The Overdue Club!

Good luck Juliet!

I'll be heading into my induction shortly. I'll update when she arrives :)
Well i had a sweep on Thursday afternoon (40+3). Went home and had regular contractions and thought 'this is it', bang on 10pm they stopped. I couldn't believe it!

Friday, i went and did a big food shop at the supermarket and kept as active as i could to try and get it started again. Nothing happened, just plug grossness each time i went to the toilet.

Saturday i woke up and had a massive urge to sort things out, still no progress labour wise though. Went to bed at 11pm and had a good nights sleep.

(40+6) This morning - I remember tossing and turning for a couple of hours before finally waking up at about 6am when hubby was phoning in work sick with the flu. When i got out of bed at about 6.45 the gravity just hit me, big contraction and there's me still thinking it must be false labour again :dohh: Wondered downstairs and let the dogs into the garden, then another contraction came, i looked round and saw the dog licking the floor, i guess my waters were leaking lol!! :blush: I remember clinging onto the door frame while i was having another contraction. They were coming roughly every 3 minutes and lasting 40 seconds. I told him to phone the midwife and tell her to get here straight away, that's when my waters went pop all over the living room floor!! :blush:. At this point it was about 7.30 am and i could just feel the pressure. I remember shouting 'get some gloves on!!!' then my body just started pushing by itself. Hubby delivered our baby boy at 7:50am and the midwives arrived at 8am. It all happened so quick, i still can't believe it. Went to bed last night thinking i'd still be pregnant at Christmas, how wrong was i!! :haha:
Wow Kristen, congratulations, what a birth story! How quick! Was that your first? Xx
Wow Kristen, congratulations, what a birth story! How quick! Was that your first? Xx

No he's my third. The second was pretty quick too but not that quick. It was quite intense with no pain relief!
Hi girls. So I'm still in labor. ..ugh. I got here last night, they inserted the foley and this morning they stayed pitocin. I was 6cm when the foley fell out but I've been stuck at about 8 cm since 2pm. Please send labor prayers!
My beautiful girl, Calleigh Laughlin, finally arrived 19th October at 18.19pm weighing 8lbs 13oz!! Wow it was bloomin hard work but you really do forget it all as soon as you hold them in your arms. Will update with my story when I can but just want to thank you ladies for your support and I wish everyone else who was going through induction/are about to the best of luck :)xx
Hang on in there MNG!!!! Induction is hard work.....

AFM - My induction was booked for 6.45am this morning and i' been dying to get on here to tell you all that Dougie Jack was born on Sunday 18th at 4.31pm after my first contraction at 2.30pm! It was all so fast I had him at home!!!

I will post a full birth story as soon as I can, he's just perfect, feeding is hard as my milk hasn't come in yet and i'm so sore! Might try a bottle of formula today just to give me a break...i've only slept about 10hours since fri!

Labour dust to everyone patiently waiting, hope I haven't missed anymore birth announcements!
Huge congrats Willow and Lucylu!! Look forward to the birth stories! Lucylu can't believe you had him at home! I was worried about a quick labour, shouldn't have been, active labour took longer than my first, lazy boy!!

Good luck MnG, hope you quickly reached 10cm and now have baby in your arms xx
Good morning ladies. After 30 some hours of labor baby Aleksandra Hanna arrived at 12:11am weighing 9lb 7 oz and 22 inches long. I have a bad 3rd degree tear but we'll survive. She took great to breastfeeding! Will post a pic soon.

I hope you're all doing well. Congrats on all deliveries and good luck to those waiting.
Well, I cant believe it, but here I am with #2. Been 2cm dilated and having tons of bh for two weeks now, thought for sure I would have this baby a little early, but here I am still pregnant. Had a sweep yesterday on my due date and it caused a very irritable uterus, been having painful contractions sometimes in my back lasting longer than 30 seconds, but nothing regular. I had a sweep at 40+2 with my first and went onto labor at 40+4, so I'm hopeful it will be sometime in the next couple days.

