Crystal- Ask me anything you like, but this will be a novel.
Before I got pregnant with H, I had never had an issue with my BP, typically I ran around 110/72.
I got my first high reading with him at my NT scan, 161/99, the nurse thought it was stress and wrote it off, but it never came down from that point on. I started on 400mg of Labetalol a day, but it really wasn't working, so went up to 600mg for the duration of my pregnancy.
After H was born, my BP never came down.
My doctor added 25mg/day of Losartan and eventually I also started taking 25mg of a diuretic a day. Still ran in the 130s/90s.
My doctor has always felt my BP was hormonal and I tend to agree, bc diet doesn't affect me at all. So, I was taking the progesterone only BCP, bc you can't take estrogen with BP issues...lo and behold I started getting cysts in my left ovary and my BP was going up again, so my new doctor in Colorado took me off the BCP.
That was 3 months ago and look what happened this last cycle; we didn't even think I had OV bc of the cyst and I never caught a LH surge or EWCM...hadn't actually DTD since CD8.
Anyway, two of my BP meds are a no-no for pregnancy, so I had been testing every month to make sure I wasn't knocked up. I am now on 900mg of Labetalol a day and my BP is averaging 145/92. I have the PE baseline test on 1/23, after my dating scan.
I guess BP shoots up in 1st and 3rd tri, while leveling off in 2nd. That's what I am hoping for bc this just can't be good.
Sorry for the long-winded post.