Yeyy! Massive congrats Missy! Im so pleased for you x Did you get a big romantic gesture?
I was rocking the shopping trolly the other day Jess, and Finn was in the baby carrier!
Woo! We need piccys!
Ive had enough today..Grrr! So much for my nice relaxing day! Why cant i have a normal baby like everyone else. One who actually sleeps! Its impossible to entertain a baby who can do nothing for himself all day long. Especially when he is miserable! I know he has just had his injections, but he has never slept properly in the days. Walking round the zoo yesterday you see all these people with their little sleeping babies, then me with Finn screaming every step of the way! He did have a sleep this morning, but not for very long. Since then he has been to sleep twice for a whole 5 minutes. I just dont know what to do with him anymore Everyone keeps saying to me, oh hes not like a normal baby who sleeps is he..Im like no, so why not shut the f**k up and stop rubbing it in my face! Oh im stressed today!
Scampie - have you tried looking at alternative therapies? I know i sound like a right hippy but i've been really impressed with the osteopath. Albert is holding his head properly since that one session today and has only been sick once! Might be worth seeing if you could get a free consultation.
Susie - i have been asking people whether babies eat or drink milk... mum said they drink it because you don't chew but then got really confused if i asked her if she drinks yoghurt
haha! That made me chuckle dopey about the yogurt! Could just imagine the conversation! Lol. Does anyone know at what age do los hold there head up on their own?
haha! That made me chuckle dopey about the yogurt! Could just imagine the conversation! Lol. Does anyone know at what age do los hold there head up on their own?