The Pre Xmas Bonkers. 15 bfp!! :D Congrats girls xxx

very nice piccy!

Just tried to find the "drool pic" of my other half, but i cant find it :( NOOOOOOOO!!
I'm gonna have a look round for it later. i could have sworn i had it on the pc. :) its probably on my mobile phone and i havent seen that in DAYS! DS "claimed" it last year.
Love the new group signature! Thank you to whoever sorted that out!
YAY! just had my friends round, they recently got married and moved away. it was really nice to see them as since my other good friend moved away and I dont know anyone else in the area i get kinda lonely

I'm really glad i'm in this group cos I dont feel so alone anymore.

Thanks Ladies x x x
evening ladies how we all feeling?well me,my body has decided its gonna have a cold,been sneezing all day and now my nose wont stop running blah!!
I'm really glad i'm in this group cos I dont feel so alone anymore.

Thanks Ladies x x x
:hugs: Yep same here. Its really nice. And it's lovely that there is so many of us! Feel free to join in the convos girls, we can help each other until we get that :bfp:

I'm on such a downer tonight :cry: Mike doesn't finish work until 9 but can't wait for him to get home. need a big hug and an early night I think.
I've stopped bleeding, rang the hospital and they said if I don't start bleeding again then I need to cancel my HSG on Monday. If I cancel that then it'll be another 3 months until I can start Clomid. Don't think I can go another 3 months knowing I won't get pregnant :cry::cry: I've had a really good cry but i'll probably start again when Mike gets home!

How is everyone else? Any goss to cheer me up?!

I also feel a bit more "with it" with this forum, as much as OH wants us to get pregnant, him rolling his eyes everytime i talk about ovulation and 2ww and we should "do it on this day" I think im driving him mad,lol

At least here we are all in the same boat and our goal is the same,sooner or later.
i still think my hubby thinks you can get pg anytime in ur cycle
yeah billy just rolls his eyes,he's not into the whole planning thing he just likes to roll with it so to speak,i guess i do in a way but its handy to kno whats going on in there just so you can get a head start,and i aint getting any younger!!
i'm off now ladies ghost whisperer has started and i feel really crap!!!catch up tomorrow,nite all!!:wave:
well I've only put on half a kg :wohoo: feeling quite pleased with myself as I thought I'd have put on about 5 kgs lol
WOOOOOO i think the evil chavzilla next door is moving out!!!!!!!!!!! This has cheered me up sooo much! she has made everyone in this blocks life hell for years! My OH even got attacked cos they though she lived in my flat :(

gonna have a huge party when she is gone!!!

if anyone is feeling down please take some of my good mood, there is plenty to go around
x x x
girlsssss can you help me on if today is CD1 or not? pleeeaseeeee. more info in my journal. thank you!! :hugs:

WIGLER glad to hear the evil neighbor is moving out! hehe!

EMMY good job girl!

MAMADONNA have a good rest doll! :hi:

SCAMP i'm so sorry that you are feeling down :hugs: just know that we are all here for you. i know that doesn't heal the wound completely, but it should help a little. all i can do is hope and pray that each and every one of you gorgeous ladies will be get their :bfp: very soon!
evenin ladies,

Ive lost 10lbs!!! woohoo! most in ages! BMI is now 30, still high but hey im gettin there xx

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