The Story of Joseph


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Dec 30, 2009
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EDD: July 6th,2011
ADD: June 24th,2011 – (38w2d)
Our Story:
On Wednesday I went to my weekly check up. Not much had changed from the previous week. I was still about 2 cm dilated and 85% effaced. Nothing to worry about as I had been this way for the last two weeks. The only striking difference is that I now had bulging membranes. Which, if you have seen my other posts, I found a funny description. But there it was, bulging membranes. Anyhow the Dr. said, I’ll see you next week. . but, I’m on call this weekend if you need me. He said the same thing last week. I think he says that to make me feel better. So, I left the office feeling I was destined for another week of waiting.
Wednesday came and went with no signs of anything happening, same with Thursday. .. well, until about noonish.. when I lost what looked to be part of my plug. I was excited to see this new development but honestly didn’t get my hopes up too much; after all I had read how often this happens one or even two weeks ahead of labor. The afternoon continued with no major updates. I had a playdate with a good girlfriend and continued as normal. I did have what I took for BH in the afternoon. Some tightening in the belly but no pain. These continued throught out the afternoon and early evening. I tried to track them but they seemed to be randomly spaced so I didn’t really think much of it. Sometimes there would be an hour between them, sometimes 15 minutes. But they continued with no pain or discomfort. And certainly did not radiate any pain in my back, which is a big sign I was waiting for (And a sign that would never happen as it turns out). I called my Mom to tell her about the plug and the BH contractions. She was my care provider for my 3 y/o so it was important she be kept in the loop. I told her I thought he might arrive within the next couple of days and that I would call her in the morning with an update on how I was feeling.
I continued to attempt to track the about 10:30 I decided to go to bed. I was able to determine so final consistency, about ½ hour apart but still not painful. Off to bed I went.. I was pretty tired anyhow. Around 12:30 I woke up to some cramping and went to the bathroom. That should have been a big clue right there. Who wakes up to go poop in the middle of the night. I don’t know if I was in a serious state of denial.. either way I went back to bed but jotted down the time. 15 minutes later I was surprised to have another ‘cramp’ but this one definitely hurt. There was no mistaken it. That was a contraction, I was sure of it.. well, pretty sure anyhow.. .so I decided to get up and go downstairs and see if I could time things for a little bit and see what was going on. But first back to the bathroom to go poo again. I couple of contractions hit with moderate pain about 10 minutes apart. Time to call the Dr. left a page with the Dr. on call and was told to expect a call within the ½ hour. Hmmm.. ½ hour. . that seems like a long time to wait. Contractions went from 10 minutes apart down to 2 minutes immediately. There was no 8 min down to 6 min.. straight to two minutes. I went back upstairs to wake my husband. I said, get up we have to go. . I’m not going to make it until the morning. . and then I was slammed with the biggest contraction yet, stopping me in my tracks and doubling me over. It lasted for about 40 seconds. This can’t be happening I thought….it’s too fast, too soon. “Baby, get out of bed, we’ve got to go!!” He got out of bed.. “Should we call your Mom to come to stay with Emma?” It took a second to think about this and I said, “No” - - then I was hit with another contraction, again. It was only 90 seconds from the last one and this one last 40 seconds. Oh, No.. this is too fast…. “Get Emma and get in the car!! We’ve got to go!!” I was desperate to take a shower but had to admit there was no time. I got the Hospital bag and ran to the nursery to get Emma some clothes for the hospital. Afterall, she was not part of the plan to come to the hospital. Then hit with another contraction and this one lasted a minute and sent me to the floor. Oh my God, we’ll never make it I thought. “Should I call an ambulance?” Asked my husband. “No, it will take too long, we’ve got to go now!” As we were ready to hit the door the phone rings. It’s the on-call Dr. I tried to answer the phone but was raked by another contraction. I gave the phone to my husband and he told the Dr. we were heading in.
