The Really Useful TCM Thread

Am definitely going to keep seeing my acu for weekly sessions for as long as he deems necessary.

Yes, I think I'm he final original who's still on BabyandBump anyway. Actually Reba(one of the girls) just gave birth to her little son Matthew on Saturday. I think one of the other girl's Jen is actually pregnant on numver 2!!
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in the conversation...

I just found this thread while surfing around yesterday. I post on another TTC board, but there's not much TCM chat there...

My name is Nikki & I'm on CD 10 of my 30th cycle TTC our first. I went the whole OB/GYN route in the beginning. All of my b/w was "stellar" and DH's came back good as well. We did Clomid, even though I had no trouble O'ing on my own, which didn't work.

An HSG revealed a blocked right tube before I moved on to an RE. He performed a lap surgery which unblocked my right tube, untangled my left tube and removed a very slight bit of endo, both of which I knew nothing about. 3 IUI's later and no BFP, RE busted out those three letters... IVF.

DH and I decided to take an RE/MA break from things and just chill a bit. I went off all the meds (progesterone, etc) and went natural. Another TTC friend recommended Randine Lewis' book since I'm such a die hard BBT'er.

After reading it... everything seemed to click into place. I'd been struggling with some serious digestive issues for about 5 years or so that no doctor had been able to sort out. I finally called the TCM Dr. down the road and made an appt.

Come to find out, she's FAB! She's actually FROM China, was the Chief Dr. in Shanghai with almost 30 years of experience and a TON of Chinese patients, which is always a good sign. After a lengthy chat about my issues, she assured me that she has treated many women for fertility and ALL have been resolved successfully. Now that's a success rate I've never heard from a single RE! :thumbup:

She immediately gave me an acupuncture session that same day and sent me home with a bag full of raw herbs focused on my digestion with instructions on how to prepare and take them. By my 2nd session a few days later, my bloating, cramping, diarrhea and stomach pains were gone. We spent the remaining 2 weeks of that cycle focused solely on my digestion and restoring harmony to my tummy.

Once I began a new cycle, she turned her focus to fertility. My AF was completely different. I used to get really bad "bearing down" cramps, the blood was dark dark maroon and would literally just pour out of me when I would sit down on the potty. My 1st AF on TCM, I had none of the cramps, the blood was bright red almost hot pink and I couldn't get it to pour out even while bearing down HARD.

My temps were so much more stable and fluid... The fluctuations were so small, not at all like they were before. It truly had me thinking that I was gonna get my BFP. Sadly not... but a BFP on the 1st full cycle of TCM...? That's a bit much to hope for, I think.

So, I'm on my 2nd full TCM cycle. I'm really hoping this will be my lucky month and am so glad I found this thread where I can talk to lots of other ladies who are treading the same path I am... :happydance:

Hope I didn't ramble on too long... :winkwink:
Welcome Coley1974 :wave:

Isn't TCM wonderful?! I've heard a rumor the average for BFP with TCM is 3 cycles. Hopefully we can pull that off, right? I'm starting my second cycle as well, but I'm having a very hard time with hormones due to my PCOS. I have a feeling we'll need a few cycles to calm me down. Good luck this cycle!
wow that all sounds really positive coley! & welcome alond.
i had my 2nd acu appt today with the new bloke. i had needles in my lower left leg, and right foot and wrist. one in my right leg gave me a hell of an electric shock! i also had 2 one each side of my nec. then he took the neddles out and did some acupressure on my back which was a bit rough and he stuck 4 more needles in my lower back. the back stuckk felt a bit umcomfortable at the time, but now since i've come home i feel brill! i have metal rods and screws in my back from an op a few years back so most of my back muscles don't really move but he's loosened me up loads!:happydance: he also recommended i google debra betts the essential guide to acc - which is worth a look i think i just had a quick glance so far.
only thing is he told me to look at the dietry advice for yin deficiency, and according to the randine lewis book i fit all the description of kidney yang deficient..wierd?!
Thanks for the warm welcome!!! :D

After reading the book, I was pretty sure I was Spleen Qi deficient and sure enough, that's what my Dr. said! She told me no ice cream (too cold) watch my sugar, flour, etc... All of which is fairly easy for me because I can't handle lactose, DH and I both have gluten sensitivities and too much sugar sends my tummy into turmoil. I swear... it's like I was MEANT to do this! LOL!!

If I'm Pre-O, she has me lay on my back. I get a needle in the crown of my head, three along my hair line, one in the fleshy back of the hand bit between the thumb and index finger, about 8 or so in my lower tummy, and two in each leg. After I've O'd, she has me lay on my stomach. Then I get like 25 needles total... Like 5 or 6 in my head, a bunch in my back and 4 in my legs again. I always get the heat lamp & stim machine too.

