The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Hi ladies. I am way behind on everyone but I will do my best here....
Molly- ewcm is so tricky! But with both of your "patches" it sounds like you got some at the right time. Good job DH! Hehehe. Fingers crossed for you that this is lucky number 13. :)

Dreamers- I am soo eager for your u/s. I know it will help you to feel much better. I heard my little one's HB on the Doppler at 10 + 5, but I did not try any sooner. I think it depends a lot on where the placenta is, how much "padding" the mother has and the quality of the Doppler.
Did you say you'd been experiencing cramping? What is that like lately? I had some cramping, too, but all was well.

Calasen- enjoy your trip! I would love to see pictures, too :)

Babyo- hope you have a wonderful time in Italy. Sounds dreamy :)
Good news about the IVF. We miss you around here when you are not around, but do whatever feels good and we are always here when and if you feel like chatting.

Hi Stacey!

Jcombs- sure seems like something fishy is up with Mirena, do keep us posted.

Hardworkinmom- congrats. Some gals get lucky! Sticky dust to you!

Edens- what did you decide to do for work and the house?
argh...I had a reply all typed out on DH's phone and then it crashed so I lost it!

oh well! here goes again...

Dreamers - I can't recall exactly when I first found her heartbeat but it was somewhere around 7-8 weeks with a Sonoline B 3mghz that I bought online for appx $50. It was certainly stressful when I wasn't able to find her heartbeat later though so I completely understand your hesitation.

Rainy - I'm 99% certain I'm not going back but I'm supposed to meet with my boss this week to go over things. Not going back will put our home buying on hold for probably another year which really sucks but I think it's best for Abigail if I don't go back and stay home with her and she's my top priority now. :)
dreamers, glad the doc was well behaved! i cant wait for your scan either... woop woop!! with DS... i went to the doc at 6 weeks and they didnt hear anything... i went back at 8 weeks and it sounded great! she let me know also that it depends on padding on the mama, like liz said, and the placenta placement. i had an anterior placenta (i think thats right) where the thickest part was against my belly...they were surprised to hear the hb at 8 weeks once they got an ultrasound! I am still so excited for you- i hope this is the month i get to join you in pregnancy-hood. lol

mellissa- sounds like you have a nice plan...and i agree, i think waiting another year to buy a house seems like a fair trade for being able to be home for the first year. I would have LOVED to do that! when i had DS i was not in a position to do so. I regret not doing better planning so if I was in your shoes... i would totally do it! :)

congrats hardatworkmom!! lucky lady! rub some of that fertility goodness off on me... as gross as that could potentially sound! lol you know what i mean! send some my way! wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

stacey- how are ya woman?! whats going on??

afm, i found some HPT's mellissa sent me! i thought i used them all! best day ever. haha Thanks again, for the millionth time. now i have some ic's, a digi and 2 frer's. i am ready for the POS extravaganza next week. haha
come on little eggy! let's do this! a June baby sounds so dreamy right now... and this will be nice timing as DS's 4th birthday is in May...and ill have time to make him feel really special for his last birthday as an only child :) he has been telling me he wants a brother!
Rainy - how are you feeling? Can you feel any movements yet?

Garden - I agree, extra time at home is definately worth holding off the house buying. Im sure you wont regret it

Taurus - REALLY hope you get to join me this month as well, and were both lucky with sticky beans! Thats lovely that DS wants a brother! So exciting.
Hya Ladies!!!

Dreamers- I can't wait for your U/S!!!! **praying everything goes well**

Mellissa- Sounds like a good plan! It is definitely worth the wait! Being a SAHM is hard, But definitely rewarding!

Molly- **FX'D** Hoping this is the month for you!!!! Missed ya!

Liz- 18 Weeks!! WOoohoo!! How are you feeling? Can you feel HER moving yet??? Its a girl I KNOW IT! :D

Operation- I'm sooo jealous!!! Hoping you're having an awesome time!! Take lots of pictures :D

Congrats to the new preggo's!

afm- Nothing new to report, I haven't been as preoccupied with my fertility lol. My appointment is next week. Not all that excited about that either! I think after my appointment I'll just go to nt/np. I've gotten use to taking my temps in the morning so I usually wake up right one time for that. So I might just keep doing that. I started some spotting, so maybe af is fixing to show her nasty face? as sad as it is that I haven't ovulated in 10 months, af without progesterone is good :) My sister came over to hang out with me while DH was at work, and I had sooo much fun putting my hand on her belly and feeling my niece move around! I can't wait for her to get here!
wow so much to catch up on, will try tomorrow, tired from travel at the moment.

As for me though no AF still and getting :bfn: :(
stacey- i love your positive outlook. it IS great that you could be getting af without progesterone. it seems like your body is getting it together :) i feel so good and hopeful for you..and im personally EXCITED for your appt! i think you are going to get a bounty of great information and hopefully some answers and a game plan.

calasen, no af is still a good sign right now. ive got everything crossed for ya! cant wait to hear about your trip!

afm, af due anywhere from 2-7 days from now. trying to hold off testing as LONG as possible. i am so weak its pathetic. haha my willpower to not POAS is non existent. im off work tomorrow but work all weekend so that should keep my brain preoccupied for a bit longer.
Hello lovely ladies!

