Things to buy!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
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Hi ladies

I am looking through baby stuff, and would like to get started on buying things in 4 more weeks or so, but I don't have much of an idea of what is good, what's a waste of money etc...

What things are you buying? Or if this is your second, what do you recommend! :) I want to start my wish list and get started on getting what we will need!

Thanks! :happydance:
Diapers, wipes, swaddling blankets, sleep suits/onesies. That's about the extent of what I actually needed.

Babies require a lot less than clever marketing and hype would have you believe you need for your baby.
Plain blankets for either just layering or for swaddling.
Muslin squares for using for everything!
Some sort of comforter blanket and/or a white noise CD/lullaby CD to use as a sleep cue so they hopefully don't need to be rocked/fed to sleep for the next two years (wish I realised this earlier with DS!).
About 7 sleepsuits and 7 bodysuits.
Couple of outfits.
3 cardigans.
Scratch mitts.
2 hats.
Jacket for summer baby.
Snowsuit, gloves, hat for winter baby.
A lifetime supply of disposable breast pads (this will last two weeks) or- and I recommend this more- five pairs of washable breast pads.
Nipple shields.
Nipple cream.
Bump bands (you can wear them as bras when you're engorged in the first few days, total lifesavers!).
Nursing bras.
Ring sling.
Soft structured carrier- Boba is good.
A pram that is easily foldable, relatively light or easy to push around, and not too huge.
All of the nappies. Or, if you're going for cloth, get fifteen daytime nappies and about five nighttime nappies.
Baby gym- I like the wooden ones. Wouldn't go for a fancy mat or anything but those are fine too.
A few books from your childhood that you will enjoy reading to your new baby.
Maternity pads- again, get a lifetime supply. You will need them. Don't bother with disposable pants.
A cot- I would recommend a normal cot with the side taken off and made in to a cosleeper. Moses basket isn't necessary if you do this.
Chocolate/magazines/box sets that make you happy to get you through the first weeks.
A car seat.
Changing mat- not necessary but handy.
Breastfeeding pillow.

I think that's it. I don't think bouncers/swings/bumbos/baby baths or anything else is really necessary but it all depends on what you find is useful.
I think the pp have it covered mostly. I so agree with hive child, they advertise that you need soon much but really stick to the basics and you are good. Many parents go crazy on clothes so watch that one. And newborns really do nothing so going crazy buying things like toys and stuff can be done later as needed.

I can only think of a couple things that you could need:
Breast Pump
2 crib sheets
Sleep Sack
Some type of reclining vibrating chair, it's good to lay them in between feedings and they can use it when older.
Haven't read other replies, sorry, but here goes!

-Sleeper pajamas (one with the feet)
-Scratch mittens
-Thin blankets to swaddle
-bottles if needed
-breast pump if needed
-bouncy chair (one with vibrations and has toys dangling on top... great to use when you need to pee or cook or whatever)
-car seat
-thick blanket to cover car seat in winter)
-teethers (my daughter teethed early!)
-diapers and wipes
-pacifiers/dummies (my daughter never took to one but most babies do)
-diaper rash cream (because it's inevitable at least once)
-Baby carrier (I didn't do this with my daughter and I regret not trying! Definitely getting a good carrier this time)
-baby bath (not necessary but I loved using mine)
-sheets for your crib/cot or pack n play

That's about all you need for the first couple months. I also had an activity mat for the floor for tummy time but it's not a necessity at all. Depending on if you're breastfeeding you may need bras, pads, special lotions etc. Some people get bottle sterilizers but I just put the bottles and parts in boiling water and didn't do it every day, more like once a week. Also some teething gel or tablets depending on when your lo starts teething. And a cute full set outfit never hurt ;-)
My baby ka'tan saved and literally restored our lives the first six months. Greatest thing ever hands down.
We also found the sleep gowns with just the elastic bottoms were so nice for nighttime. No buttons, snaps or zippers have to fiddle with meant not turning on lights, etc.
my husband got a ton of use out of the ergo. He buys it now for his guy friends. He would take dd out to mow the lawn and she just loved napping snuggled up on his belly. And because it so adjustable, I used it whenever traveling and nursed in it as well.
Thanks so much ladies! Thankfully we will probably be given a lot of stuff as we just had two babies born into the family in september, and my best friend just had her first baby in august.

What car seats are good? I know some are only for new borns while others can be used to grow into.

And what about baby carriers? Are the cloth ones that are on you ok?
The ka'tan and ergo are both carriers. We went with britax for the stroller/car seat but I'm sure many are good.
This may sound like a really dumb question but I'm a first time mommy-to-be! lol. Anyways, I'm looking at car seats online and was wondering if you need to buy a matching car seat and stroller, meaning that I can just attach the car seat onto the stroller and be good to go? Or do they make universal strollers for any type of car seat? I've been thinking about this for awhile and it is stressing me out! lol. I wan't to get those car seats that are all-in-one and grow with your child, but can you attach those to a stroller for a newborn? I've been looking online at Babies R Us but it is so overwhelming! Thanks! :)
The infant seats tent to fit with the stroller. You may be able to mix and match but you should check it before buying. I have a Baby Trend stroller and carseat that came together. I also have a Graco carseat. The Graco fits into the stroller, but not that well. I also have the Baby Trend Snap and Go Stroller and that fits almost all carseats. The only problem with that is that it only fits for infants. I like it because it is much lighter than my stroller and fits well in the car.

Another thing to think about with the stroller is are you going to go with the 4 wheel one or the one with the 3 big wheels. The one with the 3 big wheels is so easy to push and is great outdoors and in the winter. The 4 wheel ones are a much rougher ride and will get stuck in the snow. Try pushing both through the store to get a feel for the one you like.
From what I'm aware of, only infant car seats go into strollers. Might be just me, but I'm not a fan of the all in one car seats. I liked starting off with the infant seat bc then you can just snap the seat out of the base and carry baby in it... worked great especially for those days where baby finally naps in the car and you don't want to wake baby up by unstrapping them out of the all in one seat. Plus the stroller situation for the first few months where you need the infant seat anyways.

I have a 3 wheel jogging stroller and it was the greatest thing I ever bought! I got so much use out of it that it finally met its last day a couple weeks ago lol and most strollers aren't universal... you have to buy the same brand infant car seat to fit. There is one brand (can't think offhand what it is) but it is universal, you just buy the separate attachment depending on the brand of your infant car seat. But it's super expensive, like $600!
Food for thought from alphamom "If you are really tempted by the “travel system” type, be warned — the convenience of snapping a car seat into the stroller is often negated by the overall mediocrity of the stroller, and the realization that oh my God, you are lugging and pushing around 30 pounds of stroller and seat for seven pounds of baby. We streamlined the second time and went with the stroller frame or just a sling/carrier any time we went anywhere that didn’t require the double stroller."

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