The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Calasen, I hate pap smears. Two weeks is a long time to wait, I would be going nuts.
DaddysGirl, how are you feeling today? I hope all is well.
Tanasha, I hope your removal today went smooth. It didn't real hurt when they removed mine. It was a quick pinch then like 30 seconds of cramps and that was it.
DaddysGirl, how are you feeling? Have you found anything out yet?

Calasen, I hope you are doing well. Two weeks seems like forever away to wait for test results. How do you keep busy and not constantly thinking about it, if that's possible?

TaNasha, I hope getting the mirena went smooth for you. Are you going to be going straight to ttc or taking a break?
they say two weeks but thats usually only if there is a problem, got results today, totally normal, so another non answer as to the missing periods, oh well its not like I even thought I'd get the slightest glimmer of hope after 5 years, don't even feel like IVF is ever gonna be an option at this rate. I need to lose more then half my body weight still to even qualify :(
Stupid comment of the day *you should be happy your not getting periods*

Ermmmmm NO cos we are TRYING to get pregnant!

D'oh! :dohh:
Well I guess the results are good and bad. Good that everything came back clear, bad that you still have no answers. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. But don't you ever lose hope! It will happen when its the right time. :hugs: I can't believe someone said that to you. Did they know you are trying? Dint get me wrong I use to be excited when had no periods but now that we are ttc a period is much needed to get the process going.

AFM: this week is suppose to be my ovulation week. :happydance: I'm so excited! Let the :sex: begin!! I have been having cramps the past few days along with heartburn from hell. I hope it goes away so I can enjoy this week.
Thank you all for the warm welcomes! :kiss:

Daddysgirl, have you had your results yet? I have my fingers crossed for you! x

Dawnitta, get on it and have fun with the BD! And here's to hoping you have your BFP in 2 weeks!

Calasen, that comment does totally suck! I am so sorry you have to wait so long to qualify for IVF. Are you following a specific diet to lose weight?

So I had my Mirena removed Friday and I was expecting to almost bleed out on the table (sorry TMI!) but there has not been even a drop of blood and it did not hurt at all! So I have no idea where I am in my cycle, the dr. said we can start ttc straigt away so offcourse we have been following the Dr.s orders :winkwink: . I am not expecting anything to happen anytime soon, but it can't hurt to try!
Daddys do we have any updates honey?

Dawn - GFI!!! the more :sex: the better :)

Tan - a lot of women do catch in the very first time so keep at it :)

As for me - yes they know, they also came out with "your trying too hard" Well gee thats what we have done wrong for the past 5 fecking years!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Feeling really down tonight, struggling with my own failings on getting pregnant and lacking the motivation to continue on the weight loss etc. Never wanted to curl up with a giant bar of chocolate and cry more at any point in my life then now :(

It's not a set meal type of plan but am under a dietiton and I am disabled so needs to be monitored, last weight in I had a set back and gained back 2ilbs, seems so small written down but when my disabilities mean that 2 ilbs weight loss a month is around all i can hope for, its a huge set back, and ofc i bottle it up and hide from my husband :( Getting back to swimming again tomorrow after let downs and illness has stopped me for a month, i am hoping that the lack of the swimming is why i had the set back and not that the changes of diet have stopped working.
Tanasha, after doing lots of research on the internet I thought the same thing when I got mine out lol. But look we are still alive! Lol

Calasen, after 5 years of trying I don't think there is such a thing as trying to hard. You have been so strong through this entire process don't give up now! Have you tried juicing? Idk what kind of medical problems you have or if it would be good for you but its something to look into. Even if its just for 5-7 days. OH and I haven't told anyone we are ttc because we don't want the comments. That and I think my parents would freak considering we are not married. OH and I own our own house and are very stable in our life so there is no reason we should not try.
we have tried everything we can honey, the specialists and my body are telling us that IVF is our only chance, but theres a part of us that will always hope that it will just happen one day for us
:hi: Hey there ladies...

TaNasha... glad removal went well... have all the :sex: you can and I'm hoping for you to get a :bfp: in 2 weeks!

Dawnnita... how's things? Hopefully this is your week and lots of :sex: gets you your :bfp: in 2 weeks as well!

Calasen... dnt give up darling... you want this and have been trying this long... just keep your head up and keep doing what your doing... your weight loss is coming along so dnt let one set back discourage you... sorry bout not getting any answers... I forgot... have they tested your thyroid?

AFM... I went back to the Dr. on Friday and :bfn: and my tests came back better than normal...? Ugh... so Dr. gave me a Rx for Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) and said I need to be on birth control from 3-6 months and see how I regulate... if the bleeding is under control then I can start using opks and come off the Medroxyprogesterone... I go tomorrow to have my blood drawn again so we can test my thyroid... this Friday I go for my pap and then in a week I should be scheduled to see my gynocologist and find out results of pap and thyroid test...

