The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi RabeRezzelba, haven't seen you on BnB for quite a while - really pleased you've found Cathy to help you! I think far more people should at least give TCM a try. Have you read any of our ravings about Randine Lewis? She wrote rather a marvellous book called The Infertility Cure, all about TCM for fertility, with all sorts of other advice. Thoroughly recommend it.
Good luck! Look forward to reading about your sessions on here.

Sorry you've been having a wobble, fitzy. You'll find the right thing for you - and whatever you do, TCM will help you no end.

Cheese...................... (No!! Yoga! Baby!!)

Abi x

Hi there

No I havent been on in a while - I decided before christmas to try to forget about the whole TTC carry on - and as you can see it didnt work!!! It too hard to try to forget - you hear all these stories about people who just stopped trying and they fell pregnant - obviously they hadnt been trying for that long - unlike my 25/26 months now... So anyway Im back on BNB.

That book you mentioned - ive already ordered it from Amazon for £8 - should be here by Monday I hope. I can't wait to read it. I have Zita Wests book which has a section on TCM too. And i bought another book last year about food and TCM and ying & yang etc - so i know a wee bit but very interested to read the one you mentioned.

I really hope my acupuncture lady is a miracle worker - if she is then flights to Belfast will be full of BNB ladies looking for appointments!:haha:

She usually puts needles in my head, between my eyes, hands, belly, legs and feet - the feet ones are the most uncomfortable ones. The belly ones are so tickly i nearly start laughing. She said i have a kidney & spleen deficiency (cold hands and feet and brown spotting before and after period a sign) and i have dents on the side of my tongue suggesting that too. I really think this week though my hands and feet have felt warm - so hope its working its magic.

Hope all you ladies have success with TCM - we all deserve it. :thumbup:
Hi everyone. Hope things are going well for all of you.

Muncho, hope all goes well for your transfer. Baby dust and sticky sticky sticky sticky glue aimed straight at your uterus!!

I have a question, has anyone had a castor oil pack applied to their uterus? Sorry if I missed a previous post that discussed it. I was doing a search on the web for natural ways to increase uterine lining and that popped up. Sounds like you rub castor oil on your stomach, then put a towel, then a heating pad or water bottle or one of those hot packs full of buckwheat and herbs. Just curious at what point in your cycle you do it (would assume pre ovulation) and how long you let it sit for. Also if it seemed to make a difference for anyone?

I have made my appointment for Feb the 24th for accupuncture. Now that I made it I hope my body just starts to work itself out, lol.
Hey All,

Just thought i'd up date you on my second session of Accu' & Reflexology.

I don't think it had such a major impact on me as my first session to be honest, but did totally relax me - as i fell asleep and SNORED!! Very embarassed! lol

When i got in after my first session i felt really tired and slept so well all this week - which was nice as i had been struggling sleeping. But this week, i have seen no difference and have gone back to not falling asleep till gone midnight??

I'm on CD66 and still no sign of it coming? so i've not seen any benefit on that side yet.

Good News - Now the doc is happy my prolactin levels have dropped, she is refering me to a fertility specialist. I have to have swabs done first, and much to DH disappointment, he has to have a sperm sample done!

Not sure how long the waiting list is in the derbyshire area, last my Doc mentioned it was 60 days long, so it could be a long wait before i see any one.....hey, i may get my AF or BFP before i actually get to my appointment, who knows!

Off to bed-ski now.
bernina, brazil nuts are good for the lining i have been eating them and lining is very good. transfer went well , just taking it easy now
Muncho I'm keeping everything crossed for you!!! a good lining and a little fertilised eggy make a good match, good luck hun xxx
thanks jojo, appreciate it xx
we need another bfp on this thread asap!
hey all - muncho, great news about the lining and good

my apologies for the grump the other day. dh and i had a fairly major row last week which left us both feeling rather rubbish about life. things are ok now and lots of stuff which needed talking about finally came out.

abster, i'm still so early on with the acu i don't think it was fair of me to be so critical about my prac. she really is very lovely. my ov came forward by two days, which doesn't seem like much but when you're used to hanging around until day 30+ of a cycle anything is better! i managed to ov on day 29, a reduction of 2 days. if that continues by my third cycle i'll have shaved off the best part of a week and will only have to wait until day 25! haha! its still far too long but there we go! better than a kick in the tits as the they (esp. at the mo as mine are so sore....:blush:)
anyway, even tho ov is still very delayed, on the CM front things were GREAT so yes, acu is amazing and i love it!

as for other stuff, i'm 6dpo and nothing at all to report. nada, ziltch, zero....apart from sore boobies which i ALWAYS get these days i've not noticed anything :growlmad: oh, apart from crying at everything at the drop of a hat but i think that's got more to do with the argument dh and i had.

still enjoying reading all the stories and updates girlies. about time one of us got pg!
10th? I think it was. Anyway, 12th Feb.

