The Weather!


Mumma to B & I
May 19, 2008
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Have you seen the weather?!

We have been having sporadic downpours of a most torrential nature all day. A while ago there was a crack of thunder so loud I thought someone's house had fallen down!
Oh goodness, I'm just over the Pennines from you, haven't had the thunder yet!!! Argh!!!!
It was just one huge rumble but incredible! I think it might be moving northwards though, maybe NE. Perhaps it skirted over you? You've had the rain right?

This morning our old dog pooed on his way downstairs so DH shut both dogs in the garden in a drizzle. Suddenly it all came down while he was cleaning and a few mins later in came to sorry sodden hounds! Poor guys...
I'm in Leicester and all we've got is a few dark clouds. :hissy:

I love a good thunder storm - I bet we get it about 3am to wake everyone up! :dohh:
No thunder over here yet but has been coming down in buckets on and off all day
It was the same yesterday no wonder i am feeling crappy with a bad throat :(
Chester has been raining on and off all day but now we have blue skys!?!?! But its cold. Tomorrow supposed to be bad :( XxX
i was sitting and looking out the window looked at the tv for 2 seconds looked back and it was tipping down
No rain at the moment but it's very cloudy and we'll be getting rain with isolated t-storms later on.

I, also, LOVE a good thunderstorm! :rofl:
we've had no thunder in stockport, where bouts in manchester are you?? we've just had the torrential rain!! was at my mums before and she went out for a cig and the dog went out with her, he came running in two minutes later soaking wet poor thing!! all the roads are flooded too! we've got the fire on now, although i'm havin a hot sweat!!
wee had no thunder but boy its been raining, it keeps going from cold autumn blue skys to black angry nasty wet!

and its sooooo freezing
we've had no thunder in stockport, where bouts in manchester are you?? we've just had the torrential rain!! was at my mums before and she went out for a cig and the dog went out with her, he came running in two minutes later soaking wet poor thing!! all the roads are flooded too! we've got the fire on now, although i'm havin a hot sweat!!

Stockport! :rofl: Where were you?! Heard in Ashton too. But you've seen the rain! :-(
I think youve got that from us in newcastle peanutbean!
We had torrential (sp?) rain last week and thunder and lightning. We actually had to pull over in the car when driving as rain was too heavy to see through and lightning was lighting up everything so white we couldnt see properly.

But todays been gorgeous, blue skys all over and its been not warm but when you stand in the sun its lovely...apparently, im not allowed outside as have poss gladular fever :(
Stockport! :rofl: Where were you?! Heard in Ashton too. But you've seen the rain! :-(

lol i've been in stockport all day! was at stepping hill in the morning, went to my mums and then the baby and tk maxx at stanley green and back to my mums!! how the hell did i miss it!!
well peanut bean, shortly after saying we had nothing, needless to say it pissed it down. x

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