The Ramblers

Morning ladies! VW camper vans rawesome, but pretty expensive i think. My mum was lookin to get one but opted against it in the end.

I get my insurance through Tesco. It was the cheapest by far. I reckon if i looked at diamond the extra money paid each year would cover a new pram and car seat each year, lol.

Lovin the poo face, Haha!

Any of you ladies have Virgin Broadband? I discovered yesterday you get free photo prints with them :D Missed out on 18 months worth, lol.

Im so jealous of your sleep susie :( Finn is an 8-12-3-4-530-6 kindfa guy, lol! Ive tried movin his sleep but it doesnt work at all. Those just seem to be the times he likes to sleep. He is fighting sleep loads in the day now as well. Was before, but now he is clearly more tired than he was seeming before. Tired and grumpy!
Morning ladies! VW camper vans rawesome, but pretty expensive i think. My mum was lookin to get one but opted against it in the end.

I get my insurance through Tesco. It was the cheapest by far. I reckon if i looked at diamond the extra money paid each year would cover a new pram and car seat each year, lol.

Lovin the poo face, Haha!

Any of you ladies have Virgin Broadband? I discovered yesterday you get free photo prints with them :D Missed out on 18 months worth, lol.

Im so jealous of your sleep susie :( Finn is an 8-12-3-4-530-6 kindfa guy, lol! Ive tried movin his sleep but it doesnt work at all. Those just seem to be the times he likes to sleep. He is fighting sleep loads in the day now as well. Was before, but now he is clearly more tired than he was seeming before. Tired and grumpy!

I'm on Virgin Broadband... didnt know anthhing about free prints! Ill look into that.

I am very lucky with regards to Poppy sleeping through....I still just had to have an hours sleep though while Pops was having her afternoon nap. No amount of sleep will ever cure my tiredness now that i've had a baby. You are probably all the same-I think that it's because we never really fully sleep, we are always listening out subconsciously for our babies.
yeah megan seems to be a bit better with the colief!
I do hope nobody is unlucky enough do get the dreaded 2 blue lines!:thumbup: just think about 11 months ago we were praying for them! lol:haha:
I'm not broody at all i was a couple of weeks ago but the sleep depravation has convince me otherwise! lol
I'm insured with admiral ive only got a corsa though! my payments are £40 a month. my dads got a golf and he pays more than me and hes got full no claims!

well ive had an eventfull couple of days went to get megan weighed on tuesday and shes put on 6and half oz in a week!!:happydance: so pround of her!
she started to cry while i was in the room as she was hungry so the HV said it was okay to feed her there so i did! then the HV was being nosey at me feeding her and told me that she isn't latching on properly and that she wont be getting enough milk from me.:cry:
i know she dint mean it in a nasty way but i got proper upset at the thought of my little girl not getting enough milk.
So anyway she came yesterday to try and help me to get megan to latch on properly but megan wasn't having none of it and she got upset and then wouldn't take any breast so i had to stop and calm her down.
The HV gave me a breastfeeding guide and on her way she went and she told me to keep trying her with what she told me.
So i did when she was looking hungry but she kept gettin frustrated and then wouldn't latch on at all.
So i ended up really upset as she was crying.
so i got my pump out and expressed the milk instead which is what ive been doing all day! i'm not bothered if it takes up all my day expressing as long as i know shes getting enough.
sorry for rambling on it just really got to me.:thumbup:
Aw, Jess! How upsetting for you :hugs:. If you're stressed trying to get Poppy to latch right she'll sense it so I know it's easier said than done, but try and relax and she might get there.

Although if P put on over 6oz in a week that's pretty good gain, esp. for her age! A has put on 2lbs in 4 weeks. Did the HV say what was wrong with the latch?
she said that megan was only gettin the nipple and wasn't getting enough areola in her mouth.
shes coming again tommorrow but i just carn't face trying again as megan get so frustrated even when i'm sort of calm!!
is it just mine or does posting in this tread not make the posts number go up on the side bar?!:shrug:
It went up!

Albert doesn't get a lot of nip in his mouth tbh... he gets a bit enthusiastic and tries to suck before he's latched. So I try and wait until he's got his mouth open, put his nose level with the tip of my nipple and move his head up to get the top lip over, if that makes sense. If I were you I'd keep trying tonight on your own as I know HVs make me feel really uncomfortable and like I'm doing everything wrong so I panic! x
must b just mine then! It was on 134 before postin this!
it only goes up when i post on others threads! How wierd! It also wont let me put a pic on!
yeah im gonna have another try dont think it will work though she never opens her mouth wide enough.
Get her when she's yawning ;)

That's really weird... are you attaching or embedding the photo? x
Does embedding work? I think there's a section for techie help somewhere :shrug:
ill have to put some on there then! Dont go on there much so havent bothered with pics!:thumbup:
Jess when you attatch the pic, do you scroll right over to the right of the form that you upload the pic with, then click the upload button? It seems to be way off screen for some reason, took me ages to figure out why pics wouldnt attach, lol.

Hope you have a little more luck with the feeding tonight x
Just had to share something weird...

Went to the pub and my mates were joking about my milk. For a laugh i went to the loo and expressed some milk into a shotglass and put it on the table saying i'd got some sambooba. My friend visiting from new zealand new it was my milk and drank it. Him and another bloke on the table were both sick. I feel a bit :sick: about it too :rofl:

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