Showed Quing my chart - CD 9 and already on my 2nd day of proper EWCM, one BD behind us. Woohoo! She panicked briefly and said I might be ovulating too early, til I pointed out I always get 4/5 days' EWCM and ovulate on the last day I have it, which would make it CD12/13 - perfect! She advised me to ease off on the heat of the hot water bottle (or wheat bag, which is what I use) and use it slightly less until ov, just to make sure ov is perfectly timed. Also said BD every 2 days, which is what we've started doing, til I've ov'd.

She was impressed at the amoutn of times I've gone out speed-walking with the buggy (man, walking at speed with a 15+kg toddler is no mean feat!) - I reckon it's made all the difference, helping my kidney yang defeat the (until now) all-powerful ying (Ying the Merciless?!).

Still strengthening my spleen - banishing my phlegm, which is immeasurably better already - so 2 needles in teh back of my head, normal positions. A few needles in my lower back and some heat. Ever, ever so relaxed today. Time on my front flew by - and I was in the lovely, quiet room, lying right next to the radiator. Onto my back...

A few needles in my abdomen - all of which, for the first time in a while - I felt first time and didn't need moving. Then a few in my lower legs and one in the flap of skin between the thumb and finger of my left hand. Some heat from the lamp. I was so relaxed I think I actually fell asleep this time, because on "waking" I thought I was at home!

I have some herbal dots in my right ear again. Pills-wise, she's given me more You-Gui-Wan (for nourishing the kidney yang) and a bottle of the Er-Chen-Wan I had a couple of weeks ago, for my spleen. Gave me a £2 discount today (think possibly because she's treating OH and me at the same time, which makes it a bit expensive).

I feel vey positive about this cycle - realistically, with my previous ov date and LP, this is the first cycle we've even had a chance of conception. Quing seems to be going all-out too, which is great. Told me not to expect pregnancy, as the stress won't help - what a bloody vicious cycle! I really appreciate her honesty and her not wanting me to get my hopes up only to have them dashed.

Right, onto you lot... it's been a busy 24 hours on here!

Reba, you sound more positive than I remember. I really think Cathy will be able to help you - and the book is wonderfully reassuring , helping you to understand exactly how TCM works and just how powerful a treatment it is. I swear you won't be able ot put it down at first. You're not wrong about Cathy!

I've not heard about the castor oil treatment, Bernina. The rationale behind putting a hot water bottle/wheat bag on pre-ov if you have a cold uterus is to warm it up - expanding the tiny blood vessels to increase blood flow - and encourage to to respnd to the warming effects of progesterone. Coudl it be that they're just the same thing do you think? Def go with Muncho's suggestion of brazil nuts.

Hey Shaerichelle, hope you really enjoy your acupuncture treatment and go back for more - it's a wonderful therapy, really effective. Have you seen me banging on about Randine Lewis' book, The Infertility Cure? It's a fantastic book; can't recommend it highly enough.

Misskat, waiting for ov is really doing your head in isn't it? It can take a few months to se the full effects of treatment - Randine Lewis stated that you should expect to need 3-6 months' treatment (not that it always does, it just means that if it takes a while it doesn't mean it's not working). I've been seeing Quing since 23rd Nov and only last month, my 3rd cycle, did ov come forward, by 2 days. The relaxing (light, floaty) feeling I got after my first treatment has never happened again, regardless of how relaxed I've felt after treatment - maybe it's just that the effect of yoru 1st one is so new to the body? What do the rest of you think? Similar experiences?
Good news on your prolactin levels!! From experience - Jen1802's and somebody else on BnB both found out 2 months after they should have been referred that their (male) GP's hadn't got around to it yet. :growlmad::growlmad: Can you nag yours? Especially if there's a 2-month wait too!

Hey you, Rubyloo! Don't apologise for being down - we all come on here and vent. Ugh, it's awful when an argument affects you like that though, I know. You didn't come across as overly critical of your prac, don't worry. Yep, any move forward is a big thing. Next cycle, it could come forward by 3 or 4 days, you never know!
Better than a kick in the tits :rofl::rofl:

Go Muncho!!! :happydance::hugs:

I've taken up enough of your time - I'm off!
Abi x
Abs thats great news. Glad u r feeling really positive, its been ages since i fell asleep at acu and well done on the walking with the buggy. it shard , i have don eit with my neice!

hello everyone else xx
great news about the lining muncho!.. fingers crossed :hugs:

I had my conference at work the other night had a glass of red wine and couldn't go near it.. i've also got a cold which may be effecting my temps as i seem to be extra warm today.. i did a test on an IC and got a faint pink line and then did another and got the same and another and same again (i have a pack of 25 he he).. the thing is it comes up at about 8 min's on each one and i've had this on IC's before that's turned out to be nothing so don't want to get my hopes up yet. Back in Dec i even had one of those faulty FRER's so i'm scared of those too. but at the same time curiosity is getting the better of me and i really want to go out and buy one. May then try and save it for tomorrow.. only other symptoms i've had is sore nipples and i had some bleeding after :sex: on Weds which i've never had before and it's stopped now.. just trying not to get too excited though as last time i did with that dodgy FRER and then it was nothing :cry:

Had acu yesterday and she mentioned that it's quite often that us girls catch colds etc around 8dpo as apparently our bodies lower our immunity to allow for implantation?.. not sure how accurate that is. But she did a little moxa which i was really sensitive to, i could feel the warmth a few seconds after she had placed it. She has asked me to come back next Weds.
Chart is looking good Carrie. Keeping everything crossed for you!!
Hiya... everyone is sounding more positive now, which is good cos I need cheering up!! Muncho, keeping everything crossed for you! carrie.... that sounds very good, I really hope its working and your busy growing a bean!!!

