The tax credits change 16hrs to 24hrs min

i've read part way through this thread and got bored with personal arguments so can't comment on what has been said.

we've lost £80 p/w and yeah, i'm slightly pissed off.. purely because HMRC are quick enough to write when they've ballsed up and we owe them £10, but can't manage to write and tell claimants personally what will be happening? i can hand on heart say i didn't know about this change until mid-march, which has left me what, a fortnight to up my hours or find another job? maybe i should've made it my responsibility to know earlier, but i genuinely think we should have been informed by letter. we are now £320 a month worse off and i can't see finding another job being a walk in the park! thank god for overdrafts :laugh2:
We get no benefits, higher rate tax payers...I am lucky to have the option of being a sahm if that's what we decide.

Higher rate tax payers pay more, that accounts for contributing a larger amount of money for the luxury of earning it. Those who earn less, pay less tax. This is all sounds fine to me.

What needs to change however is this culture of ‘entitlement’ that has grown over the years. The view that free money is owed to us, that we have a right to extra money when we haven’t worked for it. Take child benefit for example, how can we support limitless family growth at a cost to the tax payer?

We have to change the culture, which will be hard. Irrespective of the pain, we have to deliver a hard dose of reality to the British electorate – if you want something you have to work for it. I mean, if I want a new TV, do I expect Curry’s to give it to me for free on the basis that I should be entitled to a big screen? No – the salesman will probably start laughing and call the police. In this instance, the tax payer should do the same to all but those who really need help i.e disabled.

Out of all of the posts on this thread, this is the one I agree with 100% and can relate to. I agree, it's the 'entitlement' culture that needs tackling.
ive read half way through this thread-ill go back to it later.

my hubby works two jobs at the moment-his main one is a sales manager which he has just bn promoted to-so he works 10/11 to 8 every day at that one, hes only contracted from 12 to 8 so only gets paid for those hrs so works up to 10 hrs extra for nothing!! he then does one night a week at a pub to top us up as the first job isnt that well paid.(about 19grand before tax), so he basically works his ass off.

i work 18.5hrs a week as a nursery nurse for the council.

we arent entiteled to any childcare help, any wtc and i get the basic ctc.

i am going to have to leave work after the babies are born as i cant afford childcare for two babies.

i know a lady(i have a post about her in 2nd tri), who works the minimum 16hrs, and she earns more than me a month with all her help.

as much as it boils my pee sometimes that people can sit at home not working and gaining alot of money for it i know there are GENIUNE people out there who for whatever reason be it childcare, carer, disability etc can not work.

i dont think everyone should be tarred with the same brush but i do think sometimes working parents get a raw deal. we pay everything in FULL, no discounts nothing, whereas as this woman doesnt pay council tax, pays pennies for rent, and still attempts to bum off me.

i think my point is, my hubby will be the bread winner-already is-even if it is crap money- when i leave my job-this is the first time since i was 15 that i wont have worked-im 30 now, and i wonder what help we'll be offered.

i am in a no win situation as i dont have anyone to look after the children. it makes me sad that in this day and age people are put in this position, childcare is so expensive- is hould know ive done it for 13 yrs. if the government sorted that out and made it more affordable for people to work.

i do feel for the geniune families who are going to be left high and dry by the increase in hrs as it is hard finding work.

its just a shame. im rambling now.
I'm not entirely sure what the changes are because they haven't contacted me but I'm a single mum and my tax credits has dropped by just under £80 xx
ive read half way through this thread-ill go back to it later.

my hubby works two jobs at the moment-his main one is a sales manager which he has just bn promoted to-so he works 10/11 to 8 every day at that one, hes only contracted from 12 to 8 so only gets paid for those hrs so works up to 10 hrs extra for nothing!! he then does one night a week at a pub to top us up as the first job isnt that well paid.(about 19grand before tax), so he basically works his ass off.

i work 18.5hrs a week as a nursery nurse for the council.

we arent entiteled to any childcare help, any wtc and i get the basic ctc.

