The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Hello all! Many new faces...a few familiar :)

I have been off the ttc boat for at least a year now...I was wrapped up and the stress really got to me! I had to take a deep breath and a long break. I've been thinking about you all and I knew I had to sign in and check on you.

Currently, I have still not conceived. It's been 3.5 years since I took Mirena out...we actively tried the first 2.5 years and have ntnp the past year. My husband and I decided to have another go of seriously trying so here we are! I suspected pcos and so did my dr...due to symptoms I've been having, but after an ultrasound last friday...she said my ovaries and uterus, lining and etc look perfectly healthy. I had a lot of blood drawn and am still waiting to hear about that (fsh, testosterone, day 21 progesterone, and more!) If nothing is found then my husband is waiting for his at home kit to test his little guys.

Calasen, so good to see you. I have a lot of back reading to do! I'm so sorry that your weight loss has brought on more issues. You deserve so much happiness and you have truly been so strong throughout your journey. This is not the end of it! There has to be more answers. Did the dr offer any solutions? Something has got to give! ! Thinking of you!!!! Xo
OK everyone! I heard back from my dr. About my blood results.

My thyroid is running too slow
My testosterone is too high: a 26/27 when the normal is 2-19
Progesterone was low and signaled I don't have a strong ovulation
She said I came back slightly positive for pcos? Very beginning stages...I don't know how I could only have a little pcos? Anyone ever have that?

I just picked up my prescriptions for the the thyroid medication and metformin...and she also wrote me a prescription for clomid. For the high testosterone-- she said they usually recommend birth control to help with that- but since we want to get pregnant that's obviously not a choice right now. She recommended that I take my first 2 meds this cycle...let it start working and get into my system, then start clomid after this next cycle.

I'll keep u posted! I'm told metformin can really mess with your stomach! Either way, I'm happy to have a plan in place.

Thinking of you all xoxoxo
I haven't been around as I took time away from anything to do with babies, although we kept trying ofc :P We are now in our 6th year of trying and this week my Dr put me back on the Clomid, firstly to try to kick start my cycle again which has been intermittent at best since June, and secondly to try to encourage ovulation. With having lost 4 and a half stone now it should have a better chance at working but then it was through Clomid that we conceived last time! Feeling hopeful but terrified at the same time. Not sure I can handle any more or another miscarriage.
Hey All,
I just had Mirena out Sept 25 via hysteroscopy, as the two prior attempts to remove it were not successful. I had some spotting after the removal, and then a few days later also seemed to have a period for about 3 days. Since then, I have used OPKs but all are negative, and it seems like this could turn out to be a very long cycle.

Feeling a bit discouraged....:(
Hey All,
I just had Mirena out Sept 25 via hysteroscopy, as the two prior attempts to remove it were not successful. I had some spotting after the removal, and then a few days later also seemed to have a period for about 3 days. Since then, I have used OPKs but all are negative, and it seems like this could turn out to be a very long cycle.

Feeling a bit discouraged....:(

:hug: and welcome honey The first cycle following removal can be a bit long but hopefully when it returns your body gets back to normal pretty quick
Welcome! And Calasen is right- the first cycle can sometimes be lengthy and our bodies adjust. My first cycle post Mirena was roughly 40 days...then they were kind of crazy after that.

Many people get pregnant right away...and many also get normal cycles very quickly. Hang in there! Don't be discouraged!

Hey All,
I just had Mirena out Sept 25 via hysteroscopy, as the two prior attempts to remove it were not successful. I had some spotting after the removal, and then a few days later also seemed to have a period for about 3 days. Since then, I have used OPKs but all are negative, and it seems like this could turn out to be a very long cycle.

Feeling a bit discouraged....:(
Thanks Calasen and Taurusmom05 for the welcome! It's good to know that the longish cycle thing is normal. Mine were already on the long side before so I'll just have to see how it all plays out. Seems like I might have been headed toward Ov but then came down with a bad case of stomach flu. So not sure what will happen, just trying to roll with it for now!
Hello :hi:

I had my second Mirena out in July. It took three attemps, the strings were gone, tilted uterus means they can't use an u/s and hemostats to try and grab it, so it was difficult.

That was 7/18, bleeding on 7/21&22, spotting from 7/23 to 7/31. It seemed like I would never stop! Didn't have AF until 9/5, lasted only 3 days. Faint second line on an OPK on 9/19, never a true +. AF on 9/30, this time 5 days (so closer to my pre-IUD 'normal') and a true + OPK on 10/12. I think I ovulated on 10/13, maybe 10/14. So even though we planned on starting TTC in June, this is my first TWW for baby #3!

TTC is a new journey for me because my two boys were conceived during the first month of NTNP while waiting for cycles to regulate themselves after stopping BC. My first son was after BCP, second was after Mirena.

That time, Mirena was removed the first week of Jan 2011, I know you're not supposed to but I took it out myself. Had the same 2 days of bleeding and then some spotting. Didn't really know when to expect AF because I am one that never has AF while the Mirena is in, but got a BFP at the end of Feb, so it looks like I convceived the week of Valentines Day! :happydance:

My boys are now 8 1/2 and (almost) 3, we're currently hoping for a July 2015 baby!
Hi everyone. New to this thread. Some history. I had 2 mirenas for a total of 8 years. Got it at 22 (30 now) due to very painful periods/light endometriosis. So got it removed 7/10 which was after ovulation confirmed by gyno so I had some light bleeding/spotting on 9/10 and 10/10. And then exactly 28 days later started spotting again which went into a full on af. I am now on cd10 and it is still going! I have heard that the first af can be hellish, is this what they were talking about? Before mirena I had very short very light periods. I will probably phone the doc tomorrow to make sure this is normal! I am a bit concerned as we want to try for #1. Can anybody relate? I have tried ggl but find mostly missed and irregular periods after removal.
Is this thread still going?

