The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hey everyone -

I had my treatment last night and it went really well. She gave me another tonic to drink this time, instead of in capsules. That was a little tough to get down this morning. Blech!

It was really wonderful to sit and just relax with the needles in. I had them in my forehead, ears, right wrist, left hand, left elbow, all down my left leg and in both feet. This time, I was able to feel tingly sensations almost immediately when she put them in. She said that was a good sign because I'm nearing ovulation and it tends to draw blood to the abdomen so the surface of our skin can be more tingly during that period of time.

On the down side, she told me that I should give up eating dairy more than 2-3 times a week. I'm going to have a tough time with that one, but I'm going to do it. I also am not supposed to eat foods that are cooler than room temperature. This is apparently because I have low qi and it causes me too much energy to break down the foods and bring them up to body temperature.
hi everyone, i've been stalking this thread for months. i had 5 or 6 sessions of accupuncture in jan/ feb this year but stopped going coz i couldn't see what the accupuncture lady was trying to achieve and it was really expensive. but after a failed 1st go at iui a friend suggested we try accupuncture again to increase our chances 2nd time round. i've had one sesh with the guy the friend reccomended & enjoyed it. also i got the book which has been recomended on here a million times 'the infertility cure'by randine lewis and when i read i could see exactly what the original acc lady was trying to achieve and it all fell into place. i too have low qi and have been told to not eat cold stuff, no bananas because they clog your system up and a whole bunch of other stuff. here's hoping tcm works for us all!!
So GLAD I found this thread. I'm hoping to find someone that can relate to my story or who can give me some feedback. Thank you all for your input. I will continue to post my progress with hopes of one day writing a success story :winkwink:

Hi Ladies,

Glad to know there are forums like this. I finally found someone else who is or has experienced "strange pains" in the ovary area after acupuncture.

After years of irregular menstrual cycles (amenorrhea), a pituitary tumor diagnosis, provera, birth control, and consumption of many other drugs to induce my period, I decided to try acupuncture & Chinese medicine. One of my relatives highly recommended it. After weeks of debating it, I thought, “it’s worth a shot”…

Keep in mind; this is all new to me, but strangely FASCINATING! I’m angry with myself for not discovering this sooner! Moreover, for that, I’ve decided to join the baby bump forum. I plan to start a blog soon, so I’ll post that as soon as I have it running. There aren’t a lot acupuncture success stories or blogs available for us struggling with these types of issues, so I’ll make sure to start one.

I've had three acupuncture sessions so far. The first session was extremely relaxing. So relaxing, I passed out during the session haha. I purchased the raw herbs at my doctor’s recommendation. He said the herbs were necessary. As far as how long I have to take the herbs? It depends. It depends on everyone. In my case, it can take up to 6 months. I've been taking the herbal teas for almost two weeks.

My second session was a bit more painful. I want to think it's because the "area" is responding or is "awakening" from being dormant. Keep in mind; I haven't had a period in over THREE years. Yes, 3. For the first time in more than three years, I felt SOMETHING. CRAMPS! Yes, menstrual cramps!!! I never in my life thought cramps would bring me so much joy.

The cramps continued through the first week of taking the herbal medicine. I also experienced lower back pain (lower right side). I’m guessing it’s my kidney or liver. The doctor said it was also a good sign. There are areas in my body that have been “dormant” or “clogged” for years. Energy and blood flow have not been able to pass through these areas. The acupuncture is stimulating the blood flow causing me to feel these somewhat “painful” symptoms.

I haven’t been getting the cramps as bad. The back pain comes and goes. I’m about to start my third week of herbal tea, and my fourth session with the acupuncturist. I’m crossing my fingers and being as patient as possible in hopes of ovulating and regaining my period naturally. Obviously, my ultimate goal is to conceive.

Ladies, I hope this information is helpful. I’m on the same boat as many of you. Let’s be positive and hope for the best. Please respond and email me any questions.
I'm so glad to have some gals to share my acu stories and questions with. I've been going for about 2 months and I have sessions every Saturday. It has worked wonders for me. I believe she is balancing my cycle and I too am glad to have had a period with actual cramps (partially due to provera, but I already knew it was coming due to cramping).

My update: I am 9dpo (I believe since I've had successive opks, but didn't test the night I believe I surged. The following day it was totally neg again). I had ovulation bleeding cd18 through 3dpo and then I had brown blood (tmi sorry) on 6dpo. I'm going thru the waiting frustrations and hoping that the 6dpo spotting was implantation. Otherwise I have no clue. Either way, I feel like acu is helping me with everything, although my doc has me on Synthroid for my thyroid also. Only reason I think the Synthroid isn't what's helping is because I've been on it before and not had good results like this.

