The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Thanks, girls. DH is due home soon - he never called me from work today, so I wasn't able to tell him what happened. I'm actually looking online right now to see if the doctor is covered in my insurance plan. I'm going to wait until AF shows before I make an appointment, and before I get the hysterosalpingogram done.

Just got off an hour and a half phone call with my best friend - never fails to make me feel better. She's the one who keeps getting pregnant ON birth control (the witch), and she was so cute, told me she wished she could "give" me that. Her and her husband are doing their wills, and they put down that DH and I get the kids if anything happen to them (!!), so if nothing else, I have adopted children. Made me feel warm and fuzzy.

Dinner was great - chicken with creamy tarragon sauce (totally different spice than what I usually use, very yummy) over linguini. And my Godiva chocolate cheesecake? Is cooling in the oven. Yeah. Me bad. Chocolate and cheesecake. How else to feed a bad mood?

Now for American Idol.
Thanks, girls. DH is due home soon - he never called me from work today, so I wasn't able to tell him what happened. I'm actually looking online right now to see if the doctor is covered in my insurance plan. I'm going to wait until AF shows before I make an appointment, and before I get the hysterosalpingogram done.

Just got off an hour and a half phone call with my best friend - never fails to make me feel better. She's the one who keeps getting pregnant ON birth control (the witch), and she was so cute, told me she wished she could "give" me that. Her and her husband are doing their wills, and they put down that DH and I get the kids if anything happen to them (!!), so if nothing else, I have adopted children. Made me feel warm and fuzzy.

Dinner was great - chicken with creamy tarragon sauce (totally different spice than what I usually use, very yummy) over linguini. And my Godiva chocolate cheesecake? Is cooling in the oven. Yeah. Me bad. Chocolate and cheesecake. How else to feed a bad mood?

Now for American Idol.

I am watching American Idol too. I think the girls did way better than the guys did the night before. There were only a few guys that I liked from lastnights show, but several of the ladies were really good.

With the fertility testing one thing I wanted to have done was an ultrasound to check out my ovarian reserve and a blood test indicates the FSh levels.

There are several ways to determine if the ovaries are functioning properly. An ultrasound can be done in the first week of the period to count the number of small follicles in the ovaries. This is called a Basal Antral Follicle (BAF) count. Too many small follicles suggests an ovulation problem or PCOS, and too few suggests that the ovary may be slowing down and running low on eggs. An FSH blood test can be done on days 2-4 of the cycle, and if it is high (greater than 10 mIU/mL) it suggests that the ovary will have trouble making follicles. A high FSH indicates a decreased number of healthy eggs (called decreased ovarian reserve) and correlates with a lower chance of pregnancy. If the FSH is very high it indicates potential ovarian failure. A high LH level on days 2-4 suggests the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Just a suggestion for a possible test to ask for..:flower:
Talked to DH for all of 0.5 seconds last night. Kind of consisted of me telling him the gyn wanted me to go to the specialist, him asking "why?", me explaining, and him nodding his head. Such a conversationalist :argh:

So, once AF shows next week (because I'm convinced she will), I'll make the appointments. I checked out the specialist's website...looks like a long road of testing ahead. They do a lot of ultrasounds, etc on CD3, so that would have to be the NEXT cycle, if not later, depending on when I can get in to see him. Looks like 2012 baby. Which I need to take the time to get back to the gym, back to my Zumba classes, etc...must be someone's way of telling me it's not time. I always used the TTC as an excuse to NOT be dieting...didn't realize how much I had gained in the process :sick:

This is what a fertility evaluation consists of with this doctor (just FYI)

Off to work, then getting my hair done, and then grocery shopping for HEALTHY food!!
Hey Ladies,

I will catch up with you all big time tomorrow, i have been so busy recently, and am off to London tonight my little sister has a casting.

AF is 1 week late tomorrow and booked in for the doctors the day she will be 2 weeks late.... lol !
Good luck Kitten :) :dust:
NJAngel I know how you feel...I'm oin the same boat...just went shopping for healthy food last week almost only fruits and veggies :)
Ok ladies..need opinions lol..and this is a good one lol..

