Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Ny & Love did you find Blocks & Bows on FB? I wonder if I get a discount for referrals? Lol! I know what you mean about the reviews, just try to remember everything is that way and not to believe everything you read!

Congrats on 2nd Tri Ny! You should start getting more energy and less cranky soon! I feel relatively normal most days, not really even emotional or anything. Just fat. Hahaha

Hope you O'd yesterday Ready!! ;) Have fun on your trip!!!

EJ- The military system of getting things in order Medical-wise SUCKS!!! I had a lot of trouble getting set up with an OB during my pregnancy with Kylar as well. Do you get to go see a regular OB or do you have to see one on base? I'd suggest going in town if you can, I HATE BASE DOCTORS!!!! AHHHH!!! Nightmare!!
Kylar- I didn't look up the blocks yet, I am NOT willing to buy anything for baby this early! So im not even shopping around at all for anything. Not one things has been bought. Except stretch mark cream for me:) Hope I start feeling happier, I can be a real witch!

Ready- It is kinda funny the way my hormones are working. I will be in like a 2 day PMS funk and not want to even breathe in the same room as OH, then im fine for another couple days. This baby is kinda taking over so im just gunna go with it:) Poor OH. He asked me this morning if I hate him for real! Oh that made me feel bad. Course I don't I just can't help it!

I am so glad you finally O'd! Holy cow your cycle is changed now! Don't you hate that?
Ready- It is kinda funny the way my hormones are working. I will be in like a 2 day PMS funk and not want to even breathe in the same room as OH, then im fine for another couple days. This baby is kinda taking over so im just gunna go with it:) Poor OH. He asked me this morning if I hate him for real! Oh that made me feel bad. Course I don't I just can't help it!

I am so glad you finally O'd! Holy cow your cycle is changed now! Don't you hate that?

I totally hate that! :brat: I hope this is the last cycle that I have to wait so freaking long to O. HAHA on your attack on OH. I wonder if it's some sort of preying mantis instinct--biting the head off the daddy so he doesn't come back to eat the baby or something? Poor guy, hopefully your moods pass by quickly...

Have a great weekend and easter, ladies! :winkwink:
Hi Ladies

As you know AF got me yesterday (1 day early i think) but i have a question....
why are my temps still up and boobs still sore?
I have been having 2-3 days of spotting before full flow on all the cycles since the MC, since yesterday i have had brown/pink blood only when i wipe, all i needed today was 1 pantyliner and no cramps.
Do the temps stay high usually until the full flow? Not sure what is going on with me.
I really do think this is AF just being slow to start but i also want to clutch at straws and wonder about implantation bleeding?
Advise please!!!

Hope you are all ok, i have not even read the last few days posts yet :/
Dee, I'm sorry about AF. :hugs:
EJ, great numbers! Definitely go to the appointment. I'm so happy for you!

Oh, I did forget to tell you girls that I called my doc early this week and she called in a prespcription for clomid for next cycle :happydance: She also referred me to an RE if I want to investigate what's going on inside--has anyone here seen an RE?

I haven't seen an RE yet. If I get AF in the next few days, I'm making an appointment. Glad to hear you got clomid! How many mg? :happydance: Hopefully you won't need it... :winkwink:

Afm, back from vacay. We had a fabulous time! Didn't think about ttc at all, rode rollercoasters, drank, laid in the sun...ahhhh...I have TONS of creamy cm. Like everyday, all over. Bbs hurt like heck, little cramps here and there, but nothing serious. AF is due sometime next week, I think...? Who knows.

Missed you ladies! :hi:
repo- oh hun, I'm so sorry you have to go through that. My fingers are tightly crossed that things sort themself out so that you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. I can imgine your frustration, trying to move house while under strict orders to do next to nothing. Just be sure to listen to the doctor and take it very, very easy. My very best thoughts are going to you and your little one.

ny- your crankiness and dislike for oh are very normal. There are some days when I'd just like to kick dh in the face, not that my foot would reach that high at this point lol. I love him more than anything and I couldn't have married a better man... but some days... sometimes most days (lol) I could just chew his face off for absolutely no reason. Just him breathing the wrong way sets me off. I really do feel bad about how I lash out at him at times. Just last night I snapped at him for falling asleep on the couch while we were watching CSI because his snoring pisses me off... poor dh. I'm so lucky he loves me to bits.
I didn't end up buying anything until after 14 weeks, I want to say it was closer to 17 weeks when I had my gender scan. Now I seem to be buying things left and right lol.