i am going to have to leave work after the babies are born as i cant afford childcare for two babies.

i know a lady(i have a post about her in 2nd tri), who works the minimum 16hrs, and she earns more than me a month with all her help.

as much as it boils my pee sometimes that people can sit at home not working and gaining alot of money for it i know there are GENIUNE people out there who for whatever reason be it childcare, carer, disability etc can not work.

i dont think everyone should be tarred with the same brush but i do think sometimes working parents get a raw deal. we pay everything in FULL, no discounts nothing, whereas as this woman doesnt pay council tax, pays pennies for rent, and still attempts to bum off me.

i think my point is, my hubby will be the bread winner-already is-even if it is crap money- when i leave my job-this is the first time since i was 15 that i wont have worked-im 30 now, and i wonder what help we'll be offered.

i am in a no win situation as i dont have anyone to look after the children. it makes me sad that in this day and age people are put in this position, childcare is so expensive- is hould know ive done it for 13 yrs. if the government sorted that out:thumbup: and made it more affordable for people to work.

i do feel for the geniune families who are going to be left high and dry by the increase in hrs as it is hard finding work.

its just a shame. im rambling now.

Were you aware that even if you earn over £26k you are still entitled to help with Childcare? We earn £32k between us but as El's goes to a registered CM we still get CTC. The threshold for 1 child is £41k, higher for 2
ive read half way through this thread-ill go back to it later.

my hubby works two jobs at the moment-his main one is a sales manager which he has just bn promoted to-so he works 10/11 to 8 every day at that one, hes only contracted from 12 to 8 so only gets paid for those hrs so works up to 10 hrs extra for nothing!! he then does one night a week at a pub to top us up as the first job isnt that well paid.(about 19grand before tax), so he basically works his ass off.

i work 18.5hrs a week as a nursery nurse for the council.

we arent entiteled to any childcare help, any wtc and i get the basic ctc.

i am going to have to leave work after the babies are born as i cant afford childcare for two babies.

i know a lady(i have a post about her in 2nd tri), who works the minimum 16hrs, and she earns more than me a month with all her help.

as much as it boils my pee sometimes that people can sit at home not working and gaining alot of money for it i know there are GENIUNE people out there who for whatever reason be it childcare, carer, disability etc can not work.

i dont think everyone should be tarred with the same brush but i do think sometimes working parents get a raw deal. we pay everything in FULL, no discounts nothing, whereas as this woman doesnt pay council tax, pays pennies for rent, and still attempts to bum off me.

i think my point is, my hubby will be the bread winner-already is-even if it is crap money- when i leave my job-this is the first time since i was 15 that i wont have worked-im 30 now, and i wonder what help we'll be offered.

i am in a no win situation as i dont have anyone to look after the children. it makes me sad that in this day and age people are put in this position, childcare is so expensive- is hould know ive done it for 13 yrs. if the government sorted that out:thumbup: and made it more affordable for people to work.

i do feel for the geniune families who are going to be left high and dry by the increase in hrs as it is hard finding work.

its just a shame. im rambling now.

Were you aware that even if you earn over £26k you are still entitled to help with Childcare? We earn £32k between us but as El's goes to a registered CM we still get CTC. The threshold for 1 child is £41k, higher for 2

when my son was in childcare i contacted them and they said i wasnt entitled to anything. he was in 3 mornings a week too so it cost a lot.
We get no benefits, higher rate tax payers...I am lucky to have the option of being a sahm if that's what we decide.

Higher rate tax payers pay more, that accounts for contributing a larger amount of money for the luxury of earning it. Those who earn less, pay less tax. This is all sounds fine to me.

What needs to change however is this culture of ‘entitlement’ that has grown over the years. The view that free money is owed to us, that we have a right to extra money when we haven’t worked for it. Take child benefit for example, how can we support limitless family growth at a cost to the tax payer?