So hubby told me that he ordered this book in the mail (should be here tomorrow) its a christian book about this kid who had an afterlife experience but lived to tell about it..he says its about forgiveness and all other kinds of stuff too...sooo...he told me..that if I would read it..the whole thing...he will give me $400....

so..part of me wants to not read it because I think hes just trying to "convert" me and all..and that just pisses me off..but the other part wants to because hey..I read a lot of crap in college that I didnt agree with and it was no big deal and I read it because I had why not get $400?

But I feel like he'll expect something different if I do read it..and if I do read it and nothing changes ...which I dont think it will..I mean we have all heard life changing stories of others and I went to church for 18 not expecting much..but I think he'll think I didnt really read it...and I know hes gonna quiz me and I feel like he'll be disappointed if I dont change after....

soo..what would you do? read it or not?

oh and I was crying and he told me that it was because god was speaking to me..and all that kind of thing..and refused to believe it was pregnancy hormones..I mean I cry at commercials...doesnt mean god is speaking to me...and I was crying because he cant just let me be and he has to bribe me to be religious....
Lindsay - Sorry it seems like the fertility appt will be a while. :hugs: My husband really wasn't into the ttc talk. He nodded a lot and was quiet too. He was happy when I got pregnant, but it just now connecting and getting more eager.

Tiffany - temp still looking great! Getting excited!

Erica - no clue about the book. Sorry no advice. Husband and I aren't the same religion. He's religous, I'm not, but I would like our children to have some kind of religion. I always assumed it would be his since I didn't like the Catholic church.

We're going shopping for healthier food when husband gets home tonight to have good food to keep my sugars/carbs under control.
Couldn't focus at work today, so made some phone calls. Got the hysterosalpingogram scheduled for March 15th, morning. It's supposed to be 7 - 10 days after your period - I figure today is 8dpo. :witch: usually shows around 12 or 13dpo, so I should be good. Then I figured, what the hell? Called the fertility specialist to see when I could get in...same day!! Less than two weeks! :happydance: Very relieved that it's that quickly. Gives this cycle time to finish, and AF as well, if she shows (which I am still believing she will).

So I tell DH about this (sent him a txt, left him a voicemail) - no response. When I got home from getting my hair done (layers, recolored - red with dark brown lowlights, I love it), I asked him when his schedule changed (he works five in a row, two off, and the two days off change once a month). Apparently his days go from Sat/Sun off to Mon/Tues on March 20...Boo, the week after. So he made some comment about how if he "has to leave work early, I guess I can do that." I told him I would LIKE that, because this concerns both of us, and the doctor would like to have him there as well, so he can answer all of our questions.
On the drive home from dinner, I mentioned that I was glad they got us in so quickly, as I'm getting a bit frustrated with TTC and nothing happening. Like my MD said, my cycles are regular, I'm definitely ovulating, as I'm picking it up with the monitors, with the OPKs, etc. So he says, "I guess it's different for women. It's not really bothering me that you're not getting pregnant."

Maybe I'm over-reacting. Maybe he meant that differently than it came out. But am I wrong to be somewhat upset by that statement? I mean, it makes me feel like I'm really in this by myself. I know he doesn't like to talk about TTC, but he knows I'm frustrated - to tell me he "isn't bothered" by it? Just seems sort of insensitive.

I'm not really sure how I'm feeling right now...
Aww...NJ..I know how you feel..mine told me that he didnt care to go see the baby and heartbeat for the first time because it didnt matter to him..and we had a huge fight over that..I was have your child inside me..and you dont even care to see it..or be there for a huge milestone..they are total asses sometimes and I guess they really do see things differently..but either way you still have every right to be pissed or sad or both..because that does seem like a bit of an ass thing to say to you at this point in your TTC... :hugs:
bout to head to our US....cant wait to see it...will post pics and maybe video as soon as we get back.....yay!!..Good..cant wait for your results too!!!!

NJ...Great that you get in so early and dont have to wait for sooo long like I hear so many families have to do....its soo nice to have proactive Drs!!!.. good luck with all your stuff...I saw that not all those tests are needed for each family so hopefully you'll be lucky and only need the bare minimum.....cant wait to see your BFP!!!
Ok ladies..need opinions lol..and this is a good one lol..

