The wicked witch is late, bfn, group

Just to make it more confusing I went to throw out my HPT from yesterday (don't know about you guys but I tend not to chuck them straight away - silly but true!) and as I glanced at it there's a line... fairly sure its an evap. I hadn't looked at it since instantly after I tested so I don't know when the line formed/how long after. What do you guys think? I've never had an evap before only blank BFN's

Any chance you have another test there that you can do? It looks like the line could be pink and apparently evaps are colourless/grey. I hope it's a BFP!!! :)
Just to make it more confusing I went to throw out my HPT from yesterday (don't know about you guys but I tend not to chuck them straight away - silly but true!) and as I glanced at it there's a line... fairly sure its an evap. I hadn't looked at it since instantly after I tested so I don't know when the line formed/how long after. What do you guys think? I've never had an evap before only blank BFN's

Any chance you have another test there that you can do? It looks like the line could be pink and apparently evaps are colourless/grey. I hope it's a BFP!!! :)

Thanks for your reply! This is the first time I've had anything other than a clear BFN so either way its nice for a change haha. I'm out of tests and was planning on waiting to test again when I'm 3 weeks late on Tuesday and due to the Easter holidays looks like thats what will happen x
You have some strong willpower lol. I really, really hope this is a good sign! I've never heard of an evap having colour so I'm getting excited for you :)
I've never had an evap before - I have a test I took 2 weeks ago (gross huh lol) and just had a look for an evap and there's nothing. Are FRERs known for evaps?
You have some strong willpower lol. I really, really hope this is a good sign! I've never heard of an evap having colour so I'm getting excited for you :)
I've never had an evap before - I have a test I took 2 weeks ago (gross huh lol) and just had a look for an evap and there's nothing. Are FRERs known for evaps?

I'm glad its not just me - I do that too! It's kind of half forgetting about them and half "omg this was pretty expensive and its BFN, I can't handle throwing it out instantly as well" lol! I've definitely had others I've thrown out after a few days/a week whatever and they were still BFN so I wouldn't think it would happen to ALL of them but I have heard from other women having them on FRER. Ah the mystery goes on
Just to make it more confusing I went to throw out my HPT from yesterday (don't know about you guys but I tend not to chuck them straight away - silly but true!) and as I glanced at it there's a line... fairly sure its an evap. I hadn't looked at it since instantly after I tested so I don't know when the line formed/how long after. What do you guys think? I've never had an evap before only blank BFN's

That looks like a pink line to me!! :happydance: I had also heard that FRER can have evaps, but they are almost always gray! Hoping this BFP sticks and it's even darker when you test again!! I can't wait to see your results :D.
I wanted to update you ladies and attach my chart from last month to give some insight. Maybe it will help one of you.
I noticed yesterday on one of my other charting apps that I had EWCM after my first temp shift and I had marked it as more had the clear cm adding up to the ewcm and then ending with the creamy cm. I also had a temp shift after that time which was sustained, unlike my last. If that really is the time I ovulated then that would put me at my usual 13 day LP.
As for my cycle being longer than normal, I had my first ever business trip out of state as well as helping with baby showers for my I am thinking I was stressing and didn't even realize it! Hoping this month will put my cycle back on track!
I am just glad that I finally have an actual answer and can start fresh in May. We decided to take a month off to relax and not obsess :).

Can't wait to see your ladies results!! Pradabooties it looks as though your BFP might have come...keeping my fingers crossed for you helena, your signs do sound promising!!!
My Ovulation Chart
I wanted to update you ladies and attach my chart from last month to give some insight. Maybe it will help one of you.
I noticed yesterday on one of my other charting apps that I had EWCM after my first temp shift and I had marked it as more had the clear cm adding up to the ewcm and then ending with the creamy cm. I also had a temp shift after that time which was sustained, unlike my last. If that really is the time I ovulated then that would put me at my usual 13 day LP.
As for my cycle being longer than normal, I had my first ever business trip out of state as well as helping with baby showers for my I am thinking I was stressing and didn't even realize it! Hoping this month will put my cycle back on track!
I am just glad that I finally have an actual answer and can start fresh in May. We decided to take a month off to relax and not obsess :).

