:thumbup: Did I read your were 5 +something weeks? Likely too small to see a heartbeat yet so you'll probably have to wait it out. When is your next scan booked? In the meantime pregnancy symptoms have got to be reassuring - even if they are unpleasant!
Here goes for some more warranted advise: The other year I got sick with dengue fever and had overwhelming nausea for around 2/52 (so bad I couldnt think about anything else). I found ginger was helpful - I sipped ginger beer and ate a ginger biscuit, or else ice water with a slice of lemon (maybe it was the smell)
My sister found eating a dry cracker before getting out of bed helped control her morning sickness.

I am now 11 dpo (I think) and as with every month so far am going completely crazy. Each month I develop a "Hysterical pregnancy" including nausea, dizziness, sore breasts and cramps. I swear I even get a bit pot-bellied! Im obsessively looking for spotting/checking CM and testing every day (Im ashamed to admit on occasion twice a day!) Im pretty sure they've all been BFN so far but every month I convince myself I have a weak positive as I swear I can see a second line if I rotate the HPT back and forth under a bright light with my eyes squinting and a little cross eyed!:dohh:
Is anyone else going this nuts? I keep telling myself not to test but always give in! If I dont work out a way of controlling this obsession im going to end up in the local looney bin!:blush:
PLUS Im going to fail my exam if I dont get focussed = my main aim was to get it out of the way BEFORE I have a baby so I dont have to juggle both
Sorry for the rant, would be far too embarrassed to let anyone here know what i have been up to (even DH)! Feel like I need to get it off my chest.
@dreamers: I think there must be something wrong with me because I NEVER think about testing! I had a positive OPK the morning of Dec. 22. We BDed the 20, 22, 23, & 24 (then Christmas traveling hell took over our lives) and testing for a BFP just hasn't entered my mind at all!

I will count up the days to determine when I can test, and then the next day I can't remember what the date was so I have to add it up all over again. I finally settled with testing on the 12th and my friend drilled it into my head, but knowing me I'll probably forget. I guess for me I don't expect to get pregnant the first month of trying and I've totally convinced myself that because I just had my Mirena taken out that my lining will be too thin for implantation anyway. I suppose I should just be happy that I don't have testing stress.

I even picked up another box of OPKs today to prepare for next month (I did put them back as that would be silly to pre-purchase, but that's how convinced I am that I'm not preggo.)

I'll try to rub off a little on you if you try to rub off a little on me!

As a side note, I don't think you are crazy at all. I think I am the nutty one!
@dreamers: I think there must be something wrong with me because I NEVER think about testing! I had a positive OPK the morning of Dec. 22. We BDed the 20, 22, 23, & 24 (then Christmas traveling hell took over our lives) and testing for a BFP just hasn't entered my mind at all!

I will count up the days to determine when I can test, and then the next day I can't remember what the date was so I have to add it up all over again. I finally settled with testing on the 12th and my friend drilled it into my head, but knowing me I'll probably forget. I guess for me I don't expect to get pregnant the first month of trying and I've totally convinced myself that because I just had my Mirena taken out that my lining will be too thin for implantation anyway. I suppose I should just be happy that I don't have testing stress.

I even picked up another box of OPKs today to prepare for next month (I did put them back as that would be silly to pre-purchase, but that's how convinced I am that I'm not preggo.)

I'll try to rub off a little on you if you try to rub off a little on me!

As a side note, I don't think you are crazy at all. I think I am the nutty one!

Thanks! Maybe you shouldnt test until after you miss a period by a few days (Id NEVER be able to wait that long!) I think for me once I did the first one it sort of opened the flood gates. And then I brought 25 HPTs on the internet. Its sort of like having chocolate in the house - if Ive got them there I have compulsion to use them! I could definately do with a bit of forgetting to test - I do wonder if you'll be dying to test by mid next week though! Good luck!:happydance:
Officially 1dpo!! Yaaaaaay! :) can't wait to see just how crazy I get this time around. Haha I have the sane problem someone else mentioned (hysterical pregnancy)! Lol I need projects to do around the house to keep me busy. I found an article called, 'get your house organized Im 7 days'... So around 6-7dpo when it starts gettibg really bad with me wanting to test, I'm going to keep myself occupied with that. Good luck to myself. what do you guys do when you are trying to fight the urge to test and when trying to keep yourself occupied?
@Taurus - Sending you and everyone LOTS of pregnancy vibes! Would love to be bump buddies with all of you!! Congrats on being 1dpo! Fingers crossed for you!!

@Ginger - Thanks for the advice about lemons - I'll give it a try....I can't do ginger though. I absolutely *hate* ginger - I can't handle gingerbread cookies, pumpkin, chai tea, anything with ginger in it. And it doesn't matter how little the amount is, it's like my taste buds can still taste it and the whole appetite is ruined! I meant to put crackers by my bedside last night for this morning and totally forgot since I fell asleep on the couch about 7pm last night but this morning wasn't too bad. I was dizzy and got a bit carsick while driving myself to work but I just ate a peanut butter sandwich and am feeling better for now. :)

And about your super amounts of creamy CM, it could be a good sign! I've always heard that lots of CM was the first pregnancy sign for lots of women. It backfired for me because I always had lots every single month but of course my body has to be completely the opposite as everyone else. I had ZERO cm after ovulation which was completely unheard of for me and sure enough, there was the bfp. But maybe your body will be more "normal" and lots of CM means baby on the way! :) When do you test?

@babydreamer - Yes, I'm 5w5d today so I know it would be extremely unlikely to see the hearbeat. My friend saw her baby's at 5w4d but it was still forming and super slow so the doctor freaked and told my friend she was m/cing. She didn't, thank goodness. She went back in for a scan at 6w1d and everything was perfectly fine. She's now somewhere around 9 weeks. My next scan is on Jan 13th at 7w5d. Sorry you're embarrassed about symptom spotting and testing daily. I think it's pretty common with those of us who are really trying. My mom certainly thought I was crazy and I rarely tested before the day AF was due if I even tested at all! But she had two oops babies and never had to worry about "trying" so it's different for her. Sending loads of dust to you so you won't have to keep testing for much longer!

@BabyO - I think that's a good thing you don't stress over testing! Some months I'd forget how many DPO I was and some months I'd be counting it down. Who knows, maybe by being SO relaxed about it, you'll get your bfp sooner! :) Do you at least count out when you'll be oving? I did always make sure to know that time period! hehe

@Calasen - How are you doing hun?

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