The Vodka and Watermelon Girls

Dmom, it is so good to have you back. You just bring life to our little group. I'm sorry S had to travel on the holidays. It is no fun at all. I had the fortune of holding off thanksgiving and Christmas this year and it was a whole different world. I worked NYE in the morning and since I had to get up and face the music again on NYday I went to bed around 10:30 on NYE. Hubby was watching some anime thing on YouTube after I emerged from C's room when I finally got her in the crib. So I said screw it. I'm going to bed. How is S adjusting to life in Colorado? Are you getting lots of snow? Are you feeling ok? Are you happy about your little bean yet? How exciting :happydance: I sometimes get the hankering for another baby. Especially after seeing the LO I saw last night on the plane. She was sooooo tiny. It was really odd. A man was traveling alone with a baby that couldn't have been more than 7 lbs. I would venture to say less. She was so little. It was so odd that momma wasn't there. I wanted to ask what was going on, but the man made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I tried helping him with his bags and such. He wa holding her with just one arm carrying all his bags inboard. I was worried he would drop her. It was so weird. My hubby would have fainted dead away if he had to travel with C by himself at that early age. I wonder if the momma is okay or if she died in childbirth or who knows what. It made me sad, but she was very calm for him. Slept a whole bunch. I didn't like the way he bottle fed her. Maybe it seemed odd to me since I BF C. But he was holding her by the bottom of the back of her head and cradling her skull and had the bottle shoved in there. She had to drink or drown. Is that how it's done? I felt horrible for her.
Anyhow, I'm still missing C. I got to skype a little with her and hubby today. She took a 1:30 nap in the morning which is unheard of. It's normally not a minute past 45 minutes. The afternoon nap is usually the long one. She was sleeping on my hubby in the glider. MIL put her in the crib yesterday and woke her up so she didn't get but 5 minutes yesterday in the morning. :nope:
What do you all think? I am so paranoid about her missing naps. It upsets me so much to know that she is tired. We don't do cry it out. I was wondering when she would transition to one nap, Indy. She still acts like she needs her 2 naps when I'm at home. She gets sleepy around 10:30-11. And takes her 45 minute nap very easily usually. Then she needs another nap around 3:30-4. It's hard to get her to sleep then though. I usually have to resort to wrapping her or using a carrier. But then she's out in 5 minutes and lately has been sleeping for 2 hours. Her bed time is getting later and later though. This is why I wish I could transition her to one big nap a day. How that is done I have no clue. My friend in Dallas runs an errand every morning and her DD takes a cat nap in her car seat and then she does a long nap in the afternoon. But she did a modified cry it out and can get her DD to nap in her crib. I think if she was exhausted enough I could get C to sleep and into the crib. That's what I am holding out hope for anyhow.
Garnet, holidays are tough and dealing with a loss just compounds that. I think getting out of town was an excellent idea. :hugs:
Indi, hooray for sleep!
Hi ladies sorry I've been MIA but I needed to get my head straight. Thanks so much for all your lovely support and messages.

So all in all its been a crappy holiday period. As you know they found no heart beat at my scan. It really knocked me sideways, with having had the early scan it hadn't even entered my head that there would be anything wrong. But as soon as she started the scan she said it was too small for my dates. At the first scan it was just right for my dates so I knew there was something wrong.

Anyway she brought in a consultant who did an internal and confirmed there was no heartbeat. I could see it on the scan anyway. I just cried and cried and DH just cuddled me.

They sent me away for a week to see if "nature takes its course" (I really hate that expression now) and that was all over Christmas. We hadn't told anyone so we had to tell our families the bad news. We went back on 27th for another scan and to discuss what to do. I had the option of either a d&c or tablets to bring it on. I said (and I hope this doesn't sound awful) I just wanted to get it over with. She said for a d&c with the holidays etc it would be at least another week and it wouldn't be our local hospital. The tablets could be done sooner.

So I opted for the tablets and she booked me in for Tuesday (ie new years eve...). I actually started bleeding on Saturday night but it was only fairly light. We went in on Tuesday morning and I took the tablets and went home. Tuesday wasn't fun. I actually thought about going back into a&e at one point, the bleeding went on so long and so intense. But it's died down now and we're back in tomorrow to check it's all gone.

