The Really Useful TCM Thread

Thats great Fitzy - hope the hypno keeps you in a positive frame of mind - it must be good for the soul.

Have a nice weekend. :hugs:
Hello, it's quiet in here atm!

fitzy, thats great about the hypno and awesome that your in such a good frame of mind. That can only ever be a good thing.

Reba, I know what you mean about the negativity creeping in! It's so hard to imagine anything working sometimes but we will get there. How's the clomid going? Have you started it yet?

ruby, glad to hear middle pregnancy is treating you better than the 1st tri! Will be interesting to see if the accu helps at the end of pregnancy for you.

Abi, how are you going? If af hasn't shown yet that must be a record lp for you almost! Or dare I hope the other. . . .

Well I'm packing myself, I just got off the phone to the hospital and my lap/dye/curette is on the 23rd August!!!:shock: I really wasn't expecting it till at least September/October. I was even starting the soy this month I had started my first dose of 100mg last night. When they do the lap I'll be cd 18 so just past O. So I guess that means we really should not ttc this month and I should stop the soy! Just when I had gotten in a really postive mode and thinking this might be my month. Oh well I know I really do need to know if theres anything wrong in there.
Hello ladies!
Long time no speak. Sorry I haven't been on here for ages but we were absolutely crazy busy with the house move and have only just got broadband - finally reconnected to all civilization.

Sounds like the soy is having a good effect and 2 BFPS - woo hoo!! :happydance: sending lots of sticky baby dust.

Well as for me - this month I decided to go au natural and you know what I'm on CD15 and still no sign of ovulation or EWCM. Last month I tried soy and had EWCM from CD8 and think I ovulated anywhere from CD12-14. I am slightly concerned that the lack of soy this month has made my body forget how to ovulate but we shall see. I have had highs on my CBFM since CD9 so seems like my body is gearing up for it.

Abi - dare we hope..... sounds like the soy has had great effects. I will give it a go again soon.

Daydream - I am with you on the lap. I got my date through too. Was going to be 20 August but AF due that day so they have moved me back to 3 Sept. I am absolutely sh*tting myself. Never had a general before. I am prepared for them to find endo but to be honest if that's what I've got then all the better for having the lap as they can get rid of it then. I'm just really really nervous about having a general. I too was expecting the lap to come through for October time. Didnt expect so quick.

Reba - best of luck for the clomid this month, I am really starting to wonder if it may help me. Going by my CBFM I think the clomid may be the push I need to get my ovaries to release the egg a little earlier.

Fitzy - sorry I couldn't send this earlier but so sorry to hear you lost little pip :hugs: big hugs

baby dust to all

I'm here! Sorry, I've been either busy or preoccupied since I last posted - although I did come and lurk on here yesterday for a little while, to catch up with everybody.
Good to see you again, Lulu! Glad the move's behind you and you're connected to the outside world again :flower:
Glad your scan went so well Minimin :hugs:
Glad you're finding the clomid easy going Reba - and I'm really pleased to hear that it means you'll be taking it a bit easy.. whatever it takes to help your willpower! Fingers crossed for you :flower:
Lulu and Daydream, good luck with your procedures :hugs:
Hey Ruby - glad everything's going well. Thanks for popping in :flower:
Glad you enjoyed the hypno session fitzy. How are you doing?

As for me...
My OH and I are off to see our GP on Friday morning for our S/A and CD4 & CD21 results. Every so often I get irrationally scared that I'm going to be told that my ovaries have wandered off or something, despite the fact I ovulate every cycle, meaning that it's game over. I'm glad it's not just me that thinks like that!
A heavily pregnant friend of mine, who knows all about my experiences over the last 23 cycles, texted me last week to ask me if I could drive her to her midwife appointment. WTF??!! What is wrong with people?! Yeah, I've spent nearly 2 years trying and failing to get pregnant - I'd love to come along and listen to your baby. She's always been a bit insensitive, that's just the way she is, but this really upset me for a little while. And no, I didn't take her. I'm having enough trouble dealing with pregnant friends at our children's birthday parties - and there was another one this sunday just gone.