It was 2:30 when we left the house, it would take ½ to get to the hospital. Contractions were strong and very painful and seemed to be rolling into each other…could this be possible? We arrived at the hospital. The front doors are locked because of the late hour? Really, are they serious right now. “How do we get in”.. my now frantic husband is getting very nervous. “The emergency entrance, around the side.. we’ll go there” He races back to the car and we zip around the side.. the only place to park is in the Ambulance loading area.. obviously we can’t do that. We have to park in the garage and walk in. Seriously? We pull into the garage and have to get a parking ticket to raise the gate. As we are doing that a truck pulls in behind us honks at us!! I think my husband might actually lose it at this point. We pull in find a spot and the truck pulls in and also finds a spot. My husband jumps out of the car, “My wife is in labor” He’s clearly upset and stressed. The driver of the truck yells back, “So is my wife!!” O.K., the guy gets a pass. .. he’s clearly as panicked as my own husband.
So fast forward… we get into the hospital.. I get a wheel chair.. thank the heavens above because the contractions were making walking a bit of a challenge. The orderly starts to bring me to a room and a nurse comes up behind and says, take her directly to L&D, she’s ready now. At 3:10 I am finally in a room.. . I begin stripping off clothing. ..pants, shirt, socks, underwear and bra … I’ve never been in such a rush to get naked. . dignity is out the window. I’m thinking please God just get me on the table, get me an IV and get me that Epidural!! PLEASE!! There’s a flurry of activity. Someone is putting an IV in my arm, someone is checking my cervix and someone is asking me a million questions. The contractions are rolling over me at what seems like every 30seconds…my God they are painful. “Where is the anesthesiologist?” I’m terrified at this point… where is he/she? “Did he forget me” I ask in sheer panic. My daughter is taking all of this on good stride. At three years old she is the calmest person in the room. “Can you give her something for the pain?” My husband asks. . . “Anything, at all”…. Then the nurse says what I was fearing most of all. “I think the only way to stop the pain is to deliver this baby” Is she kidding I think? But my heart knows she’s serious and she’s right. Then my fate is sealed when my water breaks at the next contraction. “My Water Broke!!” I’m yelling!! “Please can I get an epidural?” But I knew at that point there would be no pain medications. The next part is a bit of a blur. .. contractions are rolling into one another with only seconds between them to catch my breath…my husband is trying to stay calm and keep our daughter calm as well. They put my feet up and I am thinking, “this can’t be happening, I can’t do this with no medication” And massive urge to push hits me with the next contraction! “I have to push!!” I half yelled, half cried! The noise that came out of me was something primal, that’s for sure. I didn’t know I could make such a sound. Not quiet a scream of pain. .. something deeper than that. ..from a place I didn’t know existed within me. PUSH!!, they are yelling at me. I’m pushing through a pain that is out of this world. Husband rushes Emma out of the room. Another contraction hits, slamming my body like a truck. . .the urge to push is indescribable. Nurses are yelling for the Dr.. . Someone is yelling to push, someone is yelling to hold it… What do they want me to do? Push or hold? I can’t do both. . .oh, push the baby out, hold the breath. . . got it… . The next three contractions are fierce, like nothing I have ever experienced before and I push hard, willing my body to do what it needs to do. And as painful as it was there was an odd sense of comfort in the pushing. .. when they say ‘push through the pain’ I know what they mean now. The dr. finally shows up. I only know because of the new voice in the room. My eyes have been clamped shut for the last few minutes. .. unwilling to see and bring reality to what I know is going on. I am having my son. One last contraction and with all strength God can give a woman I push. I push for my son, I push for his life and then I hear his beautiful voice. The sound of angels singing was transformed in that moment to a beautiful cry. I did it!! I gave birth to my son! I open my eyes and I first lock my eyes to my husband who was rushing back to the room after leaving Emma with a nurse – then they find my son who is placed on my chest. He was here, safe and beautiful. Born at 3:46 a.m. , 7.2 lbs and 19 inches long.
Thanks for reading our story. I am a blessed woman to have two beautiful children and an amazing husband to share them with.
Oh my goodness that made me tear up! Congratulations hon :cloud9:

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