I really hope the worst (physically and emotionally) is over and we can look forward. I really don't know how I would have got through it without cuddles from DH and Conor. I just can't be sad when the wee man gives smiles and kisses and cuddles.

Anyway Brooke I'm sooooo glad to see you back and overjoyed to hear your news!! H is going to be a big brother!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
You know, I'm not sure if H really realized S was gone, until she showed back up last night. He just felt something was different.:wacko:

M, yes...she got on a plane at noon on Xmas day; we spent the morning at the airport.:growlmad:

How are you feeling?:happydance:


Am feeling good thanks. A bit nauseous again today but overall life is going on as normal. Put the crib up yesterday so pretty much there for baby boy's room :thumbup:

Garnet sounds good that you got away for sure :hugs:

Viking I can't really give any advice but these things tend to work themselves out I guess. It's difficult trying to keep in a routine when other people have different ideas too. Weird about the tiny baby :wacko:

Conina so sorry to hear how horrible it has been for you. It's had enough as it is but like garnet and bmom know, it is horrible to have to deal with an mc over Xmas :hug:
Girls, thank you so much for the warm welcome back. I honestly wasn't sure if it would be ok for me to start posting again. Ever since I sold the business and moved, I have really isolated myself. It wasn't anything intentional, but part of me feels like an absolute failure.:dohh:

Indigo keeps telling me I haven't been myself and I know she's right, just not sure how to get back there again. Spent way too many years valuing myself by my paycheck. :blush:

V- Both S and H naturally flipped themselves to one nap, but it was rough at first. H is always tired enough for a morning nap, but he just can't settle enough to sleep. So, he has lunch around 11:30 and is usually napping by 12:30, at the latest. Typically he's good for 2-3 hours, which is really nice. I avoid taking him in the car too close to nap time, unless I have someone with me to make sure he doesn't cat nap.

Luckily, he will nap in his crib and fall asleep in it at night, but he eds up in our bed by midnight. I really don't like it at all.:nope:

Anne- I don't blame you one bit; I too would have wanted the lesser of two evils, which for me is whatever option is faster. Lord, that sounds so crass of me, but it's really not how I mean it at all.:cry::hugs:

M- I just can't believe how close things are getting for you!:happydance: And I will manifest your son actually sleeps in that crib and it doesn't become somewhere to toss toys, like mine.:haha::hugs:
Don't really know you but I really am sorry this happen to you! Give yourself time and hugs!
I came in like a wrecking balllllllll!! :haha:

Ok, not really. Dang Miley Cyrus!!

Don't get much time on the computer anymore. Kaleb is 20 months old & is a lil daredevil.

Is there an app for BnB? Then I can check back easier. Oh heck, I'll go look for myself :thumbup:

How is everyone??

Happy 2014! I know I know, this post is all over the place :dohh:

WOOOOOOOOOOO!! BROOKE!!!! :hugs: You still have porkchop?


Damn caps, can't be bothered re-typing lol

Not preggers here. Gonna wait until later in the year to start "trying" :thumbup:

How is everyone?? :hugs: :hugs:
Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in!:haha::hugs:

Porkchop is now the companion to a 4yo Autistic boy- family through marriage. Letting him go still doesn't sit well with me, but it is the best situation for everyone...he just can't handle having siblings.:cry:
Viking- Just realized I forgot to answer some of your questions. As far as settling in CO goes, S loves the area, but is not a big fan of her school. This area is very affluent, I believe the 5th wealthiest county in the US and it shows. She finds everything quite superficial and has no patience for any of that.:nope:

Weather wise I am quite surprised. I always made a point to visit in the summer, so had no real experience with a Denver winter and I did not expect it to be so mild. Definitely better than an Ohio winter, lol. The temps stay in the 40-50s and we get a cold day here and there...snow has been minimal.

Of course, if one heads to the mountains, it's a totally different story.:thumbup:

There is very little humidity here, so precipitation is minimal at best. I certainly don't like it as humid as a FL summer, but a little bit of moisture in the air might be nice. I'm terribly afraid I'll start wrinkling soon.:haha::winkwink::blush:
Yay how exciting that both DMom and Eva are back :happydance::happydance:

Eva Kaleb is sooo gorgeous :cloud9: (and Austin too! - think that is his name sorry if not :haha:)

I'm afraid the nursery is not very exciting :blush: I still need curtains, bedding and decals... Will go take pics anyway...

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