Thursday I went to memorial service for my auntie - she died in France, where she lived with my uncle, and he came over for the service, organised by one of my aunties. It was lovely to see my uncle again, if under very sad circumstances, and quite an emotional day on and off. Then, about half ten at night, AF arrived (excuse me, but brown and gungy). I went downstairs to get my mooncupfrom my bag and foudn a text message from my friend who had her IVF twins by C-section at 34 weeks, last week, because one of them was ill. They're both still in hospital - one of them's in a cot, drinking expressed milk but the other has water in his lungs and isn't producing white blood cells. (I spoke to her mum at the party at the weekend - She's in pieces, as you can imagine, but luckily she and her partner have been able to move in with her parents, who are looking after their daughter, #1's friend, whilst Tracey and Joe are at the hospital every day. Luckily their 3-year-old is completely unaffected by it and is just excited that she has 2 brothers.) So, I went to bed disappointed that AF was here and thanking my lucky stars I'm not going through Tracey's nightmare.
Woke up the next morning thought and it hit me that my LP was only 9/10 days again and I just felt crappy and really upset all day. By the end fo the day, when #1 had been a nightmare and I'd been crying on and off, I was beginning to think I was unravelling. Felt a bit better emotionally the following day (saturday), which was acu day. Qing asked me how I was and I almost cried on her, FFS. She was very good and spent a while talking things though with me - includin reminding me that CD1 is when you get full red flow. Obviously, because AF arrived late at night I didn't get that til the friday, so my LP was in fact 10/11 days - and we decided on 11, with ov on cd14, after looking at and discussing my chart. So I left feeling disappointed at another cycle but slightly "Hurrah!". Sorry, am I waffling?!
AS for my session, my tongue and pulse told her my spleen is pretty good but my kidneys are weak, although better than they used to be. She also told me that kidney weakness is a genetic thing, which got me thinking (I went to the toilet at this point). I told her my maternal grandma has just been diagnosed with osteoporosis (this is a symptom of kidney yang deficiency) - at which point she told me I should take a calcium supplement, so I've started taking a 400mg tablet daily, along with calcium-enriched soya yoghurt and milk. I also yold her my mum tends to really feel the cold (kidney yang deficiency again!) She asked about my mum's menopause, which started in her fifties - Qing thought this was a good sign (Kidney yang deficiency can cause periods to start late and the menopause to arrive early, but from what Qing said it's good news that mum's didn't start early - and also the fact that she had no problems having my sisters and me). Ooh and she told me to start eating some frech ginger every day - I'm having a about 1cm cubed each day, peeled, and following it up with a big spoonful of yogurt. It's hot but pleasant.
ANyway, my treatment.....
I had some needles and some in-and-outs on my back, plus the normal 2 in my scalp. Lovely heat on my back.
On my back, I had 2 in my ovaries - because I could actually feel them this time, plus about 5 in my lower legs and one in my right thumb-flap. PLus some heat and she did some moxa on my abdomen - particularly over my ovaries.
I'm taking a tonic pill this time and an egg quality pill - when theyre finished, prob around ov time, I'm to go back onto the stuff I have from last time. QIng said that it's not good to take the same thing for ages and ages.
Not going next weekend, as I'm at a wedding, but the following saturday. The weekend after that I'm away too and then I'll see her once before she goes away and her husband will hopefully be able to see me.

As for the soy, I accidentally started it on the evening of CD1 - guess I should have taken it on the sat evening instead rather than fri. Starting late on thursday and not getting full flow til fri confused me. So, let's see what happens. Took the last one for this cycle last night. Don't seem to have had any symptoms at all.
Abi x
Abi - hope the soy works well for you. Im having zero effects from the clomid (dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing) - scan will tell all on Friday.
Abs..good to hear from you..was getting a bit concerned when checked on here and saw that you hadn't been around! Hope your results are all in order when you go to Docs. Also keeping fingers crossed that Soy is your magic ingredient this month:hugs:

I had my accu session yesterday and it was first time since m/c that the electricity was used on the needles over my ovaries and on two just below and on either side of naval. Tricia then proceeded to do reflexology while needles in and it was so relaxing. I felt my body responding well with twinges and little jumps/jerks every now and then. Think this is a good sign that my body is healing well after the mis.I booked an appt with my actual reflexologist for tomorrow as enjoyed it so much.

