Hi River, nice to hear from you, Im really sorry for your losses, it is so hard and we all understand what you are going through. I tried straight after both m/c but never happened. Both times have been pg again straight after first AF after mc if that makes sense!
Going to be 7 weeks on Monday and so hoping this one sticks but it is very hard not to worry.
Keeping my fingers crossed you are third time lucky too hun xx
Twinkle Paws - keeping everything crossed that this is your month and you have your BFP very soon!
Lou thanks for advice, I def haven't felt quite as bad today and it has worried me slightly but I'm def not 100% so hoping all ok. Will see how I feel tomorrow. Who would ever pray for more sickness lol ...yeah me
I'm beginning to worry about my scan at 8.5 weeks as it is officially 12 days away!!! I actually think I am going to be sick on the day with nerves. It is just the whole worry that they sonographer may tell me there is nothing there and then I'm back on that road again with the long process of tests etc. I soo don't want to go down that road again.So so so hoping everything is growing nicely in there (wish is had a crystal ball that I could see.)
Think the fact that my symptoms are not as severe as last time (and that went wrong) doesn't help. Here I go again Worry Worry Worry
Sorry girls I am finding this a bit hard at mo as so don't want to go through mc again and what that would mean
Hope everyone is well and you are all having lovely weekends xx
I'm now joining the third time lucky club! I had my first mc back in april, was very stressful with a little spotting at 6 weeks and then 5 scans not knowing if baby was going to get a hb. Unfortunately wasn't meant to be. Then had second mc today, after a chemical. Had first +ve on Monday, 13 days po but very faint, then spotting yesterday and heavy bleeding today.
Just not sure if I have luteal phase defect, as luteal phase was 10/11 days prior to first pregnancy. Had booked in to see Dr about this, as also had some spotting 3/4 dpo, but then got BFP after 5 months of trying so cancelled Dr appointment.
Then seemed to have a good cycle this month, with no spotting in luteal phase, and found out I was pregnant. We appear to be fertile but can't get it to stick. Not sure if I have low progesterone, I also ovulate between day 18 and 22 and have sometimes had some spotting between ovulation and period.
I've booked to see GP about lpd and have arranged acupuncture. Just hoping it will be third time lucky, but concerned there's something causing these early miscarriages, as implantation seems to be a possible issue, as with the first pregnancy, when I had the 6 week scan when started spotting, they only found gest sac and put me a 4/5 weeks not 6. Could just be fluke of unlucky miscarriages but worried there may be more to it, so anxious about trying for number 3.
Do any of you have experience of lpd? I'm trying to stay positive as we are obviously fertile, and it's not uncommon to have chemicals, I tested quite early as well, which I now regret. But I now feel that at least if I go to Dr's I can find out if lpd is the problem.
My nan in law had around 6 very early miscarriages, back in the 50's and then had two full term pregnancies with no medical problems, and I know of another lady who had lots of early miscarriages and went on to have 3 healthy babies, so there's hope for us all!
I wish you all luck.
Hi ladies
Does anyone mind if I join please? I am now sadly in the 2 mcs club as well and am really really hoping to be a third time lucky lady!!! Looks like lots of you have finally got your sticky babies on your third try.
What (if anything) did you do differently 3rd time round? Baby aspirin? Did you get any more care from your gp/MW third time round?