I told her before, I could never imagine how people could fall asleep with all these needles in their skin, but now... I don't know how you COULDN'T! It's so relaxing... I told DH that this is the most wonderful thing I've ever decided to do. I have a scheduled one hour nap once a week... I mean, how cool is that?!? LOL!!

The thing I'm happiest about is the fact that I feel so "zen" and optimistic. After all this time, optimism was something that was in short supply. Not only am I doing the acupuncture & herbs, but I do Fertility yoga (tailored for each phase of the cycle) every day and I listen to a Fertility meditation program every night before bed.

Turbo - Fingers, toes and eyeballs crossed that we prove that 3 month window to be true!!!
Welcome Coley!! I'm glad you're having such a positive experience with TCM. I've only had 2 sessions so far but I love it.

I can't wait until we all have our BFP's just like the original group on this thread [-o<

As for me, the only things that are different are the few cramps that I have been getting the past 2 days and a second rise in BBT since yesterday. It was originally at 97.3 pre-ovulation and then went up to 97.9 post ovulation and stayed at exactly that for 5 days and then yesterday and today it's up again at 98.2. So this tells me that acupuncture is doing something different because it's a different temperature pattern than the ones I normally have. Also, Last night I had this really weird vivid dream but it was all about sexual things and I don't normally have dreams like that. I think it could be due to a progesterone rise that might have caused that BBT rise as well.
I can't wait until we all have our BFP's just like the original group on this thread

Amen to that!! I just finished wrapping up Fitzy's journal since I noticed she JUST got her BFP naturally using TCM. :happydance: It's super encouraging!!

I can relate to the temp thing... While I've always had clear shifts and my Post O temps stay above coverline, they did tend to do a bit of up and down. But the TCM seems to have given me a totally different looking pattern. I really think it's my herbs... I missed a few days at the beginning of my cycle as I had hurt my shoulder and was in bed with a bad tummy ache and just overall feeling knackered. My temps jumped from 97.44 to 97.72 Once I got back on track, they started trending down to 97.59, 97.57, 97.51 & 97.41 today. Feelin' much better about them now.
Congratulations Fitzy! I read through the entire thread before posting and I'm so thrilled that you finally got your BFP!

Coley - do you have a chart we can see? I do love to stalk charts! :)

AFM, I got crosshairs today so I'm 3dpo! I sort of think that I actually ovulated 2 days ago, but FF thinks Monday. Either way, I'm either 1-2 days earlier than I normally ovulate. I did have a fluke ovulation on day 15, but that was the only time it has been before day 18. Until maybe this month! Maybe it's the TCM that is bringing ov forward! I go back on Saturday and I can't wait. I'll be sure to report what happens!
Welcome Coley!! I'm glad you're having such a positive experience with TCM. I've only had 2 sessions so far but I love it.

I can't wait until we all have our BFP's just like the original group on this thread [-o<

As for me, the only things that are different are the few cramps that I have been getting the past 2 days and a second rise in BBT since yesterday. It was originally at 97.3 pre-ovulation and then went up to 97.9 post ovulation and stayed at exactly that for 5 days and then yesterday and today it's up again at 98.2. So this tells me that acupuncture is doing something different because it's a different temperature pattern than the ones I normally have. Also, Last night I had this really weird vivid dream but it was all about sexual things and I don't normally have dreams like that. I think it could be due to a progesterone rise that might have caused that BBT rise as well.

Lulu - this all sounds really great! Keep us posted! when would you test?
Coley - do you have a chart we can see? I do love to stalk charts! :)

I surely do!! I just finished adding it to my "siggy"... but I think I may not have enough postings just yet for it to show up. If this site is anything like the other one, it takes 10 postings before you can post a link to a chart or anything...

I'm sure I'll be up to 10 in no time! :D
As for me, the only things that are different are the few cramps that I have been getting the past 2 days and a second rise in BBT since yesterday. It was originally at 97.3 pre-ovulation and then went up to 97.9 post ovulation and stayed at exactly that for 5 days and then yesterday and today it's up again at 98.2. So this tells me that acupuncture is doing something different because it's a different temperature pattern than the ones I normally have. Also, Last night I had this really weird vivid dream but it was all about sexual things and I don't normally have dreams like that. I think it could be due to a progesterone rise that might have caused that BBT rise as well.

