The Young WTTers Club!

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This club is for those of us who are still in education and/or underage, or anyone really who is too young to be in a position to WTT any time soon. Other than that, anything goes!

So here is the place where you can moan about broodiness, school or work, parents, friends or boyfriends, and just anything really.

I better introduce myself...

My name is Elly. I am 15 (16 in May) and from Lincolnshire. I've wanted a baby since I was 9 and over the last few years my feelings have intensified. I would class myself as a Level 5 broody... I spend every spare moment thinking about babies, I symptom spot every month, I rub my tummy pretending I'm pregnant, all my friends know me as 'the maternal one' etc. I have been with my lovely OH for just over a year and I love him very much :cloud9: I am studying for my GCSE's in June at the moment, after which I want to do English Lit, Psychology and Theatre Studies for A Level, followed by going to Uni to train to be a teacher. Provided all stays as it should with me and OH, we are going to start TTC in about 6 years time (though of course the date is very likely to change depending on Uni and money etc, but it is nice having a date to work towards for the time being).

So thats me over, come introduce yourself and join :D
Oooh I'm first to reply for once:happydance:

I'm Emma, I'm 17 (18 in December) and currently at uni doing Pharmacy. Been with my OH for a year + 9 months; and he is currently doing training as a mechanic.. having itchy feet already though :dohh: but I would rather he changed now than later:thumbup:

I am terribly broody, all my friends know me as the mummy one aswell, and I thnk if any of them got pregnant before me I would go ape! (unreasonable I know). I also manage to convince myself I'm pregnant every month even though I know I'm not:dohh::nope:

Will be trying approx in 2014 but that's not completely decided yet.
Im not really that young but im still in education..If you call 20 young :laugh2:
Yes, 20 is still young :thumbup:
I would go mad if my friends got preggo, from jealousy. The other day my friends horoscope said something about a big change coming up, like having a baby and I wanted to cry! I don't think I could cope if my friends had babies and I didn't, just seeing pregnant people I don't know tests my sanity, let alone having to deal with it everyday...
Aww bless ya :) xx..I still wish i was your age again haha :rofl:

Well, i think ill post this post as an introduction as i cant be bothered to edit the other haha :D

Well, my real name besides Eightiesbirdx is Danielle =], my middle name is Grace but thats unimportant. Been with my boyfriend now for just over 4 months and we're both really enthusiastic about having kids he doesn't mind me staring at babies and baby stuff he just says to me one day :laugh2:

Im still at college, this will be my 4th year but not on the same course..Ive done one year of beauty therapy, had a year out, did my first level of childcare when i was 18 and this will be my second year of Business administration. I start my work placement tomorrow and im absolutely bricking it :laugh2: I play electric guitar but im currently googling lessons as i pretty much suck still haha.

And thats me, sorry about the essay :dohh:
I finally found this thread, lol.
I'm Abby, 16, studing at college (Psychology, Sociology, Biology and Media) and I'm hoping to become an independent midwife.
Been with my OH for over a year, and we do EVERYTHING together. Seriously, we haven't spent a day apart since March, lol. And we go to college miles apart.

So hi :)
Wow that is quite a feat... I go to school with my OH and don't see him as much as that! But he is always away on rugby things... and if he gets a place in Leicester Tigers Academy (and it's looking like he might) then in a few months he'll move 1 hour away and I'll only be able to see him on weekends providing he hasn't got matches :cry:
Hiii :flower:
I'm Anna, 16 and currently at college doing biology, chemistry, psychology and english literature. I want to either go into paediatrics or child psychology and am obsessed with babies! All my friends introduce me as 'the maternal one' too, and most of them worry a little about how much I want a baby :lol:
So, yeah, that's me :) Oh and I saw a gorgeous baby in Costa today and got so badly jealous :( it was absolutely adorable!

I want to be a part of this!

