I've set a date for quitting! This Wednesday, I'm moving out of the house I started smoking, and moving in to a new place. Hoping it'll help! Also a stop smoking place around the corner from the new place so hopefully that'll help too! good luck to all you girls, well done to those who've managed already!
Wow well done Kerry!
It's now 2 days til quitting time, and just realized I wont be able to get on here don't have internet connection in the new place! Although I could hijack the library computers
Had 3 yesterday, 1 so far today... hoping not to have any more today but we'll see how things go!
I quit smoking on August 5th, 2008!
Haven't had one since!
Somehow I managed to do it cold turkey. I always said when I got pregnant I'd quit, and I did it!
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