I had negative FRER at the weekend so HCG is all gone and am at a good starting point again. On Provera to bring on my bleed and starting FSH injctions as soon as AF rocks up. I'm excited to be at the stage I am and feeling positive. To that end, I would have to credit the hypno session for helping me a huge amount to make that final transition to readiness.

Off to visit my BF and her new baby girl this evening. A maternity hospital to cuddle a brave am I???!!:winkwink:

Hope everyone else is well...Reba..will be dying to hear how Friday goes!
Hi girls,

Abi, argh that sux! I was beginning to worry about you too. Sounds like a pretty emotional last few days. I cannot believe your GF asking you to come to her app. Some people really just do not get how raw the emotion is at all. A few people that know what I'm going through have been pretty insensitive too. My best GF who has no kids yet said "oh well, maybe your only meant to have one." I forgive her cause she hasn't had children yet but ooooh that hurt. Hope your dr's results are all good.

Adam has told me to eat fresh ginger every day also and half tspn of cinnamon mixed with some honey on a spoon. He said to eat as much cinnamon, ginger and rosemary as I like lol.

Fitzy, you are very brave! I know how hard it can be, hope you have lovely cuddles though. Maybe it will rub off onto you. Thats what I always hope lol. Very exciting to hear your ready. You sound like your in a good place atm.

Reba, good luck with your scan! Hope you are hatching lots of big fat juicy eggs :winkwink:

Lulu, hopefully your body is gearing up to O and you don't need the lap. Would be nice wouldn't it? I was hoping that would happen with me but alas not to be. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm dreading it because I react very badly to going under general, but hopefully they will give me some good anti-nausea meds this time. I'm sure you will be fine though, most people are.

AFM, kind of feels weird not ttc this month. We are using condoms, which I hate, but theres no point trying when I have the lap for cd18. I'm worried the lap/d&c will wreck what I have acheived with the TCM, but Adam agrees it can't hurt to see whats going on in there. I'm still taking my herbs and have accu 5 days before the op so maybe Adam can help my body deal with the surgery better. It just feels like a big waste atm though when I know what I'm going to have done. Arrrgh no going back now, hopefully I'm one of those ppl that the lap works for and all the tcm I've been doing will hopefully help as well.
Hi Daydream...what date is your lap?? I do think it's good to find out what's going on and it does give the most definitive answers. As for undoing the good of the accu well obviously it will throw your body off balance a bit but I think it's nothing that can't be corrected pretty quickly. I got pregnant the month after my lap so hope the same happens for you.:hugs:
Morning all

I had my scan today and I have two ripe (18mm) follicles. She did say my lining was on the thin side though (6mm) but if I Ov in a day or 2 it should grow 1-2mm per day making it at least 8mm by Ov I hope. She also did an Estradiol blood test (no results til later on) to check to see ovarian function. She said she would expect a result of around 400 pg/ml (its usually 200 - 600 per mature follicle and if i have 2 follicles then it should be around 400 or more). She said if estradiol level is low then clomid might not be working for me and to go off it.... I really hope its not low!!!

I told her I usually Ov on CD16 (im CD13 today) and she said going by the follicles I will probably Ov earlier than that so its time to get giggy with it!!!! I did an OPK last night and there was no line wat so ever so will do more over the weekend and see what happens. Hope my lining gets nice and think now and the 2 follicles ruture and i have twins.... haahhaha (scary thought but a nice one too....)
Hey Ladies :wave: just stalking you all and seeing how you are all doing.

Fitzy- you are so strong and wonderful. Hope the trip to see baby was ok.

Abs- I hope this morning goes/went ok. Sounds like a nightmare few weeks :hugs: And as for your friend.. grrrhhhh it drives me insane how insensitive and thoughtless people can be. Good on you for not ripping her a new one I say!

Things ticking over this side. I have been to see Dr Yang three times a week like a good girl. I am getting sick of popping all those pills :( He has been using moxa 1-2 times a week and seems to be pretty pleased with things. He does switch points around depending on what I have going on- headaches, sinuses, and not being able to sleep much are the common ones.