I am Lana. I am 18. I'm still young, but old at heart. I have been with my OH, Caleb, for 2 years and 2 months as of.. well Saturday the 24th. We've had our ups and downs, no doubt. He's my highschool sweet heart... and my soul mate. A while back at the beginning of our relationship, we thought I was pregnant. It brought us really close together, but we were both relieved when I found out that I wasn't. Since then, I've had baby on the brain. I'm currently going to school to be a nurse. This year, I live on campus an hour away from my OH. It's tough sometimes, but we are doing fantastic. Next year we hope to live together and travel to school rather than live so far away.

We've talked about marriage and he's changing his mind rapidly on when he wants a family. Originally he wanted to wait until he was 25. I wanted to start early. He didn't see marriage until after we were done with school and living together for at least a year.... I didn't see the point.

Now, I think we might end up engaged within the year, but that's just a guess. It's all up to him. And maybe baby soon after?

I don't know how long it will take, but I'm waiting.

Nice to chat with you guys........ SORRY that was so long.
I'm Amanda and I am 19 (20 in December) and I currently go to school for Childhood Education. I plan to get my bachelors and my masters hopefully before I have a baby, so I've got some time... probably 5-6 years :wacko:
but, I suppose it's what is best for me to raise a happy, healthy family.

Me and my OH, Chris just celebrated our 3 year anniversary on Tuesday...

how are you ladies? :flower:
It wasn't long!
Welcome :)

I know what you mean about the whole 'old at heart' thing, I have always been so much more mature than my friends emotionally, even if I was behind them in actually doing stuff. I was one of the last of my friends to have a proper kiss, lose my virginity, get drunk etc, but I think this is because I am so much more sensible than them...
Interestingly today, I did one of those 'what does your birthday mean' things and it says my strength is being emotionally mature beyond my years :thumbup:
And i forgot to add that me and OH are thinking about starting to try for a baby either in 2011/2012..ill be 22/23 by then..Bad times as its a while away :laugh2:

I dunno, i guess im just impatient when it comes to things i want..Oh and im stopping taking the pill in 8 months to find an easier alternative that doesn't make you bang on loads of weight lol
I'm similar in that way... I was.. I think, the last one of my friends to lose my virginity... Most of mine had when we were 14 and I remember being so jealous (which is silly).. I didn't til I was 17 and had been in a committed realtionship for a while..

I'm very different from most of my friends who go out and party, drink lots, do drugs... Me and my OH typically stay in on the weekends and rent movies or we go do something with a small group of friends. Don't get me wrong, I drink with family and stuff, but partying hard is not my thing really. I just want to continue my education, do well, and get the things I need to get done so I can build a wonderful life. :blush:
I know what you mean, Manda. My OH and I are the exact same way! We would much rather curl up together with a blanket and watch a movie and eat popcorn. With his room mates, though, it makes it difficult.
Hi, I'm not actually a wtter, let alone a young one as I'm 21...however i thought I would post on here as it was brought to my attention and I feel that you should know this.

I would like to tell you my story and some of you can think what you wish about it or may not even read it.

I was pregnant at 17, gave birth to my son at 18 and the pregnancy was HELL. I had so many problems that I had bad depression throughout the pregnancy and afterwards as well.

I had to sup it up though and deal with the fact that by opening my legs and getting pregnant so young, I had a baby to look after and care for, which was MY responsibility. I have never palmed him off to my mum or my family as he is my responsibility and my baby. He came from my body, and it is not up to anyone else to raise him.

I am now pregnant again and it is harder now than it would have been if I had been say, 35 and in a stable job and my own home with a mortgage. I miss out on so much because I am a young mum and because I have more important things to think about than seeing my friends, or having any sort of life...such as feeding my son, studying while being a parent (which is not easy as kids need ALOT of attention) but everything my son needs comes first to anything I might need.

So many of my friends tell me about things they are getting up to and I realise that if I hadnt been so stupid while I was younger I would be able to go and do the crazy things they get to do like going travelling and Uni etc. I would have more freedom and wouldnt have to constantly worrying about how I'm going to get through the next day with little help and working to support my child and to be able to afford things for the new baby too.

You have no idea what you are thinking about doing as it is not easy or glamorous and you miss out on alot of experiances that your friends will be having while you are up all night with the baby and not able to go out because you have the baby and you don't have any money to go out or see your friends or go travelling because the baby needs nappies and food and clothes on their back.

