The Overdue Club!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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If there isn't already one out there here it is....
I'm 40+3 and know that there are ladies out there more overdue than me so lets get together and share symptoms and tips!

I'm more of a 'natural' tip person i'll be honest. What i'm doing, (and have been for a while) is going on my birthing ball daily, probably at least 3 times and I do 10 clockwise rotations and the same anti-clockwise. I usually then stay on and carry on until i'm bored or my back hurts.
Next I get on all-fours (as advised by mw) and crawl along the floors.
I do squats in reps of 10 and finally a pregnancy move I found on youtube similar to the all fours position.

I'm constantly on plug watch, I just can't help it now! Most interesting i've had now is real thick plug (I hope) but normally a lot of discharge daily - I've never seen any blood however.

My 22 weeks pregnant friend keeps mentioning all the other tips but i'm not interested in castor oil or whatever. As I say i'm more natural...I have tried dtd but hubs is on nights this week so that's off the table!

Hope to have some buddies soon!!!
Hey I'm not overdue yet! Although I expect to go over. I just wanted to say good luck hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too long. I've read doing figure of eights on a birthing ball helps also I've read castor oil can be very dangerous as it can cause baby to poop whilst still inside you. So I would just carry on doing all natural things like you are....good luck :)
I'm not into the whole Castor oil thing either. For my son I ate fresh pineapple (a lot), dates, had a lot of sex, and I got a sweep at 39 weeks. I think the sweep did it for me though. My water broke 12 hours after. I really don't think the other things helped labor along I think they just made me feel better :) worth a try though
I'm due tomorrow lol can I join? I've had early labour symptoms for a week now including the famous clear out and here I am, still pregnant! :haha: im currently on my birth ball, I've tried nipple stimulation, attempted sex but I'm so swollen it hurts. I've been using clary sage oil for 4 days and nothing! I'm not really up for castor oil either and I can only walk so far as I have spd 😔
I'm due this Friday but have a feeling I will be going over. I have tried spicy food, pineapple, birthing ball, sex and rasperry leaf tea and no signs as of yet. I have a sweep Wed so hopefully that will kickstart things for me.
Count me in :hissy:

What a crappy nights sleep. Was up from 1230 to 3 and finally feel asleep. I dreamt I was finally holding a smiling baby so here's hoping today's the day.
I have an NST and US for fluid check this morning. I'm hoping that they find those annoying BH on the monitors. I can't believe I've had them since Friday! I've never heard of anyone having BH for 4 days straight. What is my body thinking?! Either sh*t or get off the pot :haha:

Have a great day ladies! I will update when I get back. :)
Hi! I'm now 40+1 and having the most miserable day of my pregnancy so far. I probably shouldn't post today as no-body will want to be my thread friend!! I never cry, I'm not a cry'y type person at all, but today I have felt on the verge of tears all day. Of course I have been eagerly hunting out anything which says being on verge of tears means impending labour....

DH just got home and in his bid to make me feel better made me feel terrible by saying how I should be happy because we are so lucky and blessed to be about to have our second child when so many people would give anything to be in our position. It just made me want to cry more. (Don't get me wrong, I know how incredibly lucky we are!)

So far been trying lots of sex, orgasms, hot curries, clary sage massage oil over bump, bouncing on ball, walking, but nothing is working to throw me into active labour (been getting regular tightenings that come to nothing for 2 weeks). I was 1 day early with DD so this overdue thing is totally new to me!!

Labour dust going out to everyone :hugs: xxx
I've just come back from a 5 year old birthday party - It was like torture! I could of dropped ds off, everyone else did, but as he's the youngest I decided to stay, plus I wanted to get to know the mum a bit as she's new to the area.

Call it the cold I've been in for a few hours, the stress or perhaps just the chairs but I feel awful! Usually its my lower back that aches but this is far lower, starts at the top of my bum going right round to the front, I feel like I've had a right kicking!

As usual, I'm taking anything different as positive signs, ds will be off to bed shortly, i'm making an easy tea of chip butties for when he's gone to bed and I intend on getting on that sofa and getting my feet firmly up!!! Hopefully I will get on the ball too, hey I hope I didn't overdo it on it earlier!

