Hey there ladies...
TaNasha... glad removal went well... have all the

you can and I'm hoping for you to get a

in 2 weeks!
Dawnnita... how's things? Hopefully this is your week and lots of

gets you your

in 2 weeks as well!
Calasen... dnt give up darling... you want this and have been trying this long... just keep your head up and keep doing what your doing... your weight loss is coming along so dnt let one set back discourage you... sorry bout not getting any answers... I forgot... have they tested your thyroid?
AFM... I went back to the Dr. on Friday and

and my tests came back better than normal...? Ugh... so Dr. gave me a Rx for Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) and said I need to be on birth control from 3-6 months and see how I regulate... if the bleeding is under control then I can start using opks and come off the Medroxyprogesterone... I go tomorrow to have my blood drawn again so we can test my thyroid... this Friday I go for my pap and then in a week I should be scheduled to see my gynocologist and find out results of pap and thyroid test...
If none of that gives anything like an answer... I will work closely with my gyno and Dr. to test my blood on an alternating schedule to see if we can catch something with my hormones and then my last option is exploratory tests on my reproductive system... Dr. say no chance of ttc this year... I'm lucky if I get the okay by the beginning of the year...so in the mean time I can't do anything... nothing ttc related anyways... just tests tests and more tests... I'm quite disappointed...
My next problem is that apparently you have to take the Medroxyprogesterone on a scheduleand no one told me about this so I have the pills but no Iinstructions??? Ugh...
Other than that I have stopped bleeding all together... my belly is flat again... my headaches are still here but I have Tramadol to rely on now for that... I start back to school tomorrow so I guess it's just gona be business as usual for me for the next 3-6 months... it's gona be hard to fall away from what I wanted to accomplish these past 4 months (ttc) but it's what has to be done...
I hope you guys are doing well otherwise... despite our ttc issues... one thing I want to share is that thru all the bad we have to appreciate whatever good is currently in our lives... I find myself stronger in my moments of weakness and sorrow because I stop and take a breath and count my "goods" and allow them to out weigh the "bads"...