Excuse my ramble, but welcome! Glad to have you here! Baby dust!
Glad to see this thread has been resurrected by a whole new crowd of TCM'ers...I wish you all as much luck and babydust as I can possibly throw your way.

I was part of the TCM community on this thread last year and many of those girls have gone on to have successful pregnancies. My story is complicated but there is a link to my journal in signature so won't go into detail here. After many ups and downs I am back with my original Chinese practitioner and am working on bringing a bit of balance back into my body after a year of medicated cycles and a lot of emotional turmoil. I've been having weekly sessions since the end of April and definitely feel much stronger physically and emotionally although my cycles are still very long.

Anyway, I think TCM can only help on the journey to conceiving a baby. I'll def keep checking in on all you girls!
hi ladies,. are all of us feeling more balanced after some acu sessions? it sounds like it. i would love to be involved in a thread where everyone is being really supportive of each other. :hugs: to all. we are all in the same boat really tho we got here by different means...

i have read and heard from my acu practicioners that once your body is truly balanced period cramps are supposed to no longer happen- which sounds like a benefit!! but things can feel worse before they feel better because the systems in your body need to start moving and the energy flowing once the obstructions are removed.

... i had a hard time trying to cut back on dairy too. i have found that soya milk isn't so bad if you have it on museli -which i'm eatting coz it has nuts in to boost my omega3. but its minging in coffee!!
Hello Ladies!!

I'm new to this site and I'm so glad I found this thread!

About me~ My DH and I have been TTC for 2.5 years with no success. All our tests have come back really good so we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. i have tried about 5 rounds of clomid and did 2 IUI's which didn't work. My cycles are normal 28 day cycles and I ovulate regularly and even feel my ovulation. I also check my BBT which confirms my ov. The only thing that I would say is wrong with my cycles is my really bad pms. I recently started searching acupuncture and decided to give it a try. I have gotten only one session so far and I can't wait for the next one on monday. I really love my acupuncturist. he has great success stories and specializes in infertility. I found 65 reviews on him and every single one gave him 5 stars.

Treatment~ He is doing the acupuncture along with herbs (in capsule form) and put me on a strict diet. I cannot have any red meat, garlic, and absolutely no dairy at all. he says even one bite of dairy will screw up my body during this treatment. Everything I eat or drink has to be at room temperature or hotter. My meals have to be 60% raw veggies, 20% carbs, and the other 20% could be the chicken, fish, turkey, etc... I can't have coffee or any type of tea (only red rasberry leaf tea is ok to drink). I also have to keep my feet warm at all times.

Sorry for the long message but I came here to support and be supported by wonderful ladies like you going through the same experience with acupuncture. I hope we can all help and learn from each other.

Baby Dust to All!!
I'm still here. Haven't had much to report. Had another treatment on Saturday and she fixed my nightmares and night sweats. Now I'm on teapills for the hormone imbalance that was causing problems. I still swear I have a faint line on my hcg test, so I'm just riding out the week to see if it changes. I don't have another appt with the gyno until 8/19 and my fs is waiting for my thyroid to get balanced. Wbu?
Hi Lulu,

You're not alone dear! Hang in there. Stick to what your doc is telling you. You can only benefit from it. I'm trying to be patient myself.

I'm switching doctors myself. I REALLY wanted to like my doctor, but he stresses me out. Yes, unreal right? That's the last thing we need! He caters to a lot of celebrities and people in the entertainment industry so he's used to people blowing the bucks at this office. He's rude, nothing else I can say. What surprises me, is that he has a 5-star rating on local websites. I just got my insurance breakdown and I feel RIPPED OFF.

Ladies, can I ask how much you're paying for your acupuncture sessions and medicine? This guys is charging my insurance $200 per session and wanted to charge me $600 for 28 days of treatment! All that plus his crappy attitude. No thanks! I obtained the herbs from a different source for MUCH cheaper. What a shame. I feel like I just visited a western doctor.
WOW Hidromom! I only pay $60 a session for mine. The first was $90. She does a bundle package of 10 for $400. It all gets billed to my insurance though which is nice. I just pay my copay. Maybe you should try finding a female acupuncturist. When dealing with women's issues its better to have someone who knows what you are going through. All of my docs are women - fs, gyno, and acu. I really feel as though I have a winning team.
Thanks for the support ladies!!