I feel that so many young people get it into their heads that it wont be too hard and you wont be too tired to even brush your own teeth sometimes, and think "a baby would be lovely" and decide they want a baby more than they want a life. More education is needed to give young people the experiance and the information they need to see that it is so hard that sometimes you feel all you can do is cry, yet you cant do that until the baby is sorted and in bed etc. You go and ask any of the young mums you see on the street pushing their prams looking like they are the living dead having been up all night, taking care of the baby.

Sorry it's long winded, just feel that its something so serious that really got to me.
Hi, I'm not actually a wtter, let alone a young one as I'm 21...however i thought I would post on here as it was brought to my attention and I feel that you should know this.

I would like to tell you my story and some of you can think what you wish about it or may not even read it.

I was pregnant at 17, gave birth to my son at 18 and the pregnancy was HELL. I had so many problems that I had bad depression throughout the pregnancy and afterwards as well.

I had to sup it up though and deal with the fact that by opening my legs and getting pregnant so young, I had a baby to look after and care for, which was MY responsibility. I have never palmed him off to my mum or my family as he is my responsibility and my baby. He came from my body, and it is not up to anyone else to raise him.

I am now pregnant again and it is harder now than it would have been if I had been say, 35 and in a stable job and my own home with a mortgage. I miss out on so much because I am a young mum and because I have more important things to think about than seeing my friends, or having any sort of life...such as feeding my son, studying while being a parent (which is not easy as kids need ALOT of attention) but everything my son needs comes first to anything I might need.

So many of my friends tell me about things they are getting up to and I realise that if I hadnt been so stupid while I was younger I would be able to go and do the crazy things they get to do like going travelling and Uni etc. I would have more freedom and wouldnt have to constantly worrying about how I'm going to get through the next day with little help and working to support my child and to be able to afford things for the new baby too.

You have no idea what you are thinking about doing as it is not easy or glamorous and you miss out on alot of experiances that your friends will be having while you are up all night with the baby and not able to go out because you have the baby and you don't have any money to go out or see your friends or go travelling because the baby needs nappies and food and clothes on their back.

I feel that so many young people get it into their heads that it wont be too hard and you wont be too tired to even brush your own teeth sometimes, and think "a baby would be lovely" and decide they want a baby more than they want a life. More education is needed to give young people the experiance and the information they need to see that it is so hard that sometimes you feel all you can do is cry, yet you cant do that until the baby is sorted and in bed etc. You go and ask any of the young mums you see on the street pushing their prams looking like they are the living dead having been up all night, taking care of the baby.

Sorry it's long winded, just feel that its something so serious that really got to me.

I understand what you are saying and completely agree.. My mother had me when she was 18 and it was extremely difficult on her. Now that I'm older we have talked about it a lot and I admire and respect her so much for everything that she gave up to give me a lovely life.

However, I think that the purpose of our thread is that we are "waiting" however, very much love children. We all know that one day in the future we want to be mothers and have very maternal instincts, but we are postponing having a child until we are stable with an education, a nice job, and a home for our family. :hugs: We aren't in here planning pregnancies, we are rather complaining about the effect of maternal instincts on people so young.
I'm not really the going out type either... I would much prefer to stay in with my OH and watch the TV. I'm not really a typical teenager, I drink at parties etc but have never gotten that drunk and I don't enjoy parties, I have only ever kissed two guys, and me and my OH are so much more serious about our relationship than our friends.

And re the virginity thing, I was (and am) 15, which I know is very young and I do feel bad about it. I was never jealous of my friends for having sex because I just wasn't interested, and just knew that when the time was right, I would know. Me and OH had been together for 7 months at that point and we both felt ready. I am glad I did it with him, even if it was young, because if we break up I can say that I lost it to someone I loved and cared about and felt comfortable with. One of my friends was hell bent on saving it for the perfect guy then got drunk and did it with a friend who she didn't know that well. So yes I was young but I don't have any regrets.
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