Thinking a head. C section.


1 beautiful little lady.
Oct 2, 2009
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If I had a csection with my first after 14 hours of labour and little lady getting stuck what are the chances of me having to have another csection?
I'm opting for another c section after horrendous labour with my son. Can't even imagine having to try and do that again
I'd rather not have another section if I can avoid it. I was so gutted that I had to have one last time. I don't think I'm fully over it. I was adamant I didn't want any pain relief or intervention. I had to be induced which took a whole week, waters went but no contractions started the hormone drip which was horrendous (never again) and the ended with a section. I so want to go natural this time but I'm not sure if the docs will allow it??
VBAC is pretty common now if your pregnancy is going well & without too many complications. I delivered on hormone drip & know how unnatural those contractions are. I'm pretty sure the drip can lead to stressed infants as the contractions were so strong & incredibly frequent. But we just can't predict how our births will go. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with this one & am considering asking fr C-section instead of going on the drip if labour doesn't start naturally after waters break. I would like to avoid emergency interventions more than anything.
The Drs should definitely allow it. Your UK like me :) My last was a messy ugly induction ending in C/S and when I had the meeting with the consultant he said they preferred mums to go natural as it was a better recovery for mum, considering this is my 11th child, 1st vbac, I thought I was gonna have a fight on my hands to even let me try but was relieved in how supportive he was :)

p.s. I will be refusing any drips this time.
I was in labor for 3 days with my first and then he got stuck. my obgyn told me with my second that I need to do a C-section bc a vbac so soon after(19months) plus me having a tilted and narrow pelvis would not be a good combination.
The Drs should definitely allow it. Your UK like me :) My last was a messy ugly induction ending in C/S and when I had the meeting with the consultant he said they preferred mums to go natural as it was a better recovery for mum, considering this is my 11th child, 1st vbac, I thought I was gonna have a fight on my hands to even let me try but was relieved in how supportive he was :)

p.s. I will be refusing any drips this time.

I too will be refusing drips and induction. Last time I was struggling so much with the pregnancy, borderline Pre-E, lots of swelling and excess fluid I just wanted her out of me so I could feel normal. If I had properly known what induction and the drop was like I would of suffered on until she decided to come naturally.
Glad you didn't have to fight to get what you want. Xx
It really depends on you and how the baby is doing leading up to and/or at the time of labour. I had a c-sect with my first, and wanted to go vbac with my second. The one OB at the hospital "warned" me against vbac (I had already well-educated myself about it) and wanted to induce me the next morning (this was 2 days past my due date and my fluid levels were on the low side). I freaked out since I've heard how that road often leads to c-section anyway (AND more painful labour). I ended up going into labour naturally that night - but still needed a section since there were issues with the baby's heartbeat and I wasn't dilating. In the end, having the section probably saved his life.

So I think in principle yes VBAC is probably doable for sure (if there's been over a year between this and the last birth). But if risks increase at the moment of labour then a c-section is going to be more likely. I know it sucks, but just try to mentally prepare for that in case it needs to happen.

Since I've already had 2 I'm almost certainly going to have to have a third section with this baby :(

Good luck! :)
For me I would love a VBAC my first birth was pretty traumatic. 5 day latent labour, keystones in urine which meant my labour kept stopping eventually had a 12 hour labour managing to turn a back to back baby, who then got in severe distress due to meconium aspiration. I then had to have an emergency section where I was knocked out straight away and rushed to surgery. He ended up neo for two weeks it took them 2 minutes to revive him. The whole experience pretty much terrified us and we swore we'd never have any more. I felt completely robbed of the birth I planned. But now we've decided one last one, not gonna lie I'm a little terrified but I think I will still always try for natural, the recovery time on my section was awful.
It really depends on you and how the baby is doing leading up to and/or at the time of labour. I had a c-sect with my first, and wanted to go vbac with my second. The one OB at the hospital "warned" me against vbac (I had already well-educated myself about it) and wanted to induce me the next morning (this was 2 days past my due date and my fluid levels were on the low side). I freaked out since I've heard how that road often leads to c-section anyway (AND more painful labour). I ended up going into labour naturally that night - but still needed a section since there were issues with the baby's heartbeat and I wasn't dilating. In the end, having the section probably saved his life.

So I think in principle yes VBAC is probably doable for sure (if there's been over a year between this and the last birth). But if risks increase at the moment of labour then a c-section is going to be more likely. I know it sucks, but just try to mentally prepare for that in case it needs to happen.

