The Ramblers

Hey all,
Not had a good night last night as megan would not go down to sleep in her moses basket so she ended up in my bed again!
Has anyone elses LO's started chewing there hands???
Megans been doing it for the past couple of days but she does it mostly after a feed!
Hope your all okay!

Hi Jess :hugs:

These last few days, Poppy has started chewing her hands too, and like Megan, its usually after a feed (although to be honest, Poppy feeds so often, everything she does is "just after a feed":haha:). I was wondering what it is... I just presumed it was because she has found her hands... she was amazed by her fingers the other day, and kept staring at them, and bringing them closer to her face until she went and Poked herself right in the eye. :dohh:

But wonder if the hand chewing is something else.. wind maybe? two months is way too early for teething isn't it? x

Hey ladies!
Well megan slept in her own bed last night! only waking 3 times in the night.

I know thats same as megan i feel like ive grown and extra limb as she seems to be constantly attached to my boob!!:haha:
Dopeyjopey i feel for you megan must think my nips are teething rings!! she keeps clamping her gums down on them i nearly jump off the sofa!!
I do hope its not a sign of teething its too early to suffer with those sort of sleepless nights!

Whats everyone upto today??
I'm gonna finally get my hair cut as i carnt do anything with it anymore apart from tie it back and it still looks a mess!!:nope: My hair has gone horrible since having megan!
Good afternoon everyone- hope you all had a good nights sleep! :D

It seems that most of our babies are going through the hand chewing thing; nothing to worry about then. DopeyJopey, are the Amber teething necklaces any good do you know?

Janiepops-make sure you do that test :haha: just to be sure!

I'm having a lazy afternoon-been food shopping this morning and out for breakfast with hubbie, but i'm back home now with my pyjamas on so am gonna try and relax this afternoon (not likely though is it?)

I just don't get a minute to myself anymore..when hubbie comes home from work tonight am going to have a nice bath, a glass of wine, then self tan allll over! Will make me feel half human.. although last time I tried to self tan Poppy started screaming to be held so I had to rush it, and the next day I nearly died of shock when I saw the results -STREAKTASTIC! :haha:

I think Im gonna get my hair done next week too Jess... I dont know if its changed since having Poppy, or whether it's just that I don't have as much time to do it/look after it now! :shrug: Most days I feel like more of a scummy mummy than a yummy mummy! :growlmad:
Good afternoon everyone- hope you all had a good nights sleep! :D

It seems that most of our babies are going through the hand chewing thing; nothing to worry about then. DopeyJopey, are the Amber teething necklaces any good do you know?

Janiepops-make sure you do that test :haha: just to be sure!

I'm having a lazy afternoon-been food shopping this morning and out for breakfast with hubbie, but i'm back home now with my pyjamas on so am gonna try and relax this afternoon (not likely though is it?)

I just don't get a minute to myself anymore..when hubbie comes home from work tonight am going to have a nice bath, a glass of wine, then self tan allll over! Will make me feel half human.. although last time I tried to self tan Poppy started screaming to be held so I had to rush it, and the next day I nearly died of shock when I saw the results -STREAKTASTIC! :haha:

I think Im gonna get my hair done next week too Jess... I dont know if its changed since having Poppy, or whether it's just that I don't have as much time to do it/look after it now! :shrug: Most days I feel like more of a scummy mummy than a yummy mummy! :growlmad:

ive never tried self tan id probebly end up in a right mess with it!:wacko:
sounds like a good plan though!!!

i know what ya mean bout the not feeling good! think i need a pamper day! (like thats gonna happen anytime soon):cry:
Good afternoon everyone- hope you all had a good nights sleep! :D

It seems that most of our babies are going through the hand chewing thing; nothing to worry about then. DopeyJopey, are the Amber teething necklaces any good do you know?

Janiepops-make sure you do that test :haha: just to be sure!

I'm having a lazy afternoon-been food shopping this morning and out for breakfast with hubbie, but i'm back home now with my pyjamas on so am gonna try and relax this afternoon (not likely though is it?)

