The Pre Xmas Bonkers. 15 bfp!! :D Congrats girls xxx

HOw is everyone, its beena bit quiet today... im making the most of it before i go back to work on Friday...thing is im driving myself mad by reading everyone elses worries!
I'm knackered from work, don't know why as I only worked 4 and a half hours today 'cos I was owed some hours from Monday! :dohh:
How are you hun?

What I do to cheer myself up, is I read the birth stories on here. Always makes me smile :kiss:
Ive been doing that, and reading journals where they have got their BFP, makes it all worth while..
Yeah, especially when they're in the same situation as me. Been trying for a while and honestly think it won't happen... and now they have a gorgeous little baby :baby:
I was thinking about my letter to Santa this year and came up with this:

Dear Santa,

This Christmas can I, and the other Pre Xmas Bonkers girls please have babies in our warm, welcoming uteruses. We have all been very well behaved and promise to leave out some nice snacks and treats for you this year. If delivering babies to us all this year at Xmas is going to be to much hard work, then dont worry, we wont be offended if you deliver them to us early.

Lots of Love,

Wiggler x

What do you guys think? :)
If we all send that letter to him do you think it will work????


Love it!!!!
He he,
Love it!!

I want a sac....but with a baby in it!
yea we should all deffo send it. if the kindness and love radiating from the letters doesnt work, filling his mailbox will :p
aww Wiggler, your letter is sooo nice!

Now Santa better hurry up and bring us our BFP's!
How are you ladies going to tell OH and friends/family that your pregnant?

I have one of DS old babygrows hidden away and will place it and the positive test on his spot at the dinner table :)

As for my mum, she has demanded to know immediately, so i'm gonna tell her over the phone. lol.

Mine and OH's best friends are getting cards from the baby with scan piccies in and everyone else will probably find out from our announcement on facebook. hehe.
can i join, i will be pregnant by christmas!!!
loving the baby scan pics for your friends,i'll probably just tell every1
im with mamadonna. since i'm stationed in germany and all my family is back home and my husband is on deployment. i will probably just call everyone or post it on my facebook haha. not much else i can do. :shrug:
I can't wait to make a facebook announcement saying I'm pregnant!
do you girls ever see your husband in pictures and think :shock: he's all mine! my husband went on a hike up "the duke" in kosovo today and he sent me a picture, and seriously. i'm drooling over here! :blush: okay done. haha. :rofl: he's deployed so picture oogling is what i do! :)


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oohh very hot nevertogether!

I do sometimes look at pictures of DH and think, damn im lucky!

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