Well its my due date today Not that i think my boy will be making an appearence Iv slowly for the past few weeks been losing what i can explain is like snot in my knickers Had bad period pains, tightenings the lot and still nothing
girls getting lots of tightening s the past couple of hrs ........but have been out shopping + just finished the hoovering so wondering did i over do it thats y feeling odd.........
i swear ill prob be in labour and not know lol ......or pass it off as bh hehehhe........the last time i didnt go into hosp till i was 9cm eeeeeeeeekkkkkkk
i was fine ...well the contractions were coming every 2-3 mins at that stage only took ambulance 10 mins to get in phew!!! at 4.10 when arriving they examined me...sed was 9cm then my waters broke......dd2 was born at 5.40 ...very quick
yeh she was 5 days over....and im 5 days now ................
ive been getting what i think are real contractions all day now.....they are bearable thou ....but fingers crossed this is it and i have my baby by 2morrow
I was hoping when I checked the thread i would see someone had there baby!! Just got back from a 3 hour walk and had a few tightnings and cramping but nothing. I was losing some pinkish colored plug yesterday but that has stopped
Come on babies come on babies!!