Aly are you just trying to cut down atm then hun ?? your still doing well... just noticing how much you smoke is a great!! Your doing something about it
Kisrty your the same as me i quit wen i was 20 but after sam was born 18mths ago i started a smoking again and now i cant stop either
iv had 2 cigs soooo far today and its really hard not to have more
Well how am i suuposed to stop now today av been told that my grandad is dying of caner he as 2 weeks left how am i going to get through it without a cig
i just need to remember that my grandad would want me to stop so that is wat am going to have to think about wen i feel the need to have a cig x
JUST hopt I dont let him down x
Good luck ladies! I, unfortunately, have this bad habit too. I was going to quit on my 40th birthday but things are too stressful atm. It's a tough one to quit and you must want to quit to make it work.
Well done kirsty
I ant had a cig since i found out this afternoon but with karl at work and the kids will be in bed soon so i no il have at least 2 befor i go to bed
Ohh iv only ad 4 today x
Well done girls x
Well for the last 2 day iv only had 5 cigs
and today i av been up since 6 and havent even had one yet must admit its hard cos i always have a cig with my drink of tea in the morning
Iv even got my own money box for when i stop so that wat ever i used to spend on cigs il put it in their so i can buy something nice for myself
yesterday i woke up with a horrible throat feeling with the initial thought "urgh cigarettes" but then I remembered I didnt smoke the day before
I didnt smoke yesterday at work either, and didnt really crave one... but the hard part is when my sister returns of her hol and she goes out for a smoke
Day 3- also sucessful, been kept busy with my police training...
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