I had my second acu and herb appt on Monday (fortnightly) and it went well I think. He was pls'd with my response, no PMS, no pain, better temps for the 6 days they were up (they came down day 3/4 previously) and I dont feel quite as tired altho #1 is stil playing up at night. He gets recurrent ear infections so we've started back down the cranial osteopath route for that.... pls let me sleep a whole night soon!!!

Im however still grumpy as went to the doctor and he said my bloods suggest Im NOT ovulating!! Bit gutted as I do get a thermal shift, it just doesnt last long and he also said the fact my periods are done and dusted in 36/48 hours also suggested this. So I dont really know where that leaves me, they wont refer till April??!!

Anyway thats the rant, sorry to unload on you girls. I have been reading all your posts but as I dont get on here too often I cant reply much, but I am stalking when I can :winkwink:
Come on BFPs!!!!!

So i did 3 IC's all had a faint line, then got my hubby to pee on one and clearly negative. So we've just been out to boots and bought FRER and bright clear pink line appeared after 2 mins and is still there now an hour later :)..

So officially another TCM BFP!!!..

I'm just so scared now as i know that PCOS has a higher case of miscarriages and i'm a little worried about the moxa treatment yesterday as i heard that shouldn't be done when pregnant.. just gotta try and relax about it all now !!
Hiya... everyone is sounding more positive now, which is good cos I need cheering up!! Muncho, keeping everything crossed for you! carrie.... that sounds very good, I really hope its working and your busy growing a bean!!!

I had my second acu and herb appt on Monday (fortnightly) and it went well I think. He was pls'd with my response, no PMS, no pain, better temps for the 6 days they were up (they came down day 3/4 previously) and I dont feel quite as tired altho #1 is stil playing up at night. He gets recurrent ear infections so we've started back down the cranial osteopath route for that.... pls let me sleep a whole night soon!!!

Im however still grumpy as went to the doctor and he said my bloods suggest Im NOT ovulating!! Bit gutted as I do get a thermal shift, it just doesnt last long and he also said the fact my periods are done and dusted in 36/48 hours also suggested this. So I dont really know where that leaves me, they wont refer till April??!!

Anyway thats the rant, sorry to unload on you girls. I have been reading all your posts but as I dont get on here too often I cant reply much, but I am stalking when I can :winkwink:
Come on BFPs!!!!!

How does he know , is it from your CD21 result?
My gynae thought i wasnt ov, i knew he was wrong.

So i did 3 IC's all had a faint line, then got my hubby to pee on one and clearly negative. So we've just been out to boots and bought FRER and bright clear pink line appeared after 2 mins and is still there now an hour later :)..

So officially another TCM BFP!!!..

I'm just so scared now as i know that PCOS has a higher case of miscarriages and i'm a little worried about the moxa treatment yesterday as i heard that shouldn't be done when pregnant.. just gotta try and relax about it all now !!

WHAT!!! that is amazing. How dam exciting for you. !!!!!!!!
You are right, try to relax...pron not that easy though!!
YAY congratulations Carrie well done!!! thats the biggest hurdle crossed, woo hoo bfp!!!! xx
Carrie, that's wonderful!! It must be nerve-wracking with the PCOS, ut remember that TCM reduces the risk of miscarriage generally. Just try to enjoy it! :happydance::happydance::dance::yipee::yipee::smug::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Awesome news - happy weekend to you! Make the most of being able to relax and let your hubby spoil you. You'r egoing to be a mummy and you're growing a baby!
Abi x
Carrie, that's wonderful!! It must be nerve-wracking with the PCOS, ut remember that TCM reduces the risk of miscarriage generally. Just try to enjoy it! :happydance::happydance::dance::yipee::yipee::smug::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Awesome news - happy weekend to you! Make the most of being able to relax and let your hubby spoil you. You'r egoing to be a mummy and you're growing a baby!
Abi x

Abs, how does TCM reduce miscarriages ? is it because it improves egg quality ?
Laummatt your doctor appears to be talking out of his arse. As far as I'm aware, anovulation means no thermal shift, very long cycles and heavy periods when you do finally bleed, although I could be wrong. Remember also that most doctors here seem to deny there's such a thing as LPD. I'd go with what your TCM prac is telling you as he knows all about fertility and can read your body very well.
Tut! Not ovulating my arse... thermal shift anybody? Numpty. Jen1802 was told she wasn't ovulating too, when she clearly was and in fact fell pregnant a few weeks later. Sometimes it amazes me just how little some docotrs know about what goes on inour reproductive cycles.
Abi x

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