I just don't get a minute to myself anymore..when hubbie comes home from work tonight am going to have a nice bath, a glass of wine, then self tan allll over! Will make me feel half human.. although last time I tried to self tan Poppy started screaming to be held so I had to rush it, and the next day I nearly died of shock when I saw the results -STREAKTASTIC! :haha:

I think Im gonna get my hair done next week too Jess... I dont know if its changed since having Poppy, or whether it's just that I don't have as much time to do it/look after it now! :shrug: Most days I feel like more of a scummy mummy than a yummy mummy! :growlmad:

ive never tried self tan id probebly end up in a right mess with it!:wacko:
sounds like a good plan though!!!

i know what ya mean bout the not feeling good! think i need a pamper day! (like thats gonna happen anytime soon):cry:

A light layer of self tan can work wonders! :winkwink:
Pointless post but :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: Just realised that hubbie is off work for four days now :headspin: :headspin: :headspin:

He usually works 6/7 days a week, so it'll be great to have him here at home to help me with Poppy, and of course to spend time with him :haha:
Awww Susie I know what you mean I get all excited when Chris has extra days off too! Enjoy it!!!

I'm gonna wait a week and if no period then I'll take a test. But I'm 90% sure that I'm not :haha:

I can't manage to tan myself well! I always end up a right mess, so I'm as white as a sheet these days. We've not even had any good weather up here to get just a bit of colour, it sucks :( And don't even get me started on hair!!!! I have very fine hair, and when I was pregnant it got so much volume, I loved it!!! Now it's falling out literally by the handful, I could cry every time I have a shower and see it all down the plughole! But I think I need a change of colour, I'm thinking Hayley Williams blonde/orange/red :thumbup:

Anyways, I'm offskis for a glass of vino, prob wont be on much this weekend, so hope you all have a lovely one whatever you get up to!!! xx
yeah im the same when andy get some days off which is very rare at the moment:cry: ↲Ive not had any hair loss but i didnt gain any either when i was pregnant! ↲↲I do hope the test come back negative for you janie those drunken relapse's are the worst! Wish i could have a drink although i think i would only manage one! wasnt a big drinker before!
Morning ladies.

Hope every1 had a good night.

Dopey defo get something sorted with CAB. I had an argos card which i ran up then kept forgeting to pay. It got rediculous so i was only coveribg the interest each week. I got it sorted sp i now pay £5 a month. They take down your incomings and outgoings then work out what you can afford. I added £50 onto what my shopping costs each week :)

Well had a good night last night, went to OH's mum n dads anniversary party. Left about 10:30 as i thought i better be a good mummy n take the kids home, lol. OH stayed as his house is only round the corner so he proceeded to dry out the free bar. I sent him a text this mornin to bring his swimmin trunks as he said he wanted to be there when finn first went swimmin. He replied with a text telling me how things werent working out, lol. Dumped by text...How rude! Its a good job im used to doing everything alone anyway hey. We have a holiday booked on the 6th of Sep. Looks like ill be taking the kids on my own. Cant not go as DS has been lookin forwards to it for months. Oh well, life goes on, lol.

As for the hand chewing thing...Finn is doing it as well. It started with bottle teat chewing. He looked hungry so I'd give him his bottle but he just chomped on the end. Now he is chewing hands as well. Could be wind. He is becoming harder and hatder to wind, but luckily he isnt in pain with it like he used to be x
Aw scampie, i'm sorry about you and oh. Probably not what you want to hear right now but from what you've said it sounds like you're better off without him. Especially as he did it by text! Why do blokes think that's ok?

Where are you going on holiday? I want to get A's passport sorted so i can take him somewhere nice. Not that he'll know what's going on!
Thats exactly what im thinking right now Dopey. Not sure if it hasn't sunk in yet, or if i dont care, but its not really bothering me right now. Im very good at not thinking about things though, lol. Im most pissed about not getting the lay in he promised me tomorrow, along with a bacon sanger, although i wouldnt be able to sleep as id of had 1 ear listening out incase he was bein arsey to Finn.

Its not like im gonna miss out on the sex either, rofl. Havent had any for about 7 months. Im actually yet to figure out what i am going to miss. Im not sure there is much to miss.

We are only off to butlins. That was as brave as i thought we should be with a 12 week old. Sam loves it there though so its all good. Just worried he wont be able to enjoy it as much with just me as its going to take forever to get organised each day. Also he doesnt like joining in activities unless i do it with him. Not sure how i can as generally Finn doesnt sleep all day. I did decide to try him out in the pushchair part of the pram yesterday as he screams in the carry cot. He seems so much happier in it being able to see around, so tht might help :)
I think a lot of the time us women miss being in a relationship rather than the person we were in one with!

I love butlins too :) In fact, i love just staying somewhere that isn't home haha. Take your sling for finn and i'm sure you'll be able to do some of the activities with sam!
Ah yeh, didnt think about that. Good idea :D

I used to hate being single, but then i kinda grew up a bit and it doesnt bother me. In fact i dont think i could cope living with a man as im so used to being independant. I was rather hoping we might of gotten round to DTD some time soon as im gaggin for it, lol. Now ive got to search out a new victim so things could take a little longer than i first though, lol. Ill go stock up on duracell me thinks.
I hate being single. Even now i want FOB back but he is homeless, jobless, takes loads of drugs, cheated on me twice that i know of and got me into money problems. But somehow i still love him!