We have to change the culture, which will be hard. Irrespective of the pain, we have to deliver a hard dose of reality to the British electorate – if you want something you have to work for it. I mean, if I want a new TV, do I expect Curry’s to give it to me for free on the basis that I should be entitled to a big screen? No – the salesman will probably start laughing and call the police. In this instance, the tax payer should do the same to all but those who really need help i.e disabled.

Out of all of the posts on this thread, this is the one I agree with 100% and can relate to. I agree, it's the 'entitlement' culture that needs tackling.
Absolutely agree 100%. I remember debating with a person about benefits and she insisted she "earned" them, and how would I feel if I had to take a cut in my wages. The difference is, of course, I actually have to do something for my money I don't expect the government to hand it out to me for doing nothing.

And that's exactly what happened 4 years ago and I haven't had a payrise since. My wages were cut by 25 percent in order to ensure the company didn't go bust. Now people anyone who gets their money from the government has to do the same, it's quite simple.
we have just lost our tax credits - it just means we will have to budget a bit harder (we did anyway!) and possibly up my hours (if there are any more hours!)

i dont expect anyone to pay for my family except me and OH!

we are going to really struggle but we will just have to manage xx
it's not easy to just up hours or find a job. i'm already using holidays to cover my hours as they're being cut, it's highly unlikely they'll give me 8 extra hours. as for finding a job, i've had a look but don't hold much hope - i have a friend, 25, single, own house, no children, been employed since school.. she's applied for 203 jobs and hasn't heard anything from most of them.

our income has been cut by £320 a month, leaving us with around £120 a month after rent/bills to buy food, milk, nappies etc. it's not good. i don't know how 220,000 families are supposed to magic these extra hours/jobs when there are so many unemployed already :shrug:
it's not easy to just up hours or find a job. i'm already using holidays to cover my hours as they're being cut, it's highly unlikely they'll give me 8 extra hours. as for finding a job, i've had a look but don't hold much hope - i have a friend, 25, single, own house, no children, been employed since school.. she's applied for 203 jobs and hasn't heard anything from most of them.

our income has been cut by £320 a month, leaving us with around £120 a month after rent/bills to buy food, milk, nappies etc. it's not good. i don't know how 220,000 families are supposed to magic these extra hours/jobs when there are so many unemployed already :shrug:

So, between yourself, and your partner, you can't find enough work to do more than 24 hours a week?
As long as your not picky about jobs there are loads - just to make it up to 24 hours you could do a shift at tescos, mcDs, cleaning anything really x
it's not easy to just up hours or find a job. i'm already using holidays to cover my hours as they're being cut, it's highly unlikely they'll give me 8 extra hours. as for finding a job, i've had a look but don't hold much hope - i have a friend, 25, single, own house, no children, been employed since school.. she's applied for 203 jobs and hasn't heard anything from most of them.

our income has been cut by £320 a month, leaving us with around £120 a month after rent/bills to buy food, milk, nappies etc. it's not good. i don't know how 220,000 families are supposed to magic these extra hours/jobs when there are so many unemployed already :shrug:

So, between yourself, and your partner, you can't find enough work to do more than 24 hours a week?

I'm sure you wrote your partners family have a takeaway can he not do a shift in that to make the hours up?
ive done the same job for 13 yrs nw, a nursery nurse for sure start starting off in private. when i do return to work after babies are old enough, i will happily do another job even tho mine is a career job, ill gladly work in asda again, behind a bar or waitress. in fact ill be glad too. but it wont be until i will have help with childcare-as ive wrote ina previous post ill have to leave my job as i cant afford to stay. my hubby works over 50hrs a week. i dont understand how people cant work 24hrs between two people. maybe im niave. but i know there is always bar work, waitress work, counter assistant work out there as my hubby got his second job by walking in and asking for it(bar work).
Im finding it very difficult to accept these changes.. We are currently unemployed but not because we WANT to be. I could say that until im blue in the face but realistically, people who have never been in this position are going to understand how hard it can be to get your foot in the door somewhere. They just think we cant be bothered etc.

