The Ramblers

Accepted :)

Argh, my FB is awful... as you'll be able to tell my life before getting pregnant was a bit messy! Haha

Has anyone looked into waterbabies? Think i might sign up for that, i'd be too scared to just take A on my own!
Ive added you janie and dopeyjopey!!

Aww i carn't wait to take megan swimming i'm waiting till shes had her injections first though!

Did you just hold finn in your arms or put him in something????

Ive had a very boring day!!! been to the MIL and thats it!!!

Anyone tried that colief???? Megan keeps crying alot at night. I don't think its colic but its worth a try as she is really windy!
Oh Susie, here's the style I want, I bloody love her hair. Hate Paramore tho hahaha!!!

I love that!!! don't think id be daring enough though!!!! The most daring ill go is red highlights!
I added u janie :)

Well he never turned up and proceeded to tell me it is my fault. In the end saturday night i informed him he either needs to see him every weekend when he says he will or he can fuck off. I know how unreliable he is and im not gonna let him fuck the kids about. I then informed him that he wont be taking finn out of my sight untill he can be trusted with him. (After the telling him to shut up and not giving him his bottle incident) He didnt even know what i was talking about. He is to busy having a go at me for anything to sink in though. What a pathetic little child. If he doesnt at least show up with the money for finns mattress then ill be going to the CSA as well. It will cost him more than the £50 he is supposed to give me, even though so far its been more like every 2 weeks not 1. Grrr!

Anyways, lol. Took Finn swimming today and he seemeed to really enjoy it. Wasn't in for long, but lookin forwards to going again.

I have also found someone else to take the ex's place on our holiday. His sister is going to come with her 3 kids so all is good x

Arn't some men arseholes i think you would be doing the right thing going to CSA show him your not messing.

I'm sure you will enjoy it alot better with his sister plus sam will get someone to join in the activitys with instead of dragging poor mum up!
Accepted :)

Argh, my FB is awful... as you'll be able to tell my life before getting pregnant was a bit messy! Haha

Has anyone looked into waterbabies? Think i might sign up for that, i'd be too scared to just take A on my own!

Ive looked at it! It might be just me but i think it cruel and i would never dare put megan underwater!! they tell you never to leave a lo in the bath as they may drown but they incourage this?!
Thats just my opinion though!:thumbup:
They do a photo at the end... i would want to take a 20 pound note and recreate the nirvana album cover! :haha:

There's aqualight here too and my HV said it's a lovely experience for the babies and it uses their natural reflexes (like holding breath underwater) and helps them learn naturally! I might give it a go, it's scary though!
Have any of you tried them swaddling blankets??
Megans an absolute nightmare when it comes to trying to get her to sleep as her arms are eveywhere!!! she always knocks her dummy out!
Albert wouldn't sleep if i put him in one. he likes to sleep like a starfish :)
Evening all :) Hope everyone has had a good day!

I took Poppy to get weighed today and she is doing well.. she is 12lb8oz now! She had a right little tantrum when the Health Visitor was trying to weigh her though- as usual she wanted her bottle! She always wants her bottle... she even likes it in her mouth when she isnt sucking on it-she likes a constant drip of milk going into her mouth allllll day long!

Ive not heard of or tried waterbabies and Ive not used swaddling blankets either, so not much help there! :shrug: I'm an expert in chubby little baby girls who won't stop eating though......:haha:

Albert wouldn't sleep if i put him in one. he likes to sleep like a starfish :)

:haha: Dont think Poppy would like being swaddled either, as she sleeps with her arms in the air above her head, as if she is being arrested!
Poppy has her first set of needles/immunisations tomorrow..anyone elses baby had theirs yet?
megans goes for hers friday. Im dreading it!

Hi Jess :hugs:

Im dreading it too... got my hubbie to take another day off work so he can come too-much easier to cope if she starts screaming. I'm gonna feel soooo sorry for her. :(
A had his last week. He cried a bit, not as much as i thought he would though. They made him really sleepy x
A had his last week. He cried a bit, not as much as i thought he would though. They made him really sleepy x

That's good- at least it wasn't as bad as you expect. It probably depends on the baby. My sister has two little girls, when the older one had hers she cried/screamed during them and for ten hours straight afterwards. But her little sister didnt even flinch when she had hers, and just slept afterwards.:shrug:
hey well ive been to the doctors for some contraception and he offered me an IUD!!! and i told him i was breastfeeding!:dohh:

couldn't really pay attention to what else he was saying as megan was having a screaming fit:nope:

Its really starting to get me down now it feels like shes always crying only time she doesn't cry is when shes on the boob and then she gets frustrated and the last couple of nights have been a nightmare she has ended up in my bed as she keeps screaming in her moses basket.:cry: i don't know whats up with her.:shrug:

my SIL has got some of that colief for me to try to see if its wind thats upseting her.
Jess, i think IUDs are ok when BF. There aren't any hormones in some of them, so better than the pill.

Bless little megan :( Albert was like that so I cut out pepsi a few days ago and his wind has been so much better! x
He also gave me info on the ICUD which hasn't got hormones in it. I ment IUS! Not IUD!! which contains progestogen!
Think i might just go for the mini pill don't think i can face anyone messing down there! I feel fragile since giving birth! lol

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