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The Two Week Wait ** January/Febuary** **NEW LIST FOR MARCH

Well I am 1 DPO and have been having sharp pains, only on the right hand side. Any ideas people? xxxx
Well ladies, I'm out of the 2ww, :witch: got me this morning! I was so upset, I :cry: a bit on way to work and spent the 1st few hrs trying to pick myself up, but am better now!

I have a plan for February and being in control (with a plan that is) makes me feel stronger :bodyb:

I am headed today to buy a CBDFM and we'll use that this time. My pre-seed should be arriving in mail today, also!

Wish me luck for the February cycle and lots of :dust:

hoping for baby,

Sorry the :witch: got you babyorchid.

Sounds like you're well prepared for next month. Keep up the PMA and we'll all be in First Tri before we know it!!
Well I gave in yesterday and bought a FRER (I have to walk past Boots on the way to work, what else do you expect?!?!?!) and as I thought :bfn:
Got really emotional yesterday afternoon so I'm convinced the witch is on her way ....3 days to go yet tho!!!

Had really sore lower back pains yesterday and today, also in my pelvic area, really crampy and stiff......what does this mean? If anything hahaha
Thnx for the kind words Aimee-Lou! DH and I are able to enjoying some :wine: tonite :) Least I can not feel any guilt with the winey since :witch:

:dust: to you!!! First tri, we are coming someday!
Well i'm completely confuzzled now, started AF on Friday (had pale pink on wiping on thurs), sorta red and watery but then well by Saturday it'd sorta stopped. Anyone had this before?????

Babyorchid sorry :witch: got you too, hope you have a good weekend and enjoy that glass of wine!!!
7 DPO today and not feeling a thing symptom wise. Temps were the same as yesterday so have been flat for 6 days. I hope there is a shift tomorrow either up or down so I feel like something is going on. I was scouring lots of similar charts on FF and found one which looked practically identical to mine that ended in a BFP but trying not to focus on this too much.

I have been busy knitting for charity this morning while watching marathon baby programmes on Home & Health channel. There was a great one called 3x Baby which was about the comedienne Jackie Clume who was pregnant with triplets. She already had a toddler and she and her partner was so shocked when they discovered they were having 3! Two were identical (boys) and the single one was a girl. It was so lovely to watch but just made me want to be pregnant even more :hissy:

We are going to visit my cousin shortly for dinner so I get a day out of the kitchen :happydance:

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, whether you are :sex: or symptom spotting.
Forgot to mention also ladies........I am Hypothyroid, recently had my a total thyroidectomy due an enlarging multinodular goiter (essentially thyroid enlargement type tumor), so am on synthroid.

Just had my labs done and my TSH was ultra low (less than 0.05) Normal reference range is 0.5-5.0

So, given these labs I need to modify meds, my TSH lab actually relates I am now hyperthyroid status???? Weird, b/c I sure as hec don't feel it. I am always tired, always sleepy and just trying to make light of this situation ALL OF THE TIME!

Now, I am very worried as I have read all over the internet and also heard from a friend that TSH needs to be at least 1.0 in order for OVULATION to OCCUR :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:

My endocrinologist, didn't even seem worried about this when I asked him about it and Ovulating?! He is a metabolism/diabetes endocrinologist- very good one, but am thinking I need to go see a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

Before I wasn't worried about this b/c I thought I was ovulating and everything was under control, but NOW I am worried.

Oh.......it's always something! :rain: When it rains it pours! Why can't I just be normal?????? I hope this is a problem that a RE can fix quickly!

Had to vent, sorry ladies!

:dust: to us all for February ttc'ers!
Well :witch: got me evening of 9th Jan...full flow from start so have decided this month to try OPK's cause not 100% as to when I OV. Well, began testing on CD11 as cycles average out at 27 days......Am I right so far???? Have had neg tests every day so far?? So obviously not OVing at average CD14.
Past 2 days BB's MEGA sore all over and thats it!! Keeping on with testing and hoping for + any day soon!!!!

:witch: got me :cry:

I'm feeling optimistic now though. I get married on the 7th of feb. Looking like a wedding night conception to me :D
Sorry the :witch: got you amy_tea.....at least you can enjoy the wedding without her as an extra guest!!

Enjoy every minute...mine was the best day of my life! Don't get worked up, relax and FX'd for a wedding night LO!!
CD11 for me....and (sorry in advance for TMI!) I've got more CM than you can shake a stick at!! I can't remember having this much last month but having looked at mybeautifulcervix, I think this should turn into EWCM in about 3 days all being well......didn't have any last month so hoping this is the case! Bring on OV....I'm ready body!!

Had a bit of a Heart to heart with hubby last night, he has recently been getting a bit obsessed with what HE wants to do. We've been saving up for him to get a motorbike, to go to Florida on holiday like he has asked, to pay off his car loan.....and I just lost my temper (must be hormones as I don't normally have a temper to lose!) saying he doesn't actually care about what I want to do! I know I over-reacted but I just snapped. I think it's scared him but now I'm scared that he'll be upset with me when I go to pick him up. Wish it could all be more simple....still at least I'll get chance to 'make it up to him' tonight :blush:
Sorry the :witch: got you amy_tea.....at least you can enjoy the wedding without her as an extra guest!!

Enjoy every minute...mine was the best day of my life! Don't get worked up, relax and FX'd for a wedding night LO!!

Yeah.. also means i can have a worry free hen party :happydance:
well i think im out this month!!! (hope) after being almost two weeks late for the witch and gettin neg tests, ive never been so pleased to see her!!! lets just hope its a porper one and i can start to focus on next month!!!

(pish... opens a can of strongbow... ahhhh....)
I'm totally confused now.....took another frer on Sunday - 13dpo - :bfn: . Surely it would've shown up by now?? Spent yesterday really depressed, then all of a sudden when I was making dinner, I got a horrid metallic taste in my mouth which I've NEVER had before!!!! And my bbs are gigantic!!! :rofl:

So there's still a glimmer of hope....:witch: is due tomorrow...
Sorry for the girls who are out....onto the next cycle and I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of February :bfp: s.....Hope we can all go over the first tri together. (PMA is VERY up today!! :happydance: )

Almost there!! Woohoo!


CD12, more watery CM than soft mick, CP is very soft and Open, and BD'd like bunnies last night! Woohoo! Bring it on!! :rofl:
Evening ladies well I have had an interesting 8 DPO today. Have been having dull pains on the right hand side on and off all day. I haven't had this before in my 2ww so I have been frantically googling implantation pains to see if this is what it can be.
Only time will tell....roll on 2ww

How is everyone else doing? Anymore BFP's to report?
Hi Ladies-

I am new to BNB, well not really new... I have been a lurker for months! I decided to come out of the shadows and say HI and start sharing my situation/story/emotions. TTC is so trying at times and it is nice to share it with others that understand.

I have a wonderful DD, 4yrs, and we have been trying for the second since 10/07... right now my cycles have decided to be completely messed up after having consistent cycles for 3 years. So I am CD 23, but on 2 DPO and hanging out for the ttw.
Ok I am taking January Lists off tonight and starting February Could you ladies let me know when you are testing by simply posting just the date!!! PLEASE it is really hard to re-read every ones posts to try and find their date. The list will be from January 27th-February 28th!!!

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