Have a strong feeling it's not going to be this month tho. How are you? X
Hi eurotrip
I felt a lot of pregnancy symptoms as mirena was taken out, i think because my body was allowed to rebuild my uterine wall and get ready for pregnancy again, maybe these because we haven't had them for a while show really bad to us?
Though your deffinatley late with the period I'm thinking it brings forward your o, because I Got the ewcm 4 days after removal too?
So maybe your ewcm was telling you was about to ovulate? I read it can let you know of impending o
Test again Monday with fmu
Good luck keep us posted!
I got mine removed on the 19th of feb, I think. Good luck to you too![]()
Oldermummy78 , Vicky_92 where are you ladies, hope you are ok??![]()
Hi Hun I'm here, sorry to see your bfnstill early though right? nothing new to report, still in limbo so guessing my 'pregnancy' symptoms and opk lines are the mirena crash too? Ugh so annoying looking forward to af this mth then I can track properly next mth might try the B6 too
Hope all is okay with you girls hello saku
hun dont give up , i wish to youIt sucks, I felt the same way after the mirena too.
If this is going to be a 28 day cycle the 16th, but I've had a 26 day cycle, a 28 day cycle and a 30 day cycle since having the mirena out so I'm not too sure.
hun dont give up , i wish to youIt sucks, I felt the same way after the mirena too.
If this is going to be a 28 day cycle the 16th, but I've had a 26 day cycle, a 28 day cycle and a 30 day cycle since having the mirena out so I'm not too sure.
i think FF well help you to know which day you have to test,if you insert your information regularly that will help.
Af not here in full though euro ? Stopped completely? And what dpo are you?
Hope your ok don't like X-rays
One of you will haveand not find out or even realise it yet!
So question girls, did anyone have stretching and cramping feelings when first off mirena? I'm getting this since yesterday and more today with the stretching feel, o recognize this because of my pregnancy a bit don't remember it with my 'usual cycle'
I had it in a year I thought was 9 mths but found my mirena card , that flew by!
hi hun, i use ovia app too,so thats so excited , i feel you will havehun dont give up , i wish to youIt sucks, I felt the same way after the mirena too.
If this is going to be a 28 day cycle the 16th, but I've had a 26 day cycle, a 28 day cycle and a 30 day cycle since having the mirena out so I'm not too sure.
i think FF well help you to know which day you have to test,if you insert your information regularly that will help.
I use ovia i think it works the same way as FF. It says I can test in 5 days
Although I've been feeling sick today and have had tons of SG CM (tmi sorry). And I've heartburn. But not getting my hopes up tho.
Oldermummy, I never experienced stretching.
I love it, I think it's brilliant. Lol thank you
I'm getting heartburn too again today, headache and my af after the smallest bleed stopped again nothing to report I am so cross it's so frustrating ! Ugh
Though my opk have started to darken again ( thought I would take to kerb my poas addiction)
What's ovia app?