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The TTC comedians!! - Anyone with a GSOH welcome!! :) (formally TWW countdown)

Doing alright. Today is O day for me!!! Yay! But we didn't get to BD today.
We did yesterday afternoon though and I left my softcup in for almost 10 hrs. So i hope that works in our favor. LOL!

I actually liked them a lot. I didn't think I would but I didn't even feel it. Im thinking about using them for future AF. Maybe. Im still a little nervous about the "taking it out" part with AF going on. :rofl:

Hubby and I have only BD'd a total of 3 times during my "fertile" period. So, we shall see. Now I just wait. I'll start testing in about 9 days. FX!!!!
Hope this is it!!! Sounds like you've done more than enough x x x You seem to know lots about OPK's so i want to pick your brain......

When you get a nice dark positive how long will you keep getting them and do you ov when they're dark or once they've gone back to light again???
I only bd'd 3 times in my fertile period :thumbup:

I don't know why but softcups really freak me out! I've built up this fear now ha. Maybe I should just buy some & scatter them around the flat & then I will get used to them and no longer be scared? :rofl:

Usually, you O day the opk's go negative, and they can stay positive from a couple of hours up till 3 days! Everyone's diff when it comes to lh surge :)
I only bd'd 3 times in my fertile period :thumbup:

I don't know why but softcups really freak me out! I've built up this fear now ha. Maybe I should just buy some & scatter them around the flat & then I will get used to them and no longer be scared? :rofl:

Usually, you O day the opk's go negative, and they can stay positive from a couple of hours up till 3 days! Everyone's diff when it comes to lh surge :)

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:Thanks = i may do them next month ,,,,, i have a horrible feeling we've totally missed Ovulation this month :dohh: So unless it's imaculate conception we'll be trying again x
RN- how long have you been using Soft Cups??
I only bd'd 3 times in my fertile period :thumbup:

I don't know why but softcups really freak me out! I've built up this fear now ha. Maybe I should just buy some & scatter them around the flat & then I will get used to them and no longer be scared? :rofl:

Usually, you O day the opk's go negative, and they can stay positive from a couple of hours up till 3 days! Everyone's diff when it comes to lh surge :)

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:Thanks = i may do them next month ,,,,, i have a horrible feeling we've totally missed Ovulation this month :dohh: So unless it's imaculate conception we'll be trying again x

Yep, thats what I have gathered too. You O the day after your last positive.

I LOVE my OPKs. I'd be lost without them!!!!

And Katie - Im going to make you a pillow of softcups so yo can sleep with them at night. LOL!!!!! :rofl:
Lol do it! I don't have enough pillows! & at least they will catch the dribble :rofl:
I just looked up softcups & they are NOT what I had imagined they look like!
LOL! What did you think they would look like? Are you more scared now that you've seen them, or less? :rofl:
hahaha at least they will catch the dribble.
Well you know if you go to mcdonalds and there's those little White paper cups you put your sauce into... Those :rofl: I don't think my mind thought it through properly! I think I'm less scared now I know they ain't made out of paper :blush: lol.
Good morning ladies!!! Today is 1DPO for me. Whoop Whoop!!!
Only 8-9 more days to go before I can start testing.
I've noticed that I haven't been having any twinges or cramping like I did last cycle. So i hope that I actually ovulated. I go in a few days for my mid-luteal blood draw to check my progesterone levels. FX it shows numbers that indicate the O!

Im feeling fine today. Ive noticed that my nipples and bbs started to get sore yesterday so Im guessing thats just a normal O to AF symptom. So maybe I did really O!!!! Who knows!

How are you ladies today??? Any news from anyone?
My little one is home sick with me today. He says his tummy hurts but Im not quite sure I believe him. I think he pulled one over on his momma. LOL!
Yay. Fx'd!!
Ha ha aww! How old is he?

I'm just waiting for doctors phone lines to open after lunch so I can see if I can grab an afternoon appt. My ic's bloody aint arrived so I'm gonna have to go blind! I haven't tested for at least a week. But sod if I'm peeing in the doctors office tho! I'm taking my pee with me! Last 3 days been getting some pains in my left side, strongest today. I'm starting to get worried. Do you think I should mention this to doc? :|
He's 6, and he knows how to work his momma over! LOL!

I would definitely mention it to the doc. It's probably just your uterus stretching/growing and pulling on the muscles that suspend it. But, it wouldn't hurt for them to do a scan and rule out ectopic. Im not saying that to scare you, just letting you know what they might say when you tell them that.

But Im willing to bet its just the normal tugging and pulling. It's not always the most comfortable thing! Wait til you've got a big ol belly and you can barely bend forward. LOL!!!

AW.... you're gonna look so cute with a preggo belly!!!!!

(How bad are your pains? Are they just dull and annoying or are they 'stop you in your tracks painful'?)
Yeah I had already thought of that. Remember a few days after O I was complaining of pains in my left side like I had with chemical. Maybe it is just stretching & a big ol' coincidence because I have been having the normal stretching pains in my uterus (I remember them well cos I went to the er with them with my son :lol:) surely if it was ectopic my uterus wouldn't be stretching too? Ahh I hope my tests arrive tomorrow! Anyway can't get a doc appointment till next week! My dr has decided to be away for the week! Grr.
Katie - Maybe I just have a terrible memory or Im losing my mind, one of the two Im sure.....You have a son?? I don't remember that?

Damn doctors and their vacations!!!!!
Duh, nevermind. I remember now. LOL! Im telling you Im losing my mind!!!!
LOL!!! A litter!!!!

Im watching "Make Room For Multiples". This one is about triplets. Oh, that poor lady!!!! I think twins would be great but I think I'd lose my mind if I had triplets!!!!

I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I get my :bfp: this cycle!!!!

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