Convinced myself things are going wrong but tbh- there is no evidence of this- just my stupid mind. I asked Dr Yang to stick some needles in my head or something! LOL but he said that he could but there are ones you can use as I am pregnant. I have a scan booked through my fertility specialist on Monday- this was pre booked before i knew i was pregnant and I called and they will still scan me to check uterus and ovary. I am bricking it :cry: I'll keep you posted,

Good luck with your lap daydream_mum and Lulu

Reba- hope the clomid is your magic this cycle :) is your scan today? Keeping all crossed for you!

lots of love Minimin xxxx
Thanks Minimin - hope your scan goes well too - im sure it will.

Day-dream good luck with the LAP on the 23rd - i hope all goes well.
Hi ladies

Abi - sorry to hear the witch got you. Sounds like you've been having a rough ride of late. I hope your BFP is just around the corner as you deserve it (well we all do - BFPs to all of us would be even better!).

Reba - yay for the big eggies. That's great news! Lets hope this month is the one!

Minmin - good luck for your scan. I completely understand why you are nervous and nothing will reassure no matter what peopel say but you are doing everything you can to have a healthy pg esp with the tcm so everything is stacked in your favour. Please let us know how you get on.

Daydream - My lap is only 10 days after you (3rd Sept). I'm only have a lap though and not the other bits. Not sure why - I will double check with consultant why I'm not having dye. My consultant suspects endo due to pelvic pain. It's odd though as I dont have any other symptoms such as heavy or painful periods. Apparently though symptoms don't always correlate to severity so the only way they can tell is by having a look around. Has the consultant any concerns with you or are they just doing it to simply have a nose around and reassure you? Hoepfully we will both be fine and at least one way or another will know what we are dealing with once they've had a look. I would LOVE to get pregnant before the op but talk about pressure. I had a peak on CBFM on CD16/17 am CD19 today. Last month AF arrived on CD23 (a cra*ppy 7 day LP! the worst yet!!) so I am not holding out any hope. Though I'm sure when the witch does arrive I will haev a minor breakdown.

Actually can anyone offer some advice. I have to go for a CD21 blood test. Is this 7dpo (which would be CD23/24 for me) or CD21? I am worried that if I go 7dpo I will get my AF the same day. It's all so complicated. I'm sure this question has been answered on the forum elsewhere but I trust you guys the most!

Hi Lulu, CD21 bloods are based on a textbook 28 day cycle which we all know is a bit of a rarity. I would go at 7 dpo as if you only ovulated on day 17/18 then there might not be sufficient progesterone present on day 21 to indicate ovulation would not be an accurate result. I may be wrong about this but that's my understanding. Would be great if you didn't need the lap but don't worry about it as it really is fine. It was discovered I had pockets of endo during mine which I had not you my only symptom was quite bad cramps during AF..nothing debilitating though!! Anyway hope both yourself and Daydream get some answers and a lovely BFP soon after the op!:hugs:
Thanks so much fitzy. You've really helped reassure me that having the lap is the best thing. In some ways I'd rather stick my head in the sand but time is ticking on and the sooner I have my lap the sooner my bfp. Thanks as well re cd21 test. Will go on cd23 unless of course the witch shows up at 7dpo like it did last month!!! Best of luck with everything - really hope you get your bfp too.

Have a great weekend

Hi ladies - sorry to come on here to offload but my best friend phoned me last night to tell me she is 5 weeks pregnant (a tad insensitive given it was only a couple of days after Gabriel's angel day and she knows I have my lap in 3 weeks). How the hell do you guys cope with all your pregnant friends?! So far the only pg friends havent been that close so I have not had to have much contact with them. I can't avoid my best friend though can I? That is what I feel like doing! xxx
PS To rub salt into the wounds it was her first month of trying....
Hi Lulu - Im so sorry your feeling down about your BF's pregnancy - its so unfair when people do it once and they get pregnant. I hate hearing of my friends falling pregnant too - and most of them do after 1 -2 months trying. It makes me feel like sh*t! It was a bit insensitive of her telling you so close to Gabriel's angel day but I suppose you should give her the benefit of the doubt that she totally didnt mean to upset you. :hugs:
As for me I think I might of Ov'd yesterday - the OPK in the afternoon was alot darker than the one the previous day and I think I had a pink tinge in my CM last night (i think). I will take another OPK this evening to confirm. We DTD thursday, Sat morning, Sun morning and Sun night - will get another session in this evenign and tomorrow again.

Oh and its my birthday today - 32 years old.... scary! :wacko:

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