Hi girls, sorry it has taken so long to get on with an update, my school had it's Christmas Fayre tonight and I had to work till 8:30 so haven't had a minute to get online!
So the news is ................ everything is perfect!!!!! My little baby is in there happy as larry with a strong heartbeat ticking away!! Seemed really big on screen I couldn't believe it! Even waved at us which was brilliant! Have added pictures below see what you think!!!
I had to book midwife asap as 10 weeks 3 days and said I need to be seen before 12 weeks! I have appointment at 4:30 on Monday! Then I am due my 12 week scan the week after next, all of a sudden things seem to be happening! I am honestly SOOO happy and feel much less worried! The sonographer said odds of miscarriage going down every day and I am really getting there!
Told my family today and they were soo happy for us after everything we have been through! Gave my family a Christmas card with the scan picture in it! It took my mum a minute to click what was happening! She then said she had an inkling as I have been running to the toilet constantly lol! We are telling DH family on Saturday and then will keep to ourselves till dating scan but that is only 11 days away or thereabouts!!! OMG so happy girls!!
Thanks for all your support and words of confidence, couldn't have got through last few days without you!!!
Meet Baby Thomson number 2!! What do you think, gender ideas lol??? I have no idea and not finding out!!