If none of that gives anything like an answer... I will work closely with my gyno and Dr. to test my blood on an alternating schedule to see if we can catch something with my hormones and then my last option is exploratory tests on my reproductive system... Dr. say no chance of ttc this year... I'm lucky if I get the okay by the beginning of the in the mean time I can't do anything... nothing ttc related anyways... just tests tests and more tests... I'm quite disappointed...

My next problem is that apparently you have to take the Medroxyprogesterone on a scheduleand no one told me about this so I have the pills but no Iinstructions??? Ugh...

Other than that I have stopped bleeding all together... my belly is flat again... my headaches are still here but I have Tramadol to rely on now for that... I start back to school tomorrow so I guess it's just gona be business as usual for me for the next 3-6 months... it's gona be hard to fall away from what I wanted to accomplish these past 4 months (ttc) but it's what has to be done...

I hope you guys are doing well otherwise... despite our ttc issues... one thing I want to share is that thru all the bad we have to appreciate whatever good is currently in our lives... I find myself stronger in my moments of weakness and sorrow because I stop and take a breath and count my "goods" and allow them to out weigh the "bads"...

:hugs: and :dust:
:hug: Daddys :(

I've been tested for everything, husbands all fine and healthy, it's just me :(

I have Poly cystic overies, endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Myofacial Pain Syndrome, Chronic Fatique syndrome, severe depression (no help from the failures :( ) and social anxiety, I don't need much else to screw me up :)
There's gota be something... there just has to be... it can't be as simple as "sorry you're just not getting pregnant"... are they treating all your other conditions? I assume they are but.... just gota ask... did you have these conditions prior to the iud?
DaddysGirl, I am glad you are doing better but I am so sorry that you have to stop for a while. But maybe by the time you can start to ttc again you will be healthier and have no problem getting a bfp!

Calasen, I agree with Daddys you have come a long way with your weight loss so far so don't give up.
Thanks Dawnnita... at least by the time I get the go ahead we'll all know what caused me to get this way in the first place cause before the Mirena I never had these problems... I never had any problems for that matter... well except for the mc but that was due to severe stress and being over worked lifting 75 lbs boxes and unloading trucks for 8 hours...

How's things for you?
I know all to well about lifting 75lb boxes except I did it for 10 hours. I working at a distribution center.
I am doing ok. I have tons of cramping on my right lower side, ovulation pain maybe? I have heart burn really bad along with headaches. Other then that I am good. Just trying to be patient. I never thought I would be as obsessed about ttc as I am lol.
Heartburn... pain on one side of abdomen... headaches.... have you tested? Just saying... those are my first signs of pregnancy....

Are we obsessed? Hmmm... lol

Either way its good to hear that you are well...

I did merchandising and stock... as an assistant manager I was responsible for the trucks...
Lol maybe a little. I loaded the trucks. I was in shipping. I have thought about testing, thinking maybe I O'd early or something but I'm trying my hardest to wait till missed period.
Hi all! I am new here. I broke up with Mirena after 7 years. I had the 5 yrs which I stretched to 6 then I replaced it in Oct, had it removed 8/6/ I am having the pregnancy symptoms. 9/10dpo, and I go back 8/20 for a f/u of the IUD removal for an ultrasound to see what damage was done (I got a severe infection and had to have it removed because of it, my body was actually pushing it out and it was pressing down on the top of my cervix) I say "I was attempting to give birth to a Mirena" lol I actually was having the same pains I had during labor.

Any poo, I am in the TWW, I am going to have the Dr do a blood and urine while I am there of course, but if they are neg I am still testing on Friday, that will be way in the window and AF is due 8/25ish. I never had a period with Mirena aside from some blood after it was replaced for 1 day, soooo this is all new and I am hoping it isnt all in my head and I am Pregnant of if they can tell me what is going on when I am there.
Bloating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, strong sense of smell, right side pain, lower back pain, food aversion (mainly meat and tomatoes), vivid dreams, crying, always tired.

Good luck to all of you, hopefully everyone can get what they want. :-)
Welcome pghmmy!! I hoe you enjoy this thread. Everyone is extremely supportive on here.
:hi: Pghmmy... Dawnnita is right everyone here is very supportive...

As for your symptoms... I do hope you get your :bfp: but be if it is :bfn: dnt be too disappointed... I have had all the symptoms of pregnancy since May 2013... my belly even got big (too big for how far I could be but... it grew) and each time :bfn:

Keep us updated on your TWW...

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