TurboTurtle~ I really pray that turns into a really strong :bfp: . when doyou plan on testing again? [-o<

Hidromom~ Thanks!! I'm sorry you're having a bad experience with your acupuncturist. I would say look around for others while you're still going to this guy. This whole thing is supposed to be relaxing not adding to the stress that we already have TTC. That's also pretty expensive, the guy I go to charges $85 dollars per session and $30 for herbs which last me 10 days. Mine is even still on the pricey side but I pay the money happily because I'm really comfortable with him and he's such a sweet guy. He explained things to me that my fs failed to explain properly. I really hope you find someone that you're comfortable with and has really good ratings as well!! :hug:
Forgot to mention that I had my 2nd acupuncture appointment yesterday. Only the location of the needles on my abdomen changed a little since I'm post ovulation right now (6dpo) but everything else (herbs and diet) is still the same. i'm really excited to see what this af is going to be like in terms of pms because I usually get really bad pain the first two days and the flow is not consistent (sorry tmi).
Lulu - Thanks for the support. I will likely test everyday until I run out, lol. But I won't know for sure till I have my next appt. I'm weary of getting excited. I'm betting you'll have fewer symptoms this time around. I know I did. I was expecting to have a horrible period with Provera after 18 months not having one, but it was very manageable. No cramps really and very light compared to what I expected. Normally I have to take time off work and I didn't this time. (TMI) My acu'ist was able to stop the bleeding when she found out I had bled for ten days on provera. Its so nice feeling like you have someone who can help you control this craziness finally. Full faith in my Acu'ist!! Gl this treatment hun! Hope it helps you with a nice eggy and relaxation to catch it!
TurboTurtle~ Good Luck to you too! Keep us posted on how your tests go!! FX'd for you :)
Hi girls - I paid $110 the first visit and then $85 every visit after that. Then I get herbs every visit on top of that.
Hi girls, just wanted to give you all some hope and to vouch for the benefits of TCM. I got my miracle BFP on Saturday after a verrrryyyyy long journey (26 months) with a HUGE amounts of downs(and very few ups!:wacko:). I was really fighting the odds but credit my wonderful acupuncturist with bringing the necessary balance into my body to help me conceive naturally (something I thought would never happen). Now I have to pray that it's third time lucky and I hold on to my miracle baby. I'll be seeing my acu tomorrow for treatment (not on stomach) in order to ensure necessary energies are all kept in balance!

Keep believing ladies..I'm proof that anything is possible!!
Hi girls, just wanted to give you all some hope and to vouch for the benefits of TCM. I got my miracle BFP on Saturday after a verrrryyyyy long journey (26 months) with a HUGE amounts of downs(and very few ups!:wacko:). I was really fighting the odds but credit my wonderful acupuncturist with bringing the necessary balance into my body to help me conceive naturally (something I thought would never happen). Now I have to pray that it's third time lucky and I hold on to my miracle baby. I'll be seeing my acu tomorrow for treatment (not on stomach) in order to ensure necessary energies are all kept in balance!

Keep believing ladies..I'm proof that anything is possible!!

Wow, what wonderful news Massive Congratulations. :happydance:
I've read a bit of your threads and know you've been through the mill so fingers crossedc that it all works out this time for you. will you carry on going to acc? i heard it can stabilise your hormones and help a pregnancy stick?
Hi girls, just wanted to give you all some hope and to vouch for the benefits of TCM. I got my miracle BFP on Saturday after a verrrryyyyy long journey (26 months) with a HUGE amounts of downs(and very few ups!:wacko:). I was really fighting the odds but credit my wonderful acupuncturist with bringing the necessary balance into my body to help me conceive naturally (something I thought would never happen). Now I have to pray that it's third time lucky and I hold on to my miracle baby. I'll be seeing my acu tomorrow for treatment (not on stomach) in order to ensure necessary energies are all kept in balance!

Keep believing ladies..I'm proof that anything is possible!!

Oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS fitzy!! I'm so very excited for you. I'm sure your acu'ist will help tons. Hang on lil baby! Good luck sweetie!

You are the final original gal on this thread, right? Looks like everyone else is pregnant or a mom. TCM is truly exciting and works wonders.
CONGRATS Fitzy!!!! I'm really happy for you and I pray it's a really sticky bean this time!! :wohoo:

Keep us posted on how things go!!

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