The Overdue Club!

Urggg i'm still here, still pregnant and still bouncing away on the ruddy ball.

I can see why people say how fed up they are towards the end of their pregnancies now - I didn't experience this until about 40+3 (currently 40+5) and i'm just so uncomfortable, it even hurts to get on and off the ball!!!!

Going to go for a nice long soak soon!
Well girls I'm officially scheduled for induction Sunday evening, which means baby will be here sometime Monday.
I had another NST today and had ONE legit contraction that I didn't really feel plus butt loads of BH. They checked me for dilation and as I predicted nothing going on...but I am 80% effaced now, she said I'm super it is possible I can go naturally by the weekend and not have to be induced.

I'm still having BH now, hopefully it turns into something real.
The end is in sight MnG! Fingers crossed things happen before Sunday :)
Mn, we are on similar time tables! I'm being induced late Sunday night if she doesn't come prior. They're going to try the balloon foley for me. I'm 75-80% effaced last week but not dialed apparently. Maybe 1/2-1 cn. Induction was not my original plan but I asked for it as I need an "end date" so I don't go crazy. The last couple weeks have been hard physically.
Mn, we are on similar time tables! I'm being induced late Sunday night if she doesn't come prior. They're going to try the balloon foley for me. I'm 75-80% effaced last week but not dialed apparently. Maybe 1/2-1 cn. Induction was not my original plan but I asked for it as I need an "end date" so I don't go crazy. The last couple weeks have been hard physically.

Funny how things are nearly identical for us! I would rather not induce either but I'm glad this is coming to an end. I'm still not sure if I'm getting the foley or cirvadil but I guess that's to be discussed when I get there.
Here's hoping for an easy and pain free experience!
I've managed to bring my induction date forward to tues as I have family coming at the weekend to see the baby, I told them that being induced on the thurs may mean I haven't had him by then, or that i'll be too tired for visitors so i'm thankful for the extra couple of days.

What are you ladies packing for an induction? Have the mw's advised how long it could take?
I'm entirely too relaxed and nonchalant about being overdue when I go in to see my doctor, so he's okay with letting me get all the way to 42 weeks!

My next appointment is on Monday, and I'm getting an ultrasound to check fluid levels, his size and position, and to check on the cord. Assuming all those things are okay, I'll probably keep waiting... heavy sigh.

Despite being 3 cm and 60% effaced, I'm not even getting BH. My uterus is clearly not on board with this, even though my cervix is playing ball.

Good luck to the ladies getting induced! I'm so excited for you!!!
Lucy- Here in the US I'll be packing just like for any other stay, nothing special. I know I won't be able to eat or drink much and that I'll basically be bed ridden so I need to make sure I have my phone charger, my ipad and that charger, plus maybe some magazines oh and my comfy pillow.

Vaginal delivery here is a 2 day stay, Csec is 3, sometimes 2 (pending on recovery time-everyone is different).
Lucy my last last induction I just packed the same stuff too, nothing different. As I never had a section, only forceps, I was allowed to go home the day after birth :) Fingers crossed the same for this time!
Someone shoot me now!!! Argh just been for a sweep but my cervix was too closed and high for her to do anything with it :( Going back in on Saturday for another attempt to see if it has changed at all. So fed up. I really really don't want to be induced so hoping stuff changes ASAP!
Someone shoot me now!!! Argh just been for a sweep but my cervix was too closed and high for her to do anything with it :( Going back in on Saturday for another attempt to see if it has changed at all. So fed up. I really really don't want to be induced so hoping stuff changes ASAP!

I really feel for you - I have to consider this might be me tomorrow!

How overdue are you again?
Someone shoot me now!!! Argh just been for a sweep but my cervix was too closed and high for her to do anything with it :( Going back in on Saturday for another attempt to see if it has changed at all. So fed up. I really really don't want to be induced so hoping stuff changes ASAP!

I can totally relate. 5 checks every week and no dilation whatsoever. It's so frustrating.
I'm 40+4 today - I'm gutted. Been getting so many tightenings and BH and with it being my 2nd child was sure they must have been doing something, but nope!! Why won't this baby come out?!!! I hope yours works for you Lucylu.

Mng - are you having another attempt before your induction?
I'm 40+4 today - I'm gutted. Been getting so many tightenings and BH and with it being my 2nd child was sure they must have been doing something, but nope!! Why won't this baby come out?!!! I hope yours works for you Lucylu.

Mng - are you having another attempt before your induction?

I don't know why but I stupidly have been telling myself that i'm either dilated or actually leaking fluid as i'm convinced that all this discharge coupled with the pressure and pain I'm in at times MUST mean slow labour or something!!! :dohh:

I bet nothing's going on in fact and it's back to the induction drawing board!
Ickle- nope, we both decided my body refuses to dilate so there was no reason to even suggest a sweep. If by some Christmas miracle it hearkens before Sunday that's great but I'm not expecting much. Stupid cervix! Lol

I have one last NST tomorrow morning for decreased movement but I won't be seeing the OB at all.
Hi ladies, I'm not overdue yet but I'm pretty sure I will be. I'm due Sunday with our first and I'm already so fed up. I had to have an internal check last night because I lost some fluid and weren't sure if it was discharge or waters because it was clear and very thin and runny. Turns out it was just discharge, but when she checked me she said my cervix was long and closed. I'm absolutely gutted, I've had so many twinges, pains, cramps and back ache over the past 2 weeks I honestly thought I'd be closer than what I am. Apparently it doesn't matter that I am closed atm, labour can start in a few hours or two weeks, there's no difference tow hat my cervix is like, but it left me feeling very disappointed and deflated and like labour is a while off yet. Hoping you all get to meet your LO's soon!
My cervix is also high and closed. The doctor said maybe a fingertip dilated at best. I'm also being induced on Sunday night (due to AMA - I'm 39), along with two others on this thread it seems. Sunday is popular i guess :) I also wasn't offered a sweep either... I assume it's because it can't be done in this state. I wish I could wait a bit before being induced, but my doctor, who was against induction this whole past month, is suddenly recommending it, so I think I have to trust him. Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you.
My midwife said she will give me a sweep on Wednesday but if my cervix doesn't change I guess that won't be happening. This waiting game is boring now, I just want her here!!
Crazy so many of us are overdue!!! Glad to have support from each other but wish she'd come already :)

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