Manny- I would have to recommend a whippet/ small lurcher every time! They are so very loving, cuddly and snuggly, great characters, will walk far if you want to but equally happy with a quick run off the lead if you're pushed for time, they are beautiful and graceful, very easy to keep clean, minimal 'dog' smell, often naughty puppies but usually fairly calm adults....they are just the best! They have very minimal health problems generally too, other than the fact that with thin coats and skin they maybe get wounds that need sutures more than most, but with all the whippets we've ever had I'd say maybe 2-3x in each lifetime so no big deal really. However, if skinny dogs aren't your thing a lot of people are breeding cocker spaniel x poodles now and in my experience at work they tend to be good-natured wee souls and they are very cute! Or any other medium sized crossbreed would probably be very healthy and sweet. Unfortunately I can't think of any more breeds that I'd highly recommend- I think being a vet puts you off a lot of dog breeds as you tend to associate them with the health problems they get. There are so many breeds I just wouldn't even consider now!
Elaine- I thought I tested at 9dpo but since they said my baby measured further on than I thought I'm not sure now! Odd as I had such a strong positive ovulation test! So it might have been 12 dpo. I think FRER are the best for early testing too, despite the internet cheapies claiming to pick up a smaller amount of HCG. I felt very nauseous from (?) 8dpo but then I am abnormally nauseous anyway so wouldn't read too much into that! That was my only symptom although I might well have been grumpy if I hadn't been on holiday at the time! Hope you enjoy your wee trip away, you so deserve it.
SATH- sounds like you are doing all the right things to try to get your BFP. I also waited til one AF then was lucky enough to get pregnant first cycle trying this time, although with number 2 had a bit of a wait. I would have thought that a luteal phase of 9 days was well recognised as a possible concern? Hope it's taken seriously when you see the specialist. I'd be very surprised if they didn't accept the referral- aside from everything else (and of course you are the important one here) it's just professional courtesy- I can't imagine ever referring an animal to a specialist and them refusing to see it. Good luck!
Lots of love to all xxxxxxxxx