Lulu, I don't want to get your hopes up but the temp rise is a really good sign. What's really jumping out at me though is the vivid sexual dreams...I had this both last week before I got BFP and before my BFP on the IVF cycle in April. Like you I thought it was bizarre as this wouldn't be usual for me let's just say!!:haha: How many sessions of acupuncture have you had to date?

I can't wait until we all have our BFP's just like the original group on this thread

Amen to that!! I just finished wrapping up Fitzy's journal since I noticed she JUST got her BFP naturally using TCM. :happydance: It's super encouraging!!

Thanks for popping by my journal's verryyy long and tedious..I have been in LTTTC a while!! I truly do believe that putting my faith back in my original TCM practitioner, who I was attending when I started posting on this thread, was the key to me getting my natural miracle. Of course it's still very early days but I have to stay positive. I had stopped seeing him as he wasn't supportive of the medical route I was going down and had switched to a practitioner who would work alongside the medicated cycles I was on. After the IVF I decided I would go back to Dr. Wu in order to try and restore some order/balance to my body...turns out he did more than that!!:winkwink:

Congratulations Fitzy! I read through the entire thread before posting and I'm so thrilled that you finally got your BFP!

Coley - do you have a chart we can see? I do love to stalk charts! :)

AFM, I got crosshairs today so I'm 3dpo! I sort of think that I actually ovulated 2 days ago, but FF thinks Monday. Either way, I'm either 1-2 days earlier than I normally ovulate. I did have a fluke ovulation on day 15, but that was the only time it has been before day 18. Until maybe this month! Maybe it's the TCM that is bringing ov forward! I go back on Saturday and I can't wait. I'll be sure to report what happens!

Delighted you think ovulation has been brought forward...would be very common for TCM to have a positive effect on ovulation patterns.
Chiclady~ The earliest i would test is 12 dpo.

Fitzy~ The dreams are really weird. I had another sexual dream last night and what's weird is that I'm not even thinking about anything sexual before I go to sleep. I was starting to get my hopes up but this morning my temp went back down to that original rise 97.9 but the room was colder than usual this morning and I was wearing a tank top rather than a t-shirt which I was wearing the previous nights so I wonder if the drop is due to that. The uterine cramps are still there on and off, nothing painful though. That's probably because now there's more blood flowing to my uterus thanks to acupuncture. I have had 2 sessions so far. One 2 days before ov and the other 5 dpo. I have been taking herbs as well all along and have been on a very strict diet since day one of acupuncture.
I really believe in my heart that TCM is what's gonna bring me my BFP.

I've had people ask me about going IUI again with injectables (we still have 3 more insurance covered IUI's left) or IVF (we have $10k of insurance money for that too)... and I'm soooo not interested. I have zero interest in fertility drugs and all that jibber at the moment.

Not to mention, we've got enough insurance money for like... one shot at IVF. Well... so far, nothing has worked in one shot, so why would IVF, ya know? I know I've got some issues that TCM is sorting... and until it's all sorted, injectables, IUI or IVF would be like throwing grass seed on the desert and then being pissed that the grass won't grow!

I just have to be patient... after 30 cycles, I hope I can manage it!!!
I totally feel the same Coley. I'd rather pay out of pocket for my acu'ist. At least she spends at least an hour with me every time and gives me results I can see and feel. Other Docs only spend 15 minutes at most and ship me off with scripts that will have more side effects than benefits. Right now my insurance is covering it, but once I run out I'm going natural with acu.

Be patient luv. I've seen lots of success stories.
Coley~ I hear ya!! Some people around me started to suggest IVF and I said no. TCM has shown a higher success rate than IVF, especially with the acupuncturist that I go to. Let's assume that our problem is implantation, IVF wouldn't help that at all. Implantation is the most critical stage and if you're uterus is not ready to nourish an embryo then it won't, whether it be with a natural cycle or with IVF. At least that's the way I think of it. ;)

Good luck and I hope you get your natural BFP really soon!
TurboTurtle~ Did you end up testing again?

Yeah, still getting the same line, but I'm almost positive I have a bad batch of ICs. =( Tomorrow I'll do a frer for sanity, but I think AF is coming. :/ I'm gonna ask my acu'ist to force my cycle again if she can. Here's a pic of my tests a few days ago. Haven't tested since.
TurboTurtle~ The pic is a little small so it's not too clear. Have you tried testing water to see if you get the same line? They should be getting darker but I still have my FX'd for you. Is af usually late for you?
Sorry Lulu, I changed the pic after I saw how small it was. I never thought of using water. I read a thread about the black light helping too. Normally once my cycles start on their own I'm pretty much 28 days. Since this was provera induced, its not normal to be waiting for af this long. :/

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