Did anyone in the UK see the Wright Stuff today? I don't usually watch it but it happened to be on as I was getting ready to go out and there was a phone-in about men and babies. A very sensible sounding man was on the phone talking about how his wife had difficulties breastfeeding and had to go to a breastfeeding consultant. The host (don't know his name - somebody Wright I assume!) and the guests pretty much fell about the place laughing and saying how they had never heard of such a thing and the host said it was a job he would like or something along those lines. I was fairly taken-aback. There were also audience members laughing and shaking their heads. The general gist of the conversation was that this was a ridiculous idea. I thought most people would realise by now that breastfeeding is something to be encouraged and that it is not a particularly easy thing to do. I saw a breastfeeding counsellor and still didn't manage to breastfeed exclusively for more than a week or so - is the idea of someone helping women like me really something to be joked about on what I thought was a serious TV show?