Now the job search is twice as hard. We cant apply for any jobs under 24 hours for the simple fact that if DH were to get one for 20 hours, what if we cant get another 4? Im not willing to put myself into that "What if" position. We could end up in a very dire situation just to gain the respect of some narrow minded people.
OH is on incapacity but doesn't receive any money as my income is/was too high. he's away atm and i can't phone on his behalf RE his benefits. hopefully now my income is £320 a month less, they'll start paying him something :shrug:
i work in housekeeping now scrubbing toilets so it's not about being picky..

i applied for a job before coming off maternity leave (more hours but minus the travelling of my current job i'd be out of the house for the same amount of time). it was ONE job in the jobcentre that i was qualified to do, that i could travel to and hours i could work around the kids - 500 applicants. doesn't sound so easy to get a job to me :shrug:
We get no benefits, higher rate tax payers...I am lucky to have the option of being a sahm if that's what we decide.

Higher rate tax payers pay more, that accounts for contributing a larger amount of money for the luxury of earning it. Those who earn less, pay less tax. This is all sounds fine to me.

What needs to change however is this culture of ‘entitlement’ that has grown over the years. The view that free money is owed to us, that we have a right to extra money when we haven’t worked for it. Take child benefit for example, how can we support limitless family growth at a cost to the tax payer?

We have to change the culture, which will be hard. Irrespective of the pain, we have to deliver a hard dose of reality to the British electorate – if you want something you have to work for it. I mean, if I want a new TV, do I expect Curry’s to give it to me for free on the basis that I should be entitled to a big screen? No – the salesman will probably start laughing and call the police. In this instance, the tax payer should do the same to all but those who really need help i.e disabled.

Out of all of the posts on this thread, this is the one I agree with 100% and can relate to. I agree, it's the 'entitlement' culture that needs tackling.

I agree with this too.

I was seriously annoyed when i found out we were going to loose our child benefit next year. But then i sat there and thought about it and decided that i can't really complain about it too much as it's money that is being given to us for doing nothing other than having children - which was our choice and would of done it even if we weren't going to get CB. It's not our entitlement to have it but something given to us because we live in a country where they do that sort of thing. The fact that it's being taken away to hemp reduce the national deficit shouldn't be something to get annoyed about really.

IRO - how do you find extra hours. I know that it can be hard to find work but little things like paper rounds help. I deliver the local free paper - i do one round and that amounts to 2 hours of work a week. I know that they are always looking for people to deliver the papers - therefore 2 rounds at 2 hours each would give the extra 4 hours needed.
i work in housekeeping now scrubbing toilets so it's not about being picky..

i applied for a job before coming off maternity leave (more hours but minus the travelling of my current job i'd be out of the house for the same amount of time). it was ONE job in the jobcentre that i was qualified to do, that i could travel to and hours i could work around the kids - 500 applicants. doesn't sound so easy to get a job to me :shrug:

I did exactly the same. When my LO was first born i took a job cleaning. It was only 9.5 hours a week though but i thought it will be fine, i'll find another in a few weeks. I never did find another and we ended up with nothing. I had my head down filthy toilets and cleaning out urine sample boxes to get treated like scum by other people who worked there. That wasnt being picky!
I completely understand that a lot of people can't find work - my dad got made redundant in Nov '10 & hes only just out working again (he was a shift manager but now he's just a supervisor). But there will always be jobs in care!! My OH lost his job a few months back, he does 2 hours a week of fitness instructing & he doesn't claim JSA - what the point when they'll only give him £30.. so we live solely on my wages. I think its about time that an MP came & lived with a commoner like me for a few weeks!! X
I completely understand that a lot of people can't find work - my dad got made redundant in Nov '10 & hes only just out working again (he was a shift manager but now he's just a supervisor). But there will always be jobs in care!! My OH lost his job a few months back, he does 2 hours a week of fitness instructing & he doesn't claim JSA - what the point when they'll only give him £30.. so we live solely on my wages. I think its about time that an MP came & lived with a commoner like me for a few weeks!! X

i thought only single people could claim jsa ??

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