The Ramblers

Gah i swear im gonna go mad. Hes been up since 5 after waking every hour in the night. All i have done all day is get him to sleep just for him to be glaring back at me 2 seconds later. Ive been trying to prepare dinner since 3pm...Ive peeled the potatoes and chopped the onion...Thats it! He has had about 4 stints of 5 minutes sleep all day. Its hard work trying not to be grumpy, lol.
That sounds like a nightmare! Noah has the odd day he'll not sleep, but I'm lucky, he'll sit in his swing and watch whatever I'm doing.

Had an awesome sleep last night, he's finally into a routine, albeit a loose one lol! Bath around 7ish, bottle anytime between 7.30-9pm, then he'll go right into his crib AWAKE and as long as I pop his dummy in a while later, he'll go off to sleep :D Bottle at 2-3ish, then another around half 5, then he gets up for the day around 7. It's made life so much easier.

I'm getting the mirena fitted again today :thumbup: loved having it before, can't wait to have a 'normal' sex life again :haha: And the happy pills have kicked in the last couple of days, I'm finally reaching the light at the end of a pretty gloomy tunnel :D

Hope all you ladies are well today, and had a half decent night with your wee ones!!
Aww sounds like everything is going good janie. Finally got Finn ti sleep at about 10 andf he has been asleep ever since lol. Woke at 3:30 and 5:30 and 7 but hes asleep again now. He woke up so i got his bottle but he fell asleep again while i was heating it lol. Got all my jobs done except the washing last night so im opting for uber relaxation for the day! Lots of napping if he is going to sleep lol.

Glad your feeling better as well. And whats this talk of a sex life. We get these things back?
Yes get some sleep in while you can! I know everyone says it too and it's so much easier said than done, but my god it really does help just getting a couple extra hours here and there. So glad he's been sleeping a bit more for you though, there's nothing worse than a cranky mother and baby combo lol

Yes......but shhhh don't tell everyone! Hahah I can't wait! He wont let me near him til there's absolutely no chance of me getting pregnant! (Better not mention it's not 100% effective :haha:)
Howdy everyone, hope you're all good.

I've been in a blind panic over money for the last few days, starting to think I've got to go back to work :cry: Are any of you getting working tax credit while you're on mat leave?

Albert had his jabs today - the look on his face almost made me cry. It has made him well sleepy though... it's been nice to have him quiet :blush:
Hey all,
Not had a good night last night as megan would not go down to sleep in her moses basket so she ended up in my bed again!
Has anyone elses LO's started chewing there hands???
Megans been doing it for the past couple of days but she does it mostly after a feed!
Hope your all okay!
Hi Jess :wave:

Does Megan get windy? Apparently when they have wind they mistake it for hunger and give hunger cues - could be that? x
she does seem to bring wind up quite a bit out both ends! mainly her bum:haha:
so it could be that!
how would i be able to sort it?? i always wind her after feeds.
Noah has the chewy hands too lol I just let him munch away!

Dopey, I claim tax credits on Mat leave, you're still classed as working so should get them - were you getting them before?? Is there no other benefits you can claim as you are a single parent??
No idea... I can spend 30 minutes winding Albert to no avail and then he'll do a massive burp when he's just sitting there on my lap :haha: My HV said if nothing happens after 10 minutes, lay them down for 15-20 minutes then try again.

It could just be that she's just realised her hand is her hand, if that makes sense!
Janie - Well... I balled my eyes out at the job centre today because they said I couldn't claim anything but CTC and can only do that once my child benefit comes through.

Basically, because I was responsible, had a good job, bought a flat etc I've completely done myself over. I can't get any housing benefit because I live with my Mum, but have to pay her rent because she can't afford her mortgage, then I have to pay MY mortgage if my tenant doesn't pay up (he's always late).

I've since found out (myself) that once my Child Benefit comes through I can claim CTC and WTC. Put with my disability living allowance I should be able to cope. It's just so hard because I've got debts - two loans and a credit card. And when I asked them what I can do they told me I have to wait until I've missed two payments, am in collections and therefore my credit will be affected even though it's not really my fault.

I might just sell my body. God knows I could do with the action :rofl:
thats shit that they wont help u. it does my head in that these people that just sit on there arse all day get all the help but us mugs that work full time get sweet FA! Please mind my language it just gets me mad!
I made my disappointment quite clear.

I actually asked the woman why if the government want to keep people in work/get them back to work, why do they make it that you're better off if you hand in your notice for work instead of going on mat leave. She agreed it is stupid. But then I was being hormonal at her, I'd have agreed with me too :haha:
That's a loada shite that you have to suffer like that! You should go down to citizens advice, they're bloody awesome at fixing your money problems! They'll get on to your creditors and sort out lower repayments etc etc.....really try giving them a go :thumbup:

I'm currently better off on Maternity Allowance, than my normal wage. Go figure. I'm actually dreading how tight it's gonna be when I go back to work, another example of 2 people who work their arses off and for nothing. Makes me so bloody angry!!!

My pal did some escort work the other week - nothing seedy, just dinner and that was it. She got paid £600 for it!!!! Chris wont let me do that unfortunately........ahahahha :rofl:
I have an appt at CAB for next Friday :)

I'd be an escort. Just two problems. I dress like a tramp and I'd have to take Albert along. Somehow I think I'd only get paid 50p!
Meant to say, didn't get my bloody mirena today! They want me to have a period first dammit!!!

And got Noah weighed. The wee fatty is 12lb 13oz now! No wonder my arms ache at the end of the day lol
Why do they want you to have a period? I wanted a coil but won't have a period for ages!

Go Noah! :) i should get Albert weighed probably, it's been nearly 3 weeks since last time
Hey all,
Not had a good night last night as megan would not go down to sleep in her moses basket so she ended up in my bed again!
Has anyone elses LO's started chewing there hands???
Megans been doing it for the past couple of days but she does it mostly after a feed!
Hope your all okay!

Hi Jess :hugs:

These last few days, Poppy has started chewing her hands too, and like Megan, its usually after a feed (although to be honest, Poppy feeds so often, everything she does is "just after a feed":haha:). I was wondering what it is... I just presumed it was because she has found her hands... she was amazed by her fingers the other day, and kept staring at them, and bringing them closer to her face until she went and Poked herself right in the eye. :dohh:

But wonder if the hand chewing is something else.. wind maybe? two months is way too early for teething isn't it? x
I thought two months was early for teething but A has been a bit grumpy, runnier poos, chewing everything (my poor nips!) and more dribbly - all signs apparently. I'm going to order an amber teething necklace just in case!
I dunno actually...maybe to check I'm not preggers.....we had a drunken 'moment' 3 weeks ago that neither of us can actually remember if we did anything or not :haha: Oh god that would just be my luck. Self control is something I seem to lack these days!!!

Anyways, Noah's been really dribbley along with the hand chewing too. He woke me up through the night he was munching on them so loud!!! And it's becoming a nightmare as he knocks his dummy out to chew his fists instead, then cries.....make your mind up!!!!

How you all today??? I can't be bothered getting dressed I think we'll have a duvet day here :D

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