I had the mirena out Monday started slight bleeding nothing heavy day3 and 4 which is where i am at now

We're any of you success story's of so how long did it take from removal to bfp?

Hi there. Well after my crazy period mentioned in my post above we got pur BFP!! So that would be 2 months. I am 25w pregnant todag and everything is going good. So I would count that as a success :).

Personally I don't think we had a shot that first month. Not after having that crazy period the next month. Clearly there was some cleaning out that needed to happen :). But I have heard of ladies falling pregnant right after removal too.

Good luck!
Congratulations on your :bfp::bfp:

That's fantastic news :happydance:

Thank You! I don't want to be pregnant right away as would prefer the 'clean out phase too' though my sex drive has come back with a passion! But holding off as much as possible for now , and he will have to pull out when we do bd want to know where my cycles are as well.

Happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy nixm!x
Thanks! I also noticed a massive increase in my sex drive! So much so that I don't think I will get another one. Which is a pity as I really loved not having a period. Good luck on your journey!
Congratulations on your :bfp::bfp:

That's fantastic news :happydance:

Thank You! I don't want to be pregnant right away as would prefer the 'clean out phase too' though my sex drive has come back with a passion! But holding off as much as possible for now , and he will have to pull out when we do bd want to know where my cycles are as well.

Happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy nixm!x

Hello can I join? 😁

I'm Vicky and I'm TTC#2 I had my mirena removed on the 19th feb.

The mirena ruined my sex drive it still hasn't came back lol.
Hi ladies :)

oldermummy78 - I 'saw' you over on the WTT board, figured I'd join you over here to talk about Mirena.

Congrats, nixm! Hope everything continues to go well.

Sorry about your sex drive, Vicky_92! How long were you on the Mirena?

AFM, I just had mine out about 10 days ago.
Short version: on 3rd day, started a 2 day bleed. Around day 7, definitely felt a huge attraction to OH, and felt way more sentimental than usual. Have not O'd 'on time', will obviously need to be patient and wait for things to get regular again!

Long version: I only had Mirena for about 9 months. I was on bcp before but got pregnant after starting the pills late one month, but the pregnancy ended around 6 weeks. As much as I would have loved to have had a successful pregnancy, I got the Mirena to make sure there'd be no more slip ups until we were ready for sure. Thought I'd keep it for at least a year, but things have lined up for us a little earlier than I thought, and I can't help but think that I lost the pregnancy due to the lingering effects of the pill, so since we're WTT til August I decided to get it out now.

I actually started charting about 6 weeks before removing the Mirena, partly out of excitement for the whole thing and partly to get in the hang of it before it really 'counted', and I'm glad I did. I've been temping and doing opks, discovered to my surprise I was still ovulating with Mirena, but I suppose that makes sense since I was having regular periods, although very light. (I never had periods at all on my bcp).

Based on my opks, it looked like I was still gearing up to ovulate on time at first (CD 16), but my LH surge disappeared instead of getting stronger, and my temps have hit an all-time low. So I'm just continuing to temp, and taking an OPK once a day or so (I use ICs), and waiting to see when the next eggo pops out. I hope 3 months will be enough for things to get predictable. I was surprised I didn't O because of how attracted I felt to OH all of a sudden! I definitely did not have a low sex drive on Mirena - my libido is higher than OH's, so I try not to pressure him too much. But after Mirena was out, it was hard to keep my hands to myself for a few days there! I also felt very sentimental and lovey dovey towards him, and suddenly very maternal towards my kids at school too! It was weird, lol! That seems to have eased a bit now, so we will see how things continue.

I also felt 'pregnant' for a couple days after the bleed - had a metallic taste in my mouth which I had for a week before I got my bfp last year, felt slightly nauseous - well not quite nauseous, but a little 'off' if you know what i mean. Thankfully since I was already temping and tracking, I know pregnancy is not even remotely a possibility. I might be driving myself crazy if I didn't already know that!

Anyway, happy to hear as many details as you ladies would like to share as we wait for our bodies to normalise. Never thought I would ever be hoping to have a nice heavy period again!
Sakura I only had my mirena approx 9mths also
I don't want to go down the route of opk kits as o tried that once before and it just made it an obsession for me so I am trying to learn more about cm and timings this way just as a new thing to learn so when I have the hang of it I know if and when I am ovulating and when to bd

Good luck girls it's all so exciting , this is me mrs calm apparantly ntnp ! Lol
I had the mirena in for two years and then the implant in for two years before that which I think has the same hormones. And the BCP before that for a few years (can't remember) I had the mini pill which I think works the same way as the implant and the coil. Now I think I've destroyed my body :( know that sounds stupid, but just have a feeling that this TTC is going to take forever. Only got the coil out in feb this year, so to be fair I haven't been trying for that long but I'm becoming really impatient.

I'm sorry about your loss Sakura hugs.

Talking about feeling pregnant every month since I had the mirena out I felt pregnant and googled every symptom, but it was all in my head cos the witch always came.

Oldermummy, Every month I say I'm going to order OPK kits but still haven't got round to doing it
I had the implant in before the mirena also Hun
I don't think your body's messed up as apparantly the mirena hasn't much hormone in it 20% next to other bc which is 150%
So your cycles should be the same just real with stronger bleeding , so I now am thinking my period will be when I first bled last mth, just wish I charted this! Lol I'm thinking approx 2 weeks away

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