Since I've already had 2 I'm almost certainly going to have to have a third section with this baby :(

Good luck! :)

Is that year from getting pregnant again or giving birth? I gave birth in November 2014 and got caught again roughly November /December 15? Last pregnancy I wasn't open to a csection at all, I closed my mind off to it and told everyone, doctors, midwifes my birth partners under no circumstances do I want a section or intervention. I was gutted when I was told I needed a section after getting to 7cm then going back to 3cm in minutes. I didn't even know that was possible. That's when they decided it was time to get her out. I will have to be open to the idea this time but I really would like to go natural, no pessarys, no drips and no pain relief.
Thank you x
It really depends on you and how the baby is doing leading up to and/or at the time of labour. I had a c-sect with my first, and wanted to go vbac with my second. The one OB at the hospital "warned" me against vbac (I had already well-educated myself about it) and wanted to induce me the next morning (this was 2 days past my due date and my fluid levels were on the low side). I freaked out since I've heard how that road often leads to c-section anyway (AND more painful labour). I ended up going into labour naturally that night - but still needed a section since there were issues with the baby's heartbeat and I wasn't dilating. In the end, having the section probably saved his life.

So I think in principle yes VBAC is probably doable for sure (if there's been over a year between this and the last birth). But if risks increase at the moment of labour then a c-section is going to be more likely. I know it sucks, but just try to mentally prepare for that in case it needs to happen.

Since I've already had 2 I'm almost certainly going to have to have a third section with this baby :(

Good luck! :)

Is that year from getting pregnant again or giving birth? I gave birth in November 2014 and got caught again roughly November /December 15? Last pregnancy I wasn't open to a csection at all, I closed my mind off to it and told everyone, doctors, midwifes my birth partners under no circumstances do I want a section or intervention. I was gutted when I was told I needed a section after getting to 7cm then going back to 3cm in minutes. I didn't even know that was possible. That's when they decided it was time to get her out. I will have to be open to the idea this time but I really would like to go natural, no pessarys, no drips and no pain relief.
Thank you x
Not sure about the UK but in the US I don't think they allow it if it's too close to your previous c section. I think the wait is 3 years. I'm not sure as I've never made it past 1st tri before o_0 or actually had a fetus develop (blighted ovum last pregnancy).

I'm super nervous about possibly having a c-section >.>. My one friend tells me nothing but horror stories with hers XD
My first I was induced with pitocin and literally almost died! Ended up in emcs. My second I opted for elective csection and it was the best thing I ever did. So chill, so easy no drama just beautiful. In and out in 48 hrs with great recovery. I'm having a third csection. For me I don't care about having the " ideal birth that I want" what matters is the safe arrival of my baby and I'm not willing to jeopardize that so I can vbac.
My situation is similar to yours Vickylou, for my first birth I was adamant i didn't want a c section. I had to be induced at 14 days over and after 24 hours labour baby was still at a -3 station (hadn't dropped into the birth canal) so I had to have an emcs. I then had a major pp heammorage.

I had a follow meeting with the consultant and she said it all happened because of my babies position and the chances of it happening again were very slim. She said she would be very happy for me to have a vbac as long as I went into labour spontaneously and as long as labour progressed well. If I go overdue, a deadline will be set for c section, I will not be allowed to be induced again (I think because if my bleed). Similarly if I go into labour and don't progress it will be c section.

Hope this helps? I haven't decided yet wether to go for elective section and have no risk of a bleed (I was in intensive care away from my baby for 24 hours) or wether to try a vbac and hope it goes smoothly. Good luck whatever you decide. Xx
My situation is similar to yours Vickylou, for my first birth I was adamant i didn't want a c section. I had to be induced at 14 days over and after 24 hours labour baby was still at a -3 station (hadn't dropped into the birth canal) so I had to have an emcs. I then had a major pp heammorage.

I had a follow meeting with the consultant and she said it all happened because of my babies position and the chances of it happening again were very slim. She said she would be very happy for me to have a vbac as long as I went into labour spontaneously and as long as labour progressed well. If I go overdue, a deadline will be set for c section, I will not be allowed to be induced again (I think because if my bleed). Similarly if I go into labour and don't progress it will be c section.

Hope this helps? I haven't decided yet wether to go for elective section and have no risk of a bleed (I was in intensive care away from my baby for 24 hours) or wether to try a vbac and hope it goes smoothly. Good luck whatever you decide. Xx

Oh no that sounds terrible. I think if I was in your situation I would probably just go for section to get in out of the way. Having said that I totally understand why you are un-decided.
I haven't seen a midwife or consultant yet so I guess I'll know more when I have a chat with them. I'm really hoping it's possible for natural. Xx
I'm sure it will be, most hospitals seem to really encourage it unless it wouldn't be safe for any reason. X
It is your right to birth how you choose. They can advise you and warn you of risks, rant and rave and all that fun stuff, but the ultimate choice is down to you.

