Hi everyone! I had my scan today and everything's fine! As you can imagine after last time I was up the walls with worry. The lady was showing its arms and legs etc and I said "it's just the heart beat I was looking for!"
Things are pretty good with C. She is getting so grown up. She has a pretty quick temper, but perhaps that is a toddler thing? She still hates the car. Had a massive meltdown while traveling in Colorado 2 days ago. My BFF is traumatized as well as C and I. She is a flirt. She likes people, but also gets shy. It's the cutest thing ever. When I take her for a bike ride she waves to everyone like the queen. She loves Frozen. (Thanks Dad) She is super clingy to mommy. I love her more every day.
My MIL is returning Tuesday. I want to hang myself. My husband is doing his counseling but managed it really really piss me off the other day by saying something that made me feel that my trust in him just doesn't even matter to him. I don't think he's up to the task. We definitely need to have more counseling together, but I don't think it's going to work. I'm trying to give him time to work on it, but my patience is running thin and I think it may be time to move forward. Just not sure how to make it work. Thankfully there is no rush.
Thanks for asking Brave how are you?
Awk Viking that's a lovely update I can just imagine c on the bike waving I hope your hubby gets his act together before he loses something so precious I don't think he even realises what he's gonna lose out on and that makes me so cross and sad . Love you v
Omg I'm smiling from ear to ear reading about my buddy Niko...love it, all of it! Especially his diet preferences...a man after my own heart
Sorry you are going through so much. Is it selfish for me to think yey on your sister moving to Atlanta? Hehehe maybe I can meet you guys when you visit!
N will be fine. Moves are never fun but they happen and we adapt. Kids especially!
Hang in there and please do give my buddy a big smooch for me!
Oh N is getting so big Indi!!!i love the "Go away Peeeze"! ha
He will always be your boy, mine is 16 and still my boy it just never changes
As for the move Niko will adjust he's young but he will miss out on family so you have make visits count. The big question is, do you want this? Where will you be happy and what do you want for your family. It might be an offer he can't refuse but family is priceless. If your questioning if this is the wrong decision then you need to talk things through
You'll do what's best for your family you always do! If your questioning a decision then it needs to be discussed
Wow that is a big move but little people are very adaptable. You just need to do what is right for you as a family. Is there any chance that MIL and FIL can move with you too? Are they retired or just too many ties where they are? Or cou;d you get a house with a granny annex so that you can have people to stay for ;ong periods without them being on top of you? I guess you have probably gone through all the options... or is it possible that you and N could go back and stay with them for a few days every month (sorry not sure how far it is).
N sounds amazing. I love that his does his work in the morning and demands his coffee I can't believe he will be 2
That is so cool that he helps out with jobs and stuff, i bet that is so cute. He will make someone a great husband (that is assuming you let him lol )
Will you be near DMom in Colorado? I went to Denver on a course once, didn't see much of it but did go snowboarding in Aspen
BF the life of a momma! What a sweet boy though. Gotta sleep on momma.
Is he starting to roll at all yet? Does he like going for walks? Has he started a sleep schedule? I think you said he is sleeping thru the night. That's wonderful! C would pretty much sleep for 45 minutes every three hours for quite a while! Kind of hectic to get anything done.
Niko is hilarious. As for the move, you have to do what is best over all for your family. My husband has this strange obsession with trying everything to make more money, but honestly C is well provided for and really needs us. Our time with her. I try to remind him of that. As much as I would love to live in Colorado I don't want to take C away from our support system, but I wouldn't be getting any advantages out of it either. No more money. No less stress. So you just have to weigh the pros and cons. What works best for you?
C is currently practicing saying Hi Zoey and Bye bye Zoey to our dog. And "singing" along to Let it Go. Constantly. She doesn't really say many words, but seems to understand more and more every day. My husband is still an idiot and I am not wearing my wedding ring or diamond he got me for our 10th anniversary. I booked a session for the both of us on the 9th of July. He told me he's trying really hard. Meh. It's going to take lots more. He's also asking for another baby. Is he insane?!?
Lol Viking yes he will only sleep on momma during the day I need to try and get him in his cot for an afternoon nap although he doesn't sleep a lot in the day so like you I don't get a lot done
Yes he sleeps through now from about 8-8.30pm until about 6-6.30am, or sometimes even 7.30 am
He hasn't started rolling yet but I guess that will happen soon. He loves going for walks so we try and get out in the pushchair when we can. He also likes his car seat
Hmm, number 2, don't think that idea ever fixed anything although who couldn't want another Carolyn?
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