It would be better if i had some friends i suppose, but they all know kev and are of the same mould so i shouldn't have expe ted them to stick around! Guess i'm stuck living with mum for the next 10 years! :blush:
Lol, aww hun. Get out to some mother and baby groups and get to know some new people. Mind you, i hate the idea of mother and baby groups. Sittin round cooing at other peoples babies isnt my idea of fun. Id rather be down the pub with the lads, lol. Spose its time to change my mindsety.
I have met a few mums but it annoys me that most only talk about babies. That sounds horrible haha
Awww Susie I know what you mean I get all excited when Chris has extra days off too! Enjoy it!!!

I'm gonna wait a week and if no period then I'll take a test. But I'm 90% sure that I'm not :haha:

I can't manage to tan myself well! I always end up a right mess, so I'm as white as a sheet these days. We've not even had any good weather up here to get just a bit of colour, it sucks :( And don't even get me started on hair!!!! I have very fine hair, and when I was pregnant it got so much volume, I loved it!!! Now it's falling out literally by the handful, I could cry every time I have a shower and see it all down the plughole! But I think I need a change of colour, I'm thinking Hayley Williams blonde/orange/red :thumbup:

Anyways, I'm offskis for a glass of vino, prob wont be on much this weekend, so hope you all have a lovely one whatever you get up to!!! xx

Oh no.. Ive not experienced any hair falling out, yet.... I think i would cry, but am sure it stops at some point right? The things we have to go through.. as if pregnancy wasnt challenging!

Oh and who is Hayley Williams? Am i being stupid not knowing?

And wine sounds nice. may have one myself, hope you are having a great weekend x
Morning ladies.

Hope every1 had a good night.

Dopey defo get something sorted with CAB. I had an argos card which i ran up then kept forgeting to pay. It got rediculous so i was only coveribg the interest each week. I got it sorted sp i now pay £5 a month. They take down your incomings and outgoings then work out what you can afford. I added £50 onto what my shopping costs each week :)

Well had a good night last night, went to OH's mum n dads anniversary party. Left about 10:30 as i thought i better be a good mummy n take the kids home, lol. OH stayed as his house is only round the corner so he proceeded to dry out the free bar. I sent him a text this mornin to bring his swimmin trunks as he said he wanted to be there when finn first went swimmin. He replied with a text telling me how things werent working out, lol. Dumped by text...How rude! Its a good job im used to doing everything alone anyway hey. We have a holiday booked on the 6th of Sep. Looks like ill be taking the kids on my own. Cant not go as DS has been lookin forwards to it for months. Oh well, life goes on, lol.

As for the hand chewing thing...Finn is doing it as well. It started with bottle teat chewing. He looked hungry so I'd give him his bottle but he just chomped on the end. Now he is chewing hands as well. Could be wind. He is becoming harder and hatder to wind, but luckily he isnt in pain with it like he used to be x

He dumped you by text? I hope you don't mind me saying but you are better off without him! You will probably have a better holiday without him! :hugs: as you can spend precious time with the two little men in your life :)
I have met a few mums but it annoys me that most only talk about babies. That sounds horrible haha

I'm slowly turning into one of those women who just talks about babies all day long :haha: but the thought of all those mother and baby clubs horrifies me... I will go to some for Poppy, so she can make some friends, but I can't imagine enjoying them= the women all seem so clicky and competitive :) Maybe Im wrong, :shrug: and I suppose the one baby club I go to isn't that bad lol
Yes, hair does fall out but don't worry! Normally you lose hair every day but in pregnancy you lose none (only hair that breaks) which is what makes your hair feel thicker. Once you've had bubs you not only go back to losing hair but you lose all the hair you should have lost in pregnancy!

Hayley Williams is the singer from paramore :)

Forgot someone asked about teething necklaces, sorry! I have no experience but have only everhears good things. And if they're crap it's only a tenner so i won't be too bothered x
Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far :) Im knackered! I feel like I need a PA just to manage my baby and bump account, nevermind the rest of my life!

Just having a minute of peace......hubbie has taken Poppy for a long walk (daddy/baby bonding time lol) so have poured a glass of wine and am chilling out!

I really must tell my hubbie how grateful I am to him, he is great :cloud9: <---- thats probably the wine talking :rofl:


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