dee- how's the spotting, did it stop? I really don't have any advice, but my fingers are super tightly crossed that it stops and gives you your bfp.

rosa- So glad to hear you had a wonderful time!! Hope you had a drink for all of us lol. Tons of creamy cm? Sounds very promising, especially with your other symptoms. Before my bfp I had so much creamy cm I kept running to the bathroom thinking af had shown, it was really gross.
Happy easter everyone :flower:

Love - i still have some (only when wiping) brown/pink spotting and no AF 'flow' so not sure what to think. Feel a bit sick today too but have a mild headache so could be that.
I may test later just to put my mind at rest that this couldn't be implantation!
Stupid cycles and hormones!
How are u today Dee did u test again? xx

How is everyone else getting on Kylar those blocks are adorable I will most def get them once baby here....

Having a wee issue today ladies when would you tell everyone ur news? I have told my BF, Mum and sis OH told his mum, bro and BF nobody else knows especially my son but wondering when I should tell him as I wanted him to tell everyone else but now I'm freaking out about telling him incase something happens? What do u think?

NY did u tell ur daughter yet?

AF came on full force now so must of been a slow to start AF - oh well on tto next month :wacko:

Star - i think you should tell when you feel ready, some people tell people as soon as they get a positive test and others wait till after 12 weeks, its down to personal choice i guess and how you feel about it. Hope you are ok.
Hiya Dee

I'm doing good thanks really sick thou which is weird didn't have any food aversions or M?S with my son I'm struggling with this wee one lol :) still smiling though finish my job week on friday so not long to go and start the new one on the 16th May so excited about that decision xxx

Got my scan week today so looking forward to seeing beanie again hoping for good news :)

Maybe the differences mean this one is a girl? :0)
Good luck with your scan and new job - i'm sure everything will go fine :flower:
Star- I told my daughter yeseterday so waited until a bit over 14 weeks. I saw no reason to tell her since everyone didn't know yet. I finally told my bff 4 days ago, my mom at 13 weeks, my dad and family 3 days ago. Still not public Facebook knowledge or anything.
Oh NY what did she say? Is she really excited oh bless I can't wait to tell him dee I have been thinking the same thing maybe a girl oucha feel rough x
She actually was not very excited. Guess she thinks babies just cry and babble and said it best be a boy so that she is still the prettiest girl in the family. Sigh.
dee- so sorry af came full flow :[ Any plans for something different this cycle?

star- I agree with dee, tell people when you are ready. I told my mom and sister both at about 6 and a half weeks. My mom went to my first appointment/ultrasound with me as dh couldn't get off work and I didn't want to go alone. I told two of my close friends between 7-10 weeks just because I needed someone to talk to about everything, aside from dh of course. I didn't tell work till 14 weeks and then it was officially out there. We didn't tell dh's parents until 19/20 weeks, same with his grandparents. I didn't tell my grandparents till about 22 weeks. Some people want to share the news early on, while others are more comfortable waiting till later. It's really up to you, there is no right or wrong answer. As for telling your son, you could always wait until after your 12 week scan to ensure that all is well before telling him.
ny- haha I know how that is. My sister had her first baby (boy) when I was 3. I vaguely remember throwing a fit because he wanted to ride my favorite rocking horse. I hated him simply because everyone was making me share MY toys. I'm sure as time passes she will be more excited about having a sibling. Maybe getting her involved in the process will excite her more, asking her opinion on decorating and such when you get to that point. I think you're going to have a boy, but that's just my guess. Your lo had a ball scaring you senseless just like my lo (who also produced a late bfp like you lol) so I can only guess it'll be a boy.
Love me too! I think it is a boy. And in that case its funny that so many boys on this thread. But I can't even picture it not being a boy......we will see if mothers feelings are correct.
NY are u going to find out what the sex is? I have decided I am going to ask this time think ds needs to know and not get the choice ha ha

When would u find out we don't know till 20 wk scan think u find out sooner than us thou?

The second tri boards are just COVERED with boy announcements. Clearly the majority of men in the world are just FULL of male sperm this year lol. What makes you think yours is a boy? I know I felt it was a boy from the very beginning only because I had the PERFECT girl named picked out and couldn't think of a boy name to save my life. Honestly, I was a little disappointed that I knew it wasn't going to be a girl, not that I loved him any less for being a boy. But now that I know for sure he is, well a he lol, and have started shopping I can't imagine him being a girl. Mother's intuition on gender seem to be correct a lot of the time, so fingers crossed! Are you planning to find out soon?

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