Thinking i might give birth with no epiderol!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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I have done alot of thinking the last 3 weeks and even though this sounds crazy i think i want to give birth without any form of pain relief!!! My husband says im gonna want the epiderol but i really think i can handle the pain!!! I mean they didnt always have pain medication so if other women can do it i can as well!!! Opinions????
I don't think it's crazy at all to give birth the normal and natural way :thumbup:
I don't think it's crazy at all. I would advise though to look into how to cope with labour without analgesia. A lot of women use other coping strategies and it helps to be informed regarding what to expect and what can increase pain such as fear, anxiety, lying on your back etc.
I'm planning on using water, hypnobirthing and staying active and upright to help me cope with labour. It definitely can be done and feel very empowering :)
There are thousands upon thousands of women who give birth naturally without pain relief. It's not crazy at all! I would be worried of the risks I was putting myself and my lo in that are associated with epidurals.
I went into my last labour saying I would get through without an epidural but in transition I begged for one, but luckily my midwife was supportive and firm that I didn't need one and I got through without and I am proud of myself for that. If you are sure you don't want an epidural, make sure your husband knows that and that he is going to support you, as it's not really helpful for him to say "oh no, you're going to need an epidural." Make sure you put on your birth plan that you do not want an epidural offered as pain relief. There are plenty of other ways to relieve the pain, you should find out as much as you can about them. Good luck! :flower:
Ya i heard of demerol pain relief but im just scared there will be a bad outcome like paralyze and things i mean theres a chance for a reason im sure epiderols have had a negitive effect in some women
There's benefits and disadvantages to all the pharmacological pain reliefs... key advantage being pain relief but it is good to know the risks before hand too.

Demoral (narcotics) can have some nasty side effects. It often causes fatigue, and nausea and vomiting - common in labour anyways but worse with narcotics even when they give you gravol with it... It also often makes you feel very "out of it"... Essentially it doesn't take away the pain completely but it makes you care less about the pain... Many women (myself included) also report that interfere with with your memory of the birth so what you recall is more "dream like" if that makes sense...

There's also risks to the baby... It often causes the variability of the baby's heart rate to reduce and if it doesn't pick back up over time they'll often recommend c-section... and they generally won't adiminster narcotics (at least they are no suppose to) if they suspect the birth will be within 4 hours as it can cause respiratory depression in the baby... meaning the baby's brain is less likely to kick in and tell the baby it has to breathe after the birth meaning resus will be required... And while there is a drug to counteract this called Narcan and most babies do end up completely fine in the end the whole process can be quite distressing to the parent and the initial bonding breastfeeding moments are disrupted as the baby would require NICU observation for a period of time if respiratory depression occured.

Complications with epidurals also occur...

One of the better pharmacological pain relief options available from a risk to mom and baby point of view is the gas and air (nitrous) and sadly that's not availale in the states.

Anyways, if a natural birth with no pharmacological meds is an option for you... then pursue it... Birth can be absolutely amazing when you believe in yourself and your body... You'll never ever experience such a rush afterwards like it!
I want a do my labour as natural as possible to but my OH also thinks I'm nuts as this is our first and we don't know what to except.I ordered a Hypnobirthing course in a hope that it will help me have a drug free labour. Fingers crossed.x
I have had 3 babies so far without the epi but i just want to point out that the reason women many years ago weren't screaming for the drugs is because there weren't any, they wouldn't necessarily have done that by choice. I think you should have a rough plan but ultimately make the decision when the time comes. You don't want to feel like you failed if you do end up taking the pain relief. I'm not a fan of the idea of needles near my spine which was all the motivation i needed but having said that my longest labour was 6 hours, far better than most people's longest labour. Tell your husband to support you in not taking the epi when you are in labour and begging for it but with his and the mw support if you still want it, don't beat yourself up about isn't a badge of honour to say you had no pain relief, it's just a choice you make in a high pressure situation and in the scheme of your life and your child's it's not that bigger deal.
I was going to have a natural birth too but now I have to have a c-section! do it if it feels right!
Well, I have had it all ways. With four children i have had a c-section, one natural birth with something to calm my nerves given to me through the IV, one completely natural with no pain relief or anything at all, and one with an epidural.

It is a good idea to keep an open mind....however, I will tell you my view point. Keep in mind, for all 3 of my vaginal deliveries I had no complications at all.

The most uncomfortable thing about labor, imo, is the immense pressure that you feel. When I had the epidural, it did not take that pressure away. At all. It took the edge off the pain, but it didnt relieve any of the pressure.

I went into labor thinking that I would be a peice of cake with the epidural, but it wasnt much different at all.

As women, our bodies were built to withstand carrying and delivering a child so you most certainly can do it without medication. Millions of women do it. But it is important to have a game plan and a good partner to support you through hard labor.
I did not have one with my first being that i it was a very fast delivery (3 hours only) and when they did come out with the "table" for the epi i was like "heck no thanks" it scared me more then the pain i was going.

For this one i will most likely wait and see what happens.

But do what you find best *thumbs up*
good on you! there was once a time when epidurals didn't exist and people managed to give birth then, so i see no reason why you shouldn't be able to. have faith in your body, and i hope your labour is smooth enough to allow you to avoid any medication should you want to. xx
I wa in labour for 36 hours with no pain relief well except gas & air then I tore really badly so ended up with a spinal in theatre I was devasated.....Anyway I say do it without the drugs gas & air works just fine help you breath thru the contractions xx
I've done it twice on gas and air 2nd was defiantely more painful from the start but thats because my waters broke before i went into labour not after dilation was complete.

If you think you can handle it hun go for it and good luck :)


with my daughter i used pethidine which acording to my OH sent me to sleep between contractions lol not sure if it helped with the pain but i did it all the same. with my son i managed to go all the way just using my breathing. no pain releif at all. i have never even considered an epidural but that is just me. my advice would be to go into your labour with an open mind and if you need to take the pain releif on offer. you will now your threshhold once you are going through labour and it is your choice. if you need pain releif take it if not just grit your teeth and breath!!! good luck.
I have done alot of thinking the last 3 weeks and even though this sounds crazy i think i want to give birth without any form of pain relief!!! My husband says im gonna want the epiderol but i really think i can handle the pain!!! I mean they didnt always have pain medication so if other women can do it i can as well!!! Opinions????

Hi there,

My due date was 1 Sept and i should have gone for a ceser, but baby came early at 16 Aug so i was shocked when i found that i have to give birth normal. I thought i woudn't make it.... well , im very happy today for the normal thing that happened. Ya it is painfull, but after the pain goes away in the first 2weeks , im very thankfull. I was giving birth at 2am and was ready to go home at 5am that same morning. Its realy the pain after the birth you should be worrieng about. Good luck girl what ever the case might be! :flower:

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