The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

I don't think there is anything wrong with you still hoping to be pregnant. And it very well could be a surge from pregnancy instead of bcp. As long as you know what the risks/chances are I think its perfectly acceptable to still hope.
Pghmmy... it isn't ridiculous to still hope to be pregnant... we all want a baby and can feel for your situation... you know how much u can handle so if you're willing to go through more than normal appointments/care then it's your choice... I applaud you for your courage.

I am going through my own share of confusing medical mysteries after having Mirena so I know how you feel so to speak... I send well wishes your way :hugs:
If you get pregnant... isn't there something safe for pregnancy that will help? I have to bust out my pharmacy book and look but I'm sure theres gota be something else...
I am looking and wondering around the forums, are there any women who have been in my sort of situation and what the doctors told them? I am still wondering about the pregnancy vs estrogen from bcp and what can cause it to show up so fast.

We still arent preventing, I have a latex allergy to boot, and we want a baby and I am not freaking out like yesterday. I am just curious any ideas, or input is great. I was cleared in October, then I was looked at twice in four days two weeks ago, all clear and then yesterday she sees a "significantly large" then hell does a non existant spot become a huge one in 2 weeks...weird.
Oh phgmmy :( I'm really not sure what to say to help :( There should be a post somewhere about dealing with trying/being pregnant while dealing with cancer, I think i remember one at least but theses forums are so popular itsa hard to find them sometimes.

I have no choice right now as the only other pain killing option for me is currently morphine, but since they are starting to talk about me needing a wheel chair I am after anything to help prevent that at the moment
Running through for a quick update on Baby Boy. My bump didn't grow enough in the past two weeks so if it hasn't grown enough by next week I go for another US. I'm trying to not worry but it's really hard not to worry!
:( Oh operation :( will keep things crossed for you, but if they do need to induce it should be ok at 37 weeks darling :(

Our neice just had the same situation and now has a stunning baby boy :) hes a little small but nothing major :) xxxx

Sending healthy growing thoughts your way :)
Pghmmy I hope you get answersw soon.

OperationBbyO I hope everything is ok, But I agree with Calasen if the need comes to induce then im sure everything will be ok. At 37 weeks everything should be safe and okay to deliver. I do hope you carry full term and everything is okay though.
It's lovely to see all you new ladies on here and reviving the thread!

Calasen hun I'm so sorry about the new meds. You're doing fabulously on the weight loss; keep it up! Hope the swimming helps again!

BabyO - Try not to stress. I'm sure Baby Boy is fine and he'll be perfect even if he comes a bit early. Abigail came at 36+2 and was perfect though small. She grew SO quickly once born though; you'd never know now!
So today I am 2dpo. I feel like I'm further then that though. Yesterday I started to have pain in my hips and legs, also very itchy and sore bbs. Today my left hip hurts sooo much and my bbs are still itchy but feel somewhat full/bigger. I'm super hungry today but I take a few bites of my sandwich and I'm super full. I am trying not to symptom spot, but the soreness in my hips and the itchy bbs are so prominent that its not something I can ignore.

How is everyone doing today?
Hey everybody...

BabyO... wishing you well these next few weeks... dnt stress... babies born after 36 weeks are small but they do well... :hugs: darling

Pghmmy... not sure what to say... best advice right now is to google...

Garden... hope all is well

Cala... well for right now stick to what they prescribed you and if its working then just be cautious... if you get preggy call your dr ASAP and see what can be done...

Dawn... hopefully its a sign of a :bfp: yay! Will you be testing in 12 days if AF dnt show her face?

AFM: went to dr today for pap and ended up with a breast exam, a new Rx and alot of negative nonesense... Pap went as expected... breast exam was good... new Rx is Aviane which is bc pills I've been told I must take for 6 months but they're supposed to stop my period again like the Mirena... how is that supposed to help regulate my period???? Ugh... I was also told Im depressed and I need to find happiness somewhere, I have an acne problem most likely cystic acne from the Mirena that needs to be taken care of by a dermatologist, I needa join a gym because I'm a lil flabby, I should have been having more sex to try and have a baby at least every other day, I need give up trying to have a baby because I have too many other symptoms and no one know what my issue is and because my bleeding is sooooo bad I probably can't get pregnant anyways because the lining of my uterus is too thick for and egg to implant... the list goes on and on... my appointment was an hour... I'm pretty much ruined. I feel like I got thrown in the middle of the road and a million cars have run me over a million times... all I wanted was a pap smear and to ask why the Medroxyprogesterone mademe so violently sick (day 2 of Medroxyprogesterone I woke up with a severe headache and vomiting)... today is so not my day....
Daddys that is the plan yes. Hopefully I get my bfp soon. Right now I'm just looking out for that IB. I have tons of cm right now though, I felt like I had started my af because I had so much last night. (tmi sorry!)

I am sorry your appt went so bad. But when its all said and done with hopefully you will be much healthier and ready to get down to baby makin right away!
Dawn... I'm excited for you! Glad to hear that you have lots of cm! Hope you guys caught the egg! Post as soon as you know kay!

You know what sucks bout my situation? They say I'm healthy! Everything looks good...? Supposedly she told me all that stuff to get me to work on so I wnt think bout ttc... ?

Sad... just sad.
I feel like some providers can be so insensitive when people are TTC. They need a class in what not to say to Mommy hopefuls. I'm frustrated for you and sorry that Mirena screwed up your system. I'm hoping pregnancy will reset mine since Mirena really did a number on my hormone levels.
I hope for your sake pregnancy resets your body too babyo. It obviously reset mine without my knowledge, lol!
Thanks BabyO... I have decided to change drs once I get my authorizations for a specialist...

Hope all goes well with your lil baby! 38 weeks is a good time to come out... lil baby should do fantastic! :hugs:
Welcome to all the new ladies!!!

Bbyo- *praying everything's ok*

Daddy's girl- I would definitely change doctors!
Quick update on maddix!!! My 4 pound preemie is now 12 weeks old (4 adjusted) and 13.8 pounds!!!!!he still has severe gerd, although a product called gelmix has been a lifesaver, also very colicky:( but precious!!!

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