How is everyone doing? I've got a few pages to read back through!
Huge congratulations to those who've gotten a BFP! Dreamers I'm so chuffed for you hun, fingers an toes crossed that your little bean is hanging on with superglue in there!

afm I started my maternity yesterday! So emotional, going to miss all the staff an kiddies so much! Seriously shattered though, going to enjoy putting my feet up for a bit I think, and looking forward to having the time to keep in touch with you guys too!

Lots of love an hugs to everyone xx
ok weird question, Stillno AF after nearly 2 months but took first of the 100mg of clomid for this month to try to trigger either ovulation or AF. Since the time about when that dose of Clomid should have triggered ovulation though I have had a constant pressure low down in my abdomen/uterous area. Any ideas what this can be?
Have an app booked with my Dr but hes away for the next week and can't get to see him till the 23rd.
Hey hun, I took clomid for two cycles before I caught, an I can remember that feeling. It was like my uterus/ovaries were being forced to do something they didn't really want to do. It passed though when af arrived. I found my cervix was ultra ultra sensitive too. I never got round to asking what exactly it was, but that's what it felt like to me. Sorry I can't be more helpful! Did you enjoy your honeymoon??x
was only a mini honeymoon spent a few days visiting friends and went to a safari park :) I'm hoping this feeling passes its so uncomfortable
hi ladies!

calasen- that doesnt sound pleasant. hope that feeling passes soon-- but maybe something really great is going on in there! fx fx :) any update? your trip sounds amazing! pics, pls!! lol

lucy- good to hear from you! i hope you are relaxing nicely and enjoying your maternity leave. its such a crazy feeling, isnt it?? i bet they are going to miss you so much! its time for you to get as much resting and "you" time as you can before the LO arrives :)

afm, started my usual pre-af dull cramping. tested this morning on CD29, bfn. i could go all the way up to CD34 so i guess ill keep hanging in there. i could be anywhere from 6-10DPOish, but im definitely feeling OUT!
Molly- I sure hope that uterus is playing tricks on you! I remember one month feeling so "different" I had very strange feelings that I was sure was the bean implanting and that month BFN. When we conceived I really felt what I thought was typical PMS. You never know!

Calasen- hope the clomid is doing something to get your lady parts workin overtime! Are you and hubby still enjoying the bliss of just getting married?

Dreamers- how are you doing?

Stacey- I forgot to check your chart and see if you started AF yet.

Lucy- How's your son doing? Is he excited for the baby coming?

AFM- I am feeling movements, though not all the time, just a few times a day. I am really excited about the ultrasound on Wednesday, but I started panicking and wondering if what I thought were movements is actually just gas and worried that something is wrong with the baby. Sometimes these scary thoughts just come out of nowhere and take hold. I am feeling better now and am back to believing that the baby moving is the baby. Though I AM gassy. :)
liz, thank you... that gave me a bit of reassurance. i hope my uterus is playing tricks on me, too! i am NOT getting the weird pressure on the right side like i have had in previous months. makes me wonder if i have a cyst on my right ovary or something. paranoia maybe. lol
hopefully i will just take a test in a few days and ill be super pregnant. *wishful thinking*
cant wait for your US on wednesday! its SO close! you are gonna see that beautiful little one dancing like crazy in there! i am team blue for you right now!

afm, my son has been sick the past few days...and today-- it hit me! stuffy nose, and it feels like my throat is *right* on the verge of being sore... if you know what i mean. lol like you just know when you wake up the next morning its going to be sore. blah.
im just gonna be honest right now and say ill be testing every day until af shows. lol
You're still in with a good chance taurus! Fingers crossed for you, and hope you and your son feel better soon!
Rainy my son cannot wait for baby bless him! Could have gone either way with a teenage lad, but luckily he's more excited than me at the moment! I'm just bricking it about the delivery lol! Sooo looking forward to hearing how your little one is doing tomorrow! Fantastic that he/she is moving about so much! Are you going to find out what you're having?? Oh the gas is hilarious lol, doesn't seem to matter what you eat, the gas just keeps coming!!! I did I spent many many days blaming my class full kids for my trumping lol, and they never twigged it was me!!!!

How is everyone doing??
had the TINIEST amount of pink tinged cm EVER yesterday around 6pm, one time. its 10:21pm the next day and nothing yet. im so nervous af is gonna show during my sleep and ill wake up to it. ugh. lol pray to the fertility gods for me tonight, ladies!

whats everyone up to tonight? im watching the presidential debate, ready to pull my hair out. lol DS seems to be almost back to 100% and I still feel kind of yucky! Hopefully I feel better by Thursday when I go back to work.
Hi ladies -

Taurus- fingers crossed for you that AF stays away! When will you test again?
Lucy - have you got big plans for your maternity leave?
Stacey - how are you honey? How long until your drs appt?

AFM - warning **mega update**
Ive been missing in action because we went to Brisbane for a family wedding for a few days.

Morning sickness kicked in big time before we went so I struggled as I need to eat every 3 hours or feel terrible, and cant eat more than 1/2 a normal meal at a time without feeling really unwell, I felt like everyone was trying to force feed me until I popped!

Then I started spotting really lightly on Sunday and was devastated. It was just like the bleeding started last time, but still felt really sick, so wasnt sure what to think. I called my ob and they fitted me in today for a quick ultrasound - at which she reassured me, we have a single blob with a heart beat at 156 bpm! NO suggestion of anything being wrong at all on ultrasound. I am so thrilled. I cried AGAIN (I dont think Ive ever seen this doctor without crying! Oh dear!)

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