So hubby told me that he ordered this book in the mail (should be here tomorrow) its a christian book about this kid who had an afterlife experience but lived to tell about it..he says its about forgiveness and all other kinds of stuff too...sooo...he told me..that if I would read it..the whole thing...he will give me $400....

so..part of me wants to not read it because I think hes just trying to "convert" me and all..and that just pisses me off..but the other part wants to because hey..I read a lot of crap in college that I didnt agree with and it was no big deal and I read it because I had why not get $400?

But I feel like he'll expect something different if I do read it..and if I do read it and nothing changes ...which I dont think it will..I mean we have all heard life changing stories of others and I went to church for 18 not expecting much..but I think he'll think I didnt really read it...and I know hes gonna quiz me and I feel like he'll be disappointed if I dont change after....

soo..what would you do? read it or not?

oh and I was crying and he told me that it was because god was speaking to me..and all that kind of thing..and refused to believe it was pregnancy hormones..I mean I cry at commercials...doesnt mean god is speaking to me...and I was crying because he cant just let me be and he has to bribe me to be religious....

Well hun, my husband bought me a bible and i have never read it, and i told him- i never will read it either unless I want to. And i haven't yet. It's sitting on the shelf, 6 years later, never been opened.

However, for cash- yeah i'd read it.

My dh is very religious, and i''m religious in my own way. I don't like going to church- hate it actually, but, for my children i will find a church and raise them in one. And he and i will agree on a religion that fits US as a couple and matches our beliefs. The morals they learn IN MY OPINION--- not trying to push on anyone!!!! Are fantastic. and i had tons of fun when i was a child going into the church and learning and the friends i made, it was great.

So for a child, yeah, i'll get my ass out of that bed every sunday (even if i HATE it) and learn what they are learning to help steer them in the right direction. To me, it's right. But there are tons of people who don't feel that way. And that's ok! this is just me. To me, religion has good morals for a young person.

"I guess it's different for women. It's not really bothering me that you're not getting pregnant."

Maybe I'm over-reacting. Maybe he meant that differently than it came out. But am I wrong to be somewhat upset by that statement? I mean, it makes me feel like I'm really in this by myself. I know he doesn't like to talk about TTC, but he knows I'm frustrated - to tell me he "isn't bothered" by it? Just seems sort of insensitive.

I'm not really sure how I'm feeling right now...

I'm so sorry you're going through this with him. My dh was incredibly supportive and on board completely with going to get help. We were going to go in january and we wound up getting pg in november- i was so sure i was broken.

It worries me that your guy is thinking either it's HIS fault and he doesn't want to find out, or that maybe he's not as on board as you thought he was? It upsets me that he's not caring the way he should be about things like this. If you are this upset and stressed and looking for help and he's saying it's fine and doesn't matter... is he being completely honest with you about wanting what you want?

bout to head to our US....cant wait to see it...will post pics and maybe video as soon as we get back.....yay!!..Good..cant wait for your results too!!!!

Ultrasound already? don;t expect much with the heartbeat- they say it really only starts from 8-10 weeks. However, if your dh doesn't go, i'd make sure to get video and send it to everyone i could- friends and family,a nd his side too and not share with him because he doesn't care right?

We saw baby and heard/saw heartbeat!!! 120!! soo amazing!!! hubby was glad he went...we got pics and they even give you a dvd and you bring it back everytime and add to it..!!! yay!!!! trying to figure out how to open/upload their dvd version but will prolly have to wait for hubby to get home for that..

heres link to my vid..u can kind of hear the heartbeat..
aww yes it was amazing!!! and so exciting..
I go back Monday the 21st for my first official full on OB appt with labs and another ultrasound possibly and all that..they said it could be anywhere from 1-3 hours long...but it will be worth it to see the baby again!
I was shock all over again just now coming home and thinking that little thing is in me! and that its finally happened lol..I think Im gonna feel that way after every US lol...
You will and you should! It's such an amazing experience! DD was sick today her school called at lunchtime and I had to bring her to work with me! SO there's me teaching and DD was fast asleep on two chairs in my office! She was so cute and it was so nice having her there! Wish she could be there all the time! Even at 4 she's still such an amazing miracle to me. And to be honest with everything that's happened I love her even more- if that's possible!
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