I had an emergency section with my son, and ended up choosing an elective with my daughter. It was a nice experience and I'm not upset that I chose a repeat section. I too was very closed about a c-section with my son, I didn't read ANYTHING about them at all, wanted an all natural birth etc and never even entertained the possibility that I would have surgery to have my baby. The cascade of interventions I agreed to because I didn't realise what they could lead to.

I again have the choice of vbac or repeat section, my midwife has made it clear that it's up to me, that she will advise me which way to head later on, but that it's my body/baby and my ultimate choice.
Is that year from getting pregnant again or giving birth? I gave birth in November 2014 and got caught again roughly November /December 15? Last pregnancy I wasn't open to a csection at all, I closed my mind off to it and told everyone, doctors, midwifes my birth partners under no circumstances do I want a section or intervention. I was gutted when I was told I needed a section after getting to 7cm then going back to 3cm in minutes. I didn't even know that was possible. That's when they decided it was time to get her out. I will have to be open to the idea this time but I really would like to go natural, no pessarys, no drips and no pain relief.
Thank you x

I'm pretty sure I'll need a section again just because I've had 2. My last section was Feb. 2014 and this baby's due July 2016 so the timing is fine... in Europe I was told to wait a minimum of 1 year to get pregnant again and I was beyond that.
Birth in Nov. 2014 - Dec. 2015 (for conception) is probably OK I would think, but different countries/hospitals have different "rules". Like previous posters have said it should be up to you - at least if you are in the hospital then if something does go wrong and intervention is needed, the chances are that things will work out OK.

Wow I didn't think that was possible either - dilating and then undilating so quickly? :-0

With my #2 baby since I was already having some strong contractions a few mins apart they ended up giving me something to stop the contractions before operating. It didn't completely work though, lol! But all ended up fine in the end.
For the record my 2nd c-section recovery was much better than my first! Maybe that's why I'm slightly more open to it now than I was with baby #2.
Is that year from getting pregnant again or giving birth? I gave birth in November 2014 and got caught again roughly November /December 15? Last pregnancy I wasn't open to a csection at all, I closed my mind off to it and told everyone, doctors, midwifes my birth partners under no circumstances do I want a section or intervention. I was gutted when I was told I needed a section after getting to 7cm then going back to 3cm in minutes. I didn't even know that was possible. That's when they decided it was time to get her out. I will have to be open to the idea this time but I really would like to go natural, no pessarys, no drips and no pain relief.
Thank you x

I'm pretty sure I'll need a section again just because I've had 2. My last section was Feb. 2014 and this baby's due July 2016 so the timing is fine... in Europe I was told to wait a minimum of 1 year to get pregnant again and I was beyond that.
Birth in Nov. 2014 - Dec. 2015 (for conception) is probably OK I would think, but different countries/hospitals have different "rules". Like previous posters have said it should be up to you - at least if you are in the hospital then if something does go wrong and intervention is needed, the chances are that things will work out OK.

Wow I didn't think that was possible either - dilating and then undilating so quickly? :-0

With my #2 baby since I was already having some strong contractions a few mins apart they ended up giving me something to stop the contractions before operating. It didn't completely work though, lol! But all ended up fine in the end.
For the record my 2nd c-section recovery was much better than my first! Maybe that's why I'm slightly more open to it now than I was with baby #2.

It's the recovery time that scares me more than anything. With my last one I wasn't back on my feet properly for 8 weeks, after getting 2 infections and my scar opening up. I don't want that to happen again. I need to be able to get on with life after leaving the hospital not being tied to bed or sofa for a week or so. My little girl won't understand why mummy can't play with her :( x
I know, that part really sucks :( feeling like you are neglecting the older child/children. I think it is really harder on us though than it is on them.

What I did differently with my 2nd section was this:

1. I didn't skimp on the pain meds like I did with my first. With my first op I stopped taking pain meds after that 2nd or 3rd day and I really felt the pain for weeks afterward. Took the meds for a few days longer after #2 (yes I was also breastfeeding) and felt MUCH better - physically and emotionally.

2. Made sure to get up/walk around often (well you have to with a toddler!), but NOT for long periods of time. I would rest a lot more. I went on a 4 hr shopping trip for baby things 1 week after my first section and was on my feet all afternoon - started bleeding more and it was just a bad idea overall. I made others "do my bidding" more often after my second op! :)

Other than just the experience, I think those two things really helped me recover a lot faster. I also breastfed exclusively with #2 but couldn't do that with #1 since he was premature and needed some extra calories.

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