I would love to text hubby at work and tell him the contractions have started - Fingers crossed!!!!!
Also overdue !!!!!!!!!
I was due last Saturday. No real signs yet. I have Braxton hicks all the time. Every time I wipe I'm eagerly looking for plug or show. Anything! But nothing.
Hoping its soon. Never thought I'd be overdue
Are we all trying all the myths to get babies out?!
I've given up. My OB told me today they don't let anyone go past 41 wks which means she'll be here Monday IF she won't come out on her own. We'll discuss at my next appt Wed.
Are we all trying all the myths to get babies out?!
I've given up. My OB told me today they don't let anyone go past 41 wks which means she'll be here Monday IF she won't come out on her own. We'll discuss at my next appt Wed.

Myths? Like what?

I'm doing my ball exercises and walking, that's about it.

Getting fed up already and i'm only 40+4!!!
I am obviously n longer over due but wanted to put my two cents out there, while its fun to compare symptoms and experiences I rli honestly believe every women and pg is individual and what may have worked for one lady may not necessarily work for another. But saying this we all love to discussing pg journeys especially the last bit and run up to labour. I'm the same. And there is no harm in it, it's all fun. Both my babies where 11 days over with my first we tried hot curry, long walks, birthing ball, stairs, no signs or symptoms of labour until 7days over contractions started and stopped for two days. Then finally lost plug and bloody show in the hospital. Still contractions where here there and everywhere I was 4cm on the Friday night. Broke my waters and baby born finally on the Sunday just after midnight. My little girl I had contractions on and off from 39 weeks. At 41 weeks contractions would sometimes last upto 13 hrs every 3-4 mins I was admitted to hospital for monitoring 3 times and put on drip as lg heart rate was through the roof. Had bloody show for two weeks before delivery. On th e run up to delivery we tried hot curry pineapple (Uck) dtd long walks alot of dancing with my lb. Nothing seemed to help. I had four sweeps finally got to 4 cm they broke my water and 3 hrs later I was holding my lg.

No matter how long It takes, once ur little one is safely in ur arms u will not give a damn about anything. U will be so proud of urself for cooking ur baby to perfection. Good luck ladies
Are we all trying all the myths to get babies out?!
I've given up. My OB told me today they don't let anyone go past 41 wks which means she'll be here Monday IF she won't come out on her own. We'll discuss at my next appt Wed.

Myths? Like what?

I'm doing my ball exercises and walking, that's about it.

Getting fed up already and i'm only 40+4!!!

Oh I mean just like the bouncing, lunges, curry, castor oil, etc.

I'm right there with you sister! I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks.
No symptoms for me either besides the random cramping. I'm not even gonna shower today lol..what a waste of shampoo :haha:
Trying to be patient over here!!!!!!! I feel she will comes when she's ready but just in case it helps I've been walking, bouncing on my ball, nipple stimulation and sex.
I'm overdue too. I just got back from an appointment, and I've been at 3 cm dilated since last Wednesday. Dr did a sweep at 39 weeks, and I had cramping and spotting, but it never turned in to contractions.

I've been slowly losing my plug since Thursday. DTD last Saturday, I think.

I've been pumping colostrum (up to an ounce in the freezer, so that's a good side benefit to the nipple stimulation), but that doesn't start contractions for me either.

Been walking a ton, bouncing and rolling my hips on the birthing ball, and eating spicy food.

I'm determined to go natural as much as possible though, so this baby will just come when he's ready. I just want him to be ready soon.
Mn, no baby news here :(

Mrshan, trying similar things that you are doing but nothing...
Think i need to join this club now lol. 3rd baby. First was 2 days early, 2nd was 3 weeks early, and here i am overdue waiting for the third :dohh:

No real signs of labour, i can feel his head engages sometimes and the next minute he can be sitting right at the top again. I have a sweep booked for tomorrow but not sure whether i should just wait for him to come naturally? I have a homebirth booked and don't really want him coming before he's ready :shrug:
Morning ladies! Hope everyone is feeling well today. I'm at my appt waiting to find out if I'm dilated at all and then we discuss induction for Monday. I'm nervous to remember everything.
How's everyone's day so far?

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