Wow Kristel, that's crazy,and scary! I've been having so many bh and setting off so many false alarms, I'm worried I wont know when it is the real thing and I'll end up waiting to long to call and end up in a similar situation. My first labor was 12hrs, but it was all natural and my dr thinks it will be a lot quicker this time, especially with all the prepping my body has been doing.
Hey ladies, As you can see by my ticker I'm obviously nowhere close to being overdue, nor in the third trimester. I have just been watching this thread as I was 10 days overdue with my first so this thread caught my eye.

I just wanted to chime in and say Congrats for everyone with their babies that were recently induced! I know how hard it is :(
Well, I cant believe it, but here I am with #2. Been 2cm dilated and having tons of bh for two weeks now, thought for sure I would have this baby a little early, but here I am still pregnant. Had a sweep yesterday on my due date and it caused a very irritable uterus, been having painful contractions sometimes in my back lasting longer than 30 seconds, but nothing regular. I had a sweep at 40+2 with my first and went onto labor at 40+4, so I'm hopeful it will be sometime in the next couple days.

Wow Kristel, that's crazy,and scary! I've been having so many bh and setting off so many false alarms, I'm worried I wont know when it is the real thing and I'll end up waiting to long to call and end up in a similar situation. My first labor was 12hrs, but it was all natural and my dr thinks it will be a lot quicker this time, especially with all the prepping my body has been doing.

My first labour was also 12 hours. My 2nd was 3 hours. Unless you're planning a homebirth i'd just head straight to the hospital as soon as anything becomes regular.

Good luck to everyone who's still waiting. I keep checking back for updates lol
Yay, she's here! Starting losing bloody mucus plug Wednesday morning, and continued to lose it all day. Was having lots of BH, but I'm been having them for two weeks now, so that was nothing new for me. However around 8pm we were watching TV and they went from every 8-10 minutes to boom every 3 minutes as soon as I got up to use the bathroom, it was super intense. Immediately went to the hospital and 5 hours later I had my water birth :) My first baby was 6lbs 4.5oz at 40+4 and this baby was a whopping 8lbs 11.5oz at 40+2, totally shocked my family and dr! I had a feeling she was going to be bigger than my first, but I gained less weight this time around and had her a little earlier, so I didn't think she would be that much bigger!

I went into labor at around 8pm with my first baby too, weird coincidence, or is that type of thing common I wonder? Anyway, I'm glad it's over and she's healthy. I wish you all luck with your deliveries!
Love hearing the babies are finally coming!!!!!
And finally so did mine! On the 19th after 36 hours of labor. So tiring but so worth it! We are over the moon in love with her!
Yay, she's here! Starting losing bloody mucus plug Wednesday morning, and continued to lose it all day. Was having lots of BH, but I'm been having them for two weeks now, so that was nothing new for me. However around 8pm we were watching TV and they went from every 8-10 minutes to boom every 3 minutes as soon as I got up to use the bathroom, it was super intense. Immediately went to the hospital and 5 hours later I had my water birth :) My first baby was 6lbs 4.5oz at 40+4 and this baby was a whopping 8lbs 11.5oz at 40+2, totally shocked my family and dr! I had a feeling she was going to be bigger than my first, but I gained less weight this time around and had her a little earlier, so I didn't think she would be that much bigger!

I went into labor at around 8pm with my first baby too, weird coincidence, or is that type of thing common I wonder? Anyway, I'm glad it's over and she's healthy. I wish you all luck with your deliveries!

Congratulations!! Glad you got the water birth you wanted :)
Interesting you should say about time of giving birth - my mucous plug went with DD as I got into bed and contractions straight after, and my waters went with DS as I got into bed and contractions started soon after.
Congratulations Juliet too! x
Love hearing the babies are finally coming!!!!!
And finally so did mine! On the 19th after 36 hours of labor. So tiring but so worth it! We are over the moon in love with her!

Congratulations! You have me beat by 6 hours of labor. Kudos to you!
Mine was finally born as well after a tough induction and labour. After 50 hours she still needed to be born via c-section, but we are all doing well. 6 lbs 9 oz. Congrats everyone!

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