The Pre Xmas Bonkers. 15 bfp!! :D Congrats girls xxx

On a side note I'm very spiritual and do give tarot readings for myself and I believe to my core "you" are the most psychic about you. I think if you all got a basic tarot spread on pregnancy and did a reading for yourself you would fine it AMAZING, do a web check on how to do a tarot reading too. The readings I have done for myself have been the most honest and truthful to me compared to anything I ever allowed anyone to do it.

P.S my day going good oh is taking over baby and cleaning duties today so its nice to get a day break. I think I might of ovulated a few days ago so if I did I should have nailed it on the head literally speaking ROLF................ but still going to bed just in case. I'm really impatient for my fertility sticks lol............................... trying harder this month then others.
can you buy tarrots for pregnancy?

You can buy almost any card deck and find a pregnancy reading spread to do or make one of your own. There are lots of choices to choose from if you go to this site Aeclectic tarot its sort of a message board with women/men who do readings on everything from career to kids to health.... you name it they have great suggestions.
:hugs: thanks for explaining it Duffy, I might have to have a look into it ... I'm too inquisitive for my own good sometimes
Good afternoon ladies!

Feeling funny today. Have sore boobs and feeling very tired (due to not going to bed until 2am and getting up at 7am!)! Now I'm also feeling sick and even after a nice 2 hour afternoon nap still feel tired. My OH said could it be pregnancy and I said probably not and most likely me just convincing myself! :cry:

Went swimming with my little one today which took my mind off things and she absolutely loved it!

My OH is so great, when I said I didn't feel great he said to go and sit down and he'd do it!

Hope everyone is good out there today?
idj - soz ur not feelin well hun Fx'd it may lead to sumthin promising!!

I've got angel cards girls and they are fab! all nice readings, when the lady in the shop where i bought them from asked me to think of a question (which of course was baby related) the card a chose was patience!! how mad!!

love my angel cards and use them as a boost when im feelin low xxx
YAY ive done for one day,lol

Not getting dressed tomoz, infact i dont plan on doing anything!

I thinking im getting a cold and a cough, well defo the cough, i feel a bit achey and my mouth is so dry.

I dunno how i feel about wanting to test at the end of the month, i mean i know its only my 2nd cycle, and so after the 1st ive decided or tried to tell myself that i wont get TOO upset about a BFN. Arggghhh
Is there anyone on here who will be testing around the 30th?
Hello everyone!

Hope you had good weekends?

Are itchy nipples perhaps a pregnancy symptom? I have been itchy since Saturday, i tried googling it but then it was just breast cancer that popped so i immediately closed it!
I've just googled itchy nipples in pregnancy and apparently it can be caused by the rise in hormones hun :hugs:

Fingers crossed for you x x
Each month i promise myself i will not symptom spot, but look at me go already! argg!

What is even more annoying is that i dont even know when or whether i ovulated!
We all symptom spot, I think it'd be impossible for us not to symptom spot. Look at me yesterday getting all excited because a bowl of shreddies made me sick lol

I'm the same as you, don't know if I've ovulated or not :hugs:
I'd love to be pregnant by the end of the year too! I'm waiting on an appointment through for infertility clinic so hopefully i'll get a bit of help and get that BFP soon.

I was so convinced I was preg last cycle but AF showed up 2 days early :dohh: Gutted!
How long have you been TTC EmmyReece?

Welcome Blah11! Hope you get your BFP soon and good luck at the clinic!
it's been about 2 years now ... but I really think me not conceiving is down to my weight, which is why I've been trying so hard to lose the weight ...
Morning Girls :)

hope you all are well and had a fantastic weekend!

AF still isnt here, and still have no symptoms :(. to cheer myself up I'm going to make a yummy stew later and tonight indulge the child in me by having a HUGE ps3 gaming session :haha:

i found out last week that i cant go to my mums for xmas as she is only has xmas day off during the holidays and cant give us a lift there and back so going to start making shopping lists and buying presents soon which will keep me nice and busy.

awwww Wiggler hun :hugs:

I'm doing the same as you, making lists and brought my first pressie the other day as it was on offer with my catalogue :D

I'm really excited as I'm doing lots of xmas shopping in London, never been there in december, or outside of school, so I can have a proper look around, 5 days we're there in total :happydance:
I am so jealous! i love London, me and OH are hoping to go there for the january sales. i was supposed to start buying xmas pressies in january, but totally forgot, going to make sure i do this year.

we chucked out all our decs and our tree this year so we need to replace them, found a nice dressed tree in the argos catalogue. OH wanted a real tree, but i hate the smell and the mess.
you girls have made me panic a bit, i need to start getting a few pressies now, Xmas will be here before we know it...God i hope im not working it! well not xmas day anyway
I've been on at my fella for ages to take us down to London at xmas, so for him to finally give in is brilliant. I'm booking the tube tickets in a couple of weeks and then the train tickets when the advance ones come out :happydance:

I'm hoping we can make it a yearly thing as it's somewhere you can go with a young baby as it doesn't involve flying :D
thats sounds really nice Emmy, cos london is great for kids and the xmas lights are amazing!

Sweet, fingers crossed you arent working and get a nice relaxing xmas.

my new yearly thing is going to be going to a different town/city each xmas to see the lights being turned on. We are going to bognor this year, as its close by, considering brighton or portsmouth next year.
I would love to go to London for Xmas shopping, but it's such a shame that is't so far away. We have the german christmas markets here which are very pretty though, but they only start in November..

You girls are really starting early with your gifts, i best get started aswell!
I would love to go to London for Xmas shopping, but it's such a shame that is't so far away. We have the german christmas markets here which are very pretty though, but they only start in November..

You girls are really starting early with your gifts, i best get started aswell!

Yes, i remember last year we where going to drive up just to see the x - mas market but sumthing came up :dohh: but hopefully this year we going :happydance:

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