Can't wait to see your ladies results!! Pradabooties it looks as though your BFP might have come...keeping my fingers crossed for you helena, your signs do sound promising!!!
My Ovulation Chart

Thanks divatoot! It's so frustrating that stress can affect our cycles :( Looking at my chart now, I'm thinking that maybe I didn't ovulate until around 10 or so days ago (CD40/41?). Which is kind of strange seeing as ovulation looked pretty clear to me on CD18 as I had the temp rise, fertile CM & high soft cervix. If I ovulated only 10 days ago then I had no EWCM and my cervix probably wasn't as soft as it usually is during ovulation... Bonus is, we did the deed 2 days before CD40 so we could still be in with a chance. I have no idea why my cycle is so long this time around, it's normally about 33 days!
Pradabooties I can't wait until you test again! I have my fingers crossed it's a positive for you!


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Just to make it more confusing I went to throw out my HPT from yesterday (don't know about you guys but I tend not to chuck them straight away - silly but true!) and as I glanced at it there's a line... fairly sure its an evap. I hadn't looked at it since instantly after I tested so I don't know when the line formed/how long after. What do you guys think? I've never had an evap before only blank BFN's

Looks like a BFP to me! I going to follow thread until your confirmation!
Just to make it more confusing I went to throw out my HPT from yesterday (don't know about you guys but I tend not to chuck them straight away - silly but true!) and as I glanced at it there's a line... fairly sure its an evap. I hadn't looked at it since instantly after I tested so I don't know when the line formed/how long after. What do you guys think? I've never had an evap before only blank BFN's

Looks like a BFP to me! I going to follow thread until your confirmation!

Thanks I'll definitely update :) I have a doctors appointment this coming week but might do one last test before then!
How are you going pradabooties?

Hello, and happy Easter to all. My dr appointment is still two days away but I did another test last night and BFN - will do another tomorrow with FMU. AF is 3 weeks late as of tomorrow! I have a pretty sure feeling I'm pregnant - but if not it's got to be something else, hopefully not PCOS. I'm so emotional and even when I am laying down I have isolated bloat on my lower abdomen, like I can't even suck it in!

How's everyone else going?
So odd. I wonder why our bodies do this to us? I really hope you get your BFP. Or at least AF so you know what going on. The not knowing is the worst!
I just did my usual cervix check and had a bit of EWCM with red streaks of blood in it so I think AF is on her way (I'm 12DPO according to fertility friend - it changed my ovulation date). Finally! Lol. I just want to start a fresh cycle. I hope you had a lovely Easter!
So odd. I wonder why our bodies do this to us? I really hope you get your BFP. Or at least AF so you know what going on. The not knowing is the worst!
I just did my usual cervix check and had a bit of EWCM with red streaks of blood in it so I think AF is on her way (I'm 12DPO according to fertility friend - it changed my ovulation date). Finally! Lol. I just want to start a fresh cycle. I hope you had a lovely Easter!

February must have just made our cycles all crazy! Glad your answer is finally on it's way Helena and that my chart could help out a little. Women's bodies are a mysterious thing!

Pradabooties I am hoping everything goes good at your doctor's appointment and that it is a BFP! I will be praying that everything checks out ok and that you finally get your answer, hopefully the one you are wanting! Hope you ladies enjoyed your Easter!
Just updating that I'm now 3 weeks and 1 day late and I finally went to the doctor this morning. She was lovely but did say she trusts HPTs quite a bit so she thinks its unlikely that I'm pregnant but decided to send me for a blood test just in case. The blood test was for pregnancy plus a prenatal check so it checks my thyroid function, iron levels etc since I told her that if I'm not pregnant now I do plan to be within the next year or so.

They took quite a lot of blood! I go back for a follow up appointment in a week but she said I'd get a call sooner if anything abnormal showed up on the test - I guess this means they'd call if I am pregnant?

The doctor was quite surprised that I haven't had my period since Feb 17 and when I told her the dates I had light spotting around ovulation and the fact OH and I had done the deed all around and on ovulation dates she was like right okay I see where you're coming from, lets definitely test for hcg.

Hows everyone else doing? xxx
Just updating that I'm now 3 weeks and 1 day late and I finally went to the doctor this morning. She was lovely but did say she trusts HPTs quite a bit so she thinks its unlikely that I'm pregnant but decided to send me for a blood test just in case. The blood test was for pregnancy plus a prenatal check so it checks my thyroid function, iron levels etc since I told her that if I'm not pregnant now I do plan to be within the next year or so.

