Good evening ladies
I hope this find you all in good spirits and doing well.
Just a little update, im sorry ive been quiet too but ive also been having a hard time with sickness, not managing to keep enough down but am doing my best to keep eating and drinking lots during the day so hopefully im managing to keep 40% at least in my system.
So the main changes since i was last online is i am now in the second trimester and as my inner woman is and has been doing all week is jumping up and down sreaming with joy that ive made it this far...... DH and I are sooo unbelievably happy.
So we are heading down to visit parents, siblings and a few of our close friends in the morning and over the weekend will be announcing our wonderful news to them......
We have enjoyed and loved having this as our secret over the past few months and as i have now got no choice but to wear maternity trousers (however they are in a smaller size due to the weight loss) we have decided that as we are taking a trip to see everyone as it is DH birthday tomorrow and they wont be expecting our other news it was the perfect time to announce it to them...and besides with my history and the fact that we are over the moon and hoping to move closer to family really soon its the perfect time...
So im sending hugs, happy thoughts and lots and lots of baby dust as always to you lovely ladies, and i will check in with how it went and how we told them all on monday once we are back at home.
Love to you all and have a wonderful weekend, speak soon, xxxxx