The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

3DPO as of now....trying not to symptom spot..even this early...Just trying to get my mind off things...How are you?
God every cycle i promise myself not to symptom spot lol i cant help it.

So i finished my soy last night im hoping it works again as last month after my first try i ov for the first time.

Question i am due to ov any day anyone notice tingly breast around the time of ov?
God every cycle i promise myself not to symptom spot lol i cant help it.

So i finished my soy last night im hoping it works again as last month after my first try i ov for the first time.

Question i am due to ov any day anyone notice tingly breast around the time of ov?

Yes mine do that everytime around ovulation. I would take that over sore breasts now
Hey girls x I'm 5dpo today, and trying so hard just to go with it. Do not want to think about it at all. Not that easy though is it! My boobs get quite tender around ov, passes after a couple of days x so how does soy work? And is it prescription only?? Xx

I found out today that my family know we've been trying for a baby. I was so upset, I didn't want anyone knowing anything at all. Just can't take the pressure of expectation. Even though I'm sure it's unfounded, I still feel ppl just watching and waiting. After mc'ing a few months ago, and having to let so many ppl down, I just can't cope with anyone knowing anything this time. Its hard enough keeping me and oh calm and focused and positive, without worrying what ppl are thinking on top. Am I being really irrational? I don't know. This is just so personal, it's between the two of us(and you guys of course, thank fluff for this thread!).
Sorry to vent, not really a huge problem in the grand scheme of thing, just needed to get it out and get a second opinion before I say something and upset ppl I care about xxx
Love and hugs girls x
Lots of dust and hope for this cycle xxx
Lucyoz, I'm so very sorry for your loss in February. I know this has been the hardest thing I've ever been through, I just found out today that my numbers have doubled since my e.R. visit which is not good at all. I go in tomorrow for yet another u/s this will be my 4th in 2 weeks. I'm also very nervous as I'm now 6 weeks and 2 days and every day that passes there is more of a chance of a rupture. Emotionally and physically this has been so draining and depressing.
Anyways I think it's hard when people know, it seems like more pressure and they always ask if it has happened yet... even though you know only the best of intention is meant.
What is the soy supposed to help with? Not sure if its coincidence but last month when I got my positive I had started taking a b-complex at the beginning of the month; I felt a complete difference in how I had been feeling.
Good luck ladies!
I hear you lucy, I only want a few gf to know that we are ttc, not his family yet as i dont want our age to be commented on.

Soy isoflavins is like clomid you take it for 5 days at the begining of your cycle 2-7,3-8 or4-9 Taking them earlier, starting CD3, is supposed to produce more eggs and taking them later (CD5) is supposed to produce a more mature egg, from

i took 120 x 3 160x1 and 200mg on the last day, i took them this cycle day 2-7 as i have a short cycle. I noticed your in England most of the girls on the soy natures clomid thread from England get there's at tesco or testco (sorry im from Canada so not sure what the stores real name is).

good luck lucy!
Hello ladies

I'm not sure where you can get it in the States but there are a few threads on here about Soy. Might be worth a search and hopefully you'll find the information you need there.

Pip x
I'm in Canada I got mine at a health food/ supplement store like gnc
Which I know is in the USA
Some girls also had luck at walmart we didn't gave it at ours here but different countries pharmacy regulations haha
I didnt pick any soy up, but I did get maca root at super supplements in Wa state
Aw melsy hun your really going through it x life can be so cruel sometimes x I really hope this is sorted soon, and your not at risk, and you can move on xx is there no chance implantation could be in the right place now? x

Girls thank you so much for the info on soy, sounds like an great place to start without being too medical x I'm looking into it as we speak! Very cool that its readily available too! All helps the PMA!

Had a chat with OH earlier, and we've decided to tell the family that we're not trying for a baby, because we couldn't face the rollercoaster ride, and then the possible loss. All to much pressure. It seemed the kindest way to get them off the scent without upsetting them x so the only ppl who know we're ttc are you guys! That feels much healthier, won't feel like I'm disappointing everyone when af shows up each month xx

Does anyone know of anyone who's used soy?? What was the verdict???

Love and hugs xxxx
Lucy i have taken soy for 2 cycles, i love it. i ov for the first time since my mirena removal in dec. I had a normal temping and cervical cycle for the first time. I seem like i am on track again.

Poppy who was also on this thread got her bfp on soy\
heres a link to the soy thread there are lots of bfps on it.

Lucy good decision only a few people know we are mostly my close gf and his bf wife knows as they are trying also after a mc.

good luck and hugs
Lucy, yes life can be cruel sometimes. It seems when you want something so bad it just doesn't happen. They were finally able to see the pregnancy and like they thought it's ectopic in my left tube. It has been a very emotional day.
I think that is a good idea with your family. Then when you get your bfp it will be a nice suprise!
Well take care and I wish you lots of luck!
Oh melsy I am soo sorry :( :hug:

Well thats me out for another month - the cold that wiped me out last month has done the rounds and OH is now completely bed ridden with it :( Hey ho - at least the wedding plans are going along nicely - have most things sorted and know who/what/where/cost of everything. Now just to start saving/booking and everything :)
Hi ladies
Its been a while since i posted last. Hope everyone is going ok. Ive been reading some heartbreaking threads, im so sorry for the ladies that are having a hard time. Well after my 57 day long stretch after removal, AF finally came and went, and i started OPK, and OV'd last sat, so looks as though im 4DPO. Hope DH and i did enough this time round, because of his work schedule we wont get another shot at it til September. Just keeping fingers crossed for now, and trying not to over analyse everything!!! ( Who am i kidding!! ) Good luck on the TTC road to all you strong willed ladies. And MEGA amounts of baby dust to us all. xoxox
So i think I ov yesterday i got my + opk yesterday lots of mucous and cervix changes and my temp rose today. Im hoping that we bd enough and get our bfp. Now to wait and see what happens (and see when ff says i have ov lol)

Calsen sorry for this month hopefully soon
melsy im sorry to hear hugs.

good luck ladies
Thanks girls. I was treated with the medicine yesterday and we have to wait and hope my numbers start going down otherwise its surgery and I'm still at risk of a rupture until my numbers go down which is very scary. Also on top of the emotional and physical pain of it all we won't be able to try until my numbers go back down to zero and then I have to start taking folic acid again for 12 weeks before trying, 4+ months guessing
l do hope you ladies get your bfp positive before I'm back!
Calasen, congrats on your wedding date! I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times but it always seems to happen when you least expect it, also it's always good to have something to keep you busy in the meantime!
Wishing you ladies lots of luck!
I'm out this cycle too...Back to CD1 today. On to cycle 4 now! We're getting married in TEN DAYS! And I'm due to ovulate again in the middle of our honeymoon so fingers crossed for a honeymoon baby!

Good luck to all of you!
Hey girls, thank you so much for the soy info, definitely something in considering for next cycle xx

Melsy lots of love to you hun x I hope thing sort themselves out quickly and safely xxx

Sorry about bein out calasen x but sounds like you've got lots of things to look forward to and keep you busy :) never know what could happen in the meantime ;-) xxx

Good luck on your honeymoon then gardenofedens ;-) xx and I hope you have a lovely wedding :)) xx

Fingers crossed then pdmcd17 !! It's a long 2week wait!!xx

Good luck to you wannabub!!xx

Well I'm 7dpo today, not due on till next wednesday, but having spotting this morning:-( little cramps too x can't be af this soon surely x gutting x

Lots of love and hugs girls xxx

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