They took quite a lot of blood! I go back for a follow up appointment in a week but she said I'd get a call sooner if anything abnormal showed up on the test - I guess this means they'd call if I am pregnant?

The doctor was quite surprised that I haven't had my period since Feb 17 and when I told her the dates I had light spotting around ovulation and the fact OH and I had done the deed all around and on ovulation dates she was like right okay I see where you're coming from, lets definitely test for hcg.

Hows everyone else doing? xxx

Hoping it's a BFP that shows up and will be praying it's not anything major that you and your OH can't work with! Hoping you get your answers very soon.

All is well here, cousin just had a beautiful baby girl so hoping to meet the little angel soon and get all my baby cuddles in :).

Keep us updated, prada!
Helena any word on AF? Did she finally show up?
Thanks divatoot!
Weirdly enough the night after the blood test (last night) my nipples, which have been feeling a prickly sensation on and off, started being FULL BLOWN PAINFUL! They still are today. I keep pressing on them to see if they're still sore and its pretty much agony. Haven't got the blood test results yet!

Awwww so exciting about your cousins baby! how lovely!!!
Hi Ladies,

I would like to join you all.
I think this is best thread where i can clear my concern.
I was on the same boat as of you all, Got my AF delayed by 8 days.
Normally i have 32/33 days cycle but last cycle stretched to 40 days (May be due to UTI ).

So to get the approx date of my ovulation should i consider 32 days or 40 days as my cycle now ??

what was your next cycle length after the cycle you got delayed AF ??
Just updating that I'm now 3 weeks and 1 day late and I finally went to the doctor this morning. She was lovely but did say she trusts HPTs quite a bit so she thinks its unlikely that I'm pregnant but decided to send me for a blood test just in case. The blood test was for pregnancy plus a prenatal check so it checks my thyroid function, iron levels etc since I told her that if I'm not pregnant now I do plan to be within the next year or so.

They took quite a lot of blood! I go back for a follow up appointment in a week but she said I'd get a call sooner if anything abnormal showed up on the test - I guess this means they'd call if I am pregnant?

The doctor was quite surprised that I haven't had my period since Feb 17 and when I told her the dates I had light spotting around ovulation and the fact OH and I had done the deed all around and on ovulation dates she was like right okay I see where you're coming from, lets definitely test for hcg.

Hows everyone else doing? xxx

Hoping it's a BFP that shows up and will be praying it's not anything major that you and your OH can't work with! Hoping you get your answers very soon.

All is well here, cousin just had a beautiful baby girl so hoping to meet the little angel soon and get all my baby cuddles in :).

Keep us updated, prada!
Helena any word on AF? Did she finally show up?

Pradabooties - I hope you manage to get some answers soon. Over 3 weeks late is so sucky. Wouldn't it be such a nice surprise if the results came back as pregnant! Having to wait a week for results sounds like a killer - I hope the week goes by quickly for you.

Divatoot - AF finally arrived yesterday! Yay! I never thought I'd be so happy about her showing up. Fingers crossed this cycle is normal. Did you get to have baby cuddles? I'm so clucky at the moment :)
Thanks divatoot!
Weirdly enough the night after the blood test (last night) my nipples, which have been feeling a prickly sensation on and off, started being FULL BLOWN PAINFUL! They still are today. I keep pressing on them to see if they're still sore and its pretty much agony. Haven't got the blood test results yet!

Awwww so exciting about your cousins baby! how lovely!!!

This sounds promising!!
Hi Ladies,

I would like to join you all.
I think this is best thread where i can clear my concern.
I was on the same boat as of you all, Got my AF delayed by 8 days.
Normally i have 32/33 days cycle but last cycle stretched to 40 days (May be due to UTI ).

So to get the approx date of my ovulation should i consider 32 days or 40 days as my cycle now ??

what was your next cycle length after the cycle you got delayed AF ??

Hi Shivangi, I would still go with what your regular cycle usually is (32 days). Every now and then I suppose our bodies like to play tricks and throw in longer (or shorter) cycles. I don't know what this cycle will be yet as I'm only on cycle day 2 but I hope it's back to my 'normal' cycle length which has been 33 days since I finished breastfeeding last year. This last cycle was 54 days which was quite annoying. I hope it doesn't happen again but unfortunately these things can't be predicted. I hope this cycle is a normal one for you - are you temping for ovulation?

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