Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Love - Lovin the baby stuff! We got our crib dresser/changer as a 3 piece b/c they had a sale on it and basically the 3rd piece was free! I dont feel like looking up the stock photos but here's a pic of the dresser and crib, we haven't set up the long dresser/changing table yet! I can't decide what I want to do about a stroller, b/c we have a nice stroller/carseat that match,but I'd like a double stroller since we have kylar too! But to get a DOUBLE stroller and carseat to match would be extremely expensive especially since we just spend 1500 on furniture!! The picture of the tree and monkeys is what his theme is going to be, the bedding to match is all from babiesRus, but we will be getting that tree/monkey wall decal ! The walls wont be orange, they are going to be light green!


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Cute stuff you girls are buying! We are all outta rooms in this house:( So, unless we get going soon and move, we have to figure something out with baby. Im not even going to get into buying stuff since we don't have the room now. Unfortunately, we are kind of stuck here becasue the market is shit to be selling right now. It makes me so angry because I hate this house and never picked it out and am stuck with it now unless I leave OH. Lol. Which i've considered countless times while mad about this piece of crap house he bought stupidly. Sigh.

Wow, im so crabby today. Lovely.
Dee- I'm so sorry the witch got you. In my opinion she can take her broomstick and shove it lol. It's really a shame that ttc isn't one of those things that's gets easier to deal with over time. Instead it gets worse. At least you are being positive and looking toward the next cycle. You are doing a lot better than I did. In my mind each cycle might as well have been the end of the world, at least for the first day af was here.

Repo- wow, almost 12 weeks. Seems like time is just flying by!! I was wondering where you had made off too. How are things going? Next scan scheduled soon?

Ready- your poor little ovaries!! Maybe rubbing them and saying kind words of encouragement will help lol. C'mon little ovaries!! You can do it!!
Fab news about your doctor prescribing clomid for next cycle!!! Maybe that's all you need to kick those lazy ovaries into gear lol. Careful though, clomid may kick your ovaries so hard that you become the new octomom lol!! "you said you wanted a baby, so here's 12 to make up for our previous laziness".

It is ridiculously fun to shop for baby things, but also very overwhelming. There are a million and one types of the same product which makes picking so difficult. Because we need a million and one different types of binkies. You could start shopping now for basic things that you see on sale. Gender neutral clothing, furniture for the nursery and such. Coupons are you friends lol!
Kylar- I LOVE the name plates!!! Where did you get them?!? I looked at the same crib you bought. Dh's parents want to buy our crib so his mom had a lot of say in which one we get, though I do like the one she picked. We wanted a small set because currently we are in a one bedroom apartment so lo will be in our room. But now that dh may be getting a new and amazing job, we may have to move and would definitely be looking at houses so lo can have his own room. That means more furniture shopping!! lol. I don't think you need a double stroller travel system, though you just get a double stroller for them since it would be cheaper.

Ny- I'm sorry you're cranky today. I have several days like that. I'm amazed dh hasnt offed me yet lol. Have you considered buying a foreclosure or another house that is selling for a lower price due to the bad market and possibly renting out your current house? If you can find good tenants the rent you make off the house you are in could almost pay the mortgage on a new home. Something to think about.
For some reason OH doesn't want to rent this one out, he doesn't want people to trash it and he is afraid they'll be partiers and leave our nice neighbors with bad people. Not that we can't afford a nicer house, its just getting out of this one. Its like 30,000 backwards or something because its a POS. No idea what he thought buying it ever and was a really stupid idea.
Ny- if you two decide to stay where you are at, you could always do what dh and I are doing. Look for a crib that is 4 in 1 with an attached changer that has shelves or drawers for baby's things. Until he or she gets a bit older not all that much is really needed.
Ny, poor thing, I'm sorry you're in a lousy mood! Will baby sleep in your room? You can definately choose some compact furniture & don't need to buy the million items that the big stores try to sell you! Gosh there is so much cute stuff you can pick from--you guys are so lucky!

Love, lol on octomom :rofl: That would be just my luck, 3 or more babies in one shot :p I just called the RE & made an appointment for May 2. :shrug: Enough already with these long cycles.
Ny- LOL you crack me up ! Sorry I know you're cranky I dont mean it to be funny, I just think it's funny how you word things I get a full feel of your personality and it makes me chuckle! ;)
Love- I got the block name letters off a baby boutique on facebook! If you are interested, her name is Blocks & Bows on facebook. Just a warning though, it took a whole month from the time I paid for them to get them in the mail! She's darn good and has a lot of business! But it took way longer than I had expected! Ya I'm thinking of just getting the double stroller and not the matching carseat, b/c really, he would only be in the matching carseat for 8ish months anyway and since we already have a carseat, well, you get it!!
I agree, I love/hate babiesrus bc you go in there and feel you need EVERYTHING in the store! They do it on purpose but there's some cool stuff there! I always spend way too much in there I'm glad its kind of a far drive for me to get there so that I don't go there everyday and spend tons of $$ hahaha! I was so overwhelmed when pregnant with kylar and felt like I needed EVERYTHING and that I wouldnt have it all in time! It stressed me out! I still sort of feel that way this time, but I'm glad I have most everything left from Kylar! Are you having a shower Love or NY? I have a friend who wants to throw me either a shower or a diaper party, but Idk if she will get around to it or not, but I'm ok with that I feel kind of wrong having one for a 2nd child anyway!! With Kylar I had 3 showers! haha!
I thought about getting one of the cribs with a changer attached but I heard that when they get old enough, they climb in and out of the crib sooner b/c of the changer being attached. Kylar just learned to climb out about a month ago, I was very lucky b/c most boys figure that out sooner, LOL.
Morning ladies

AF got me this morning and i had a monster headache all night - was very sad for a few hours but now i am trying to look ever forward and be thankful for what i already have in my life :0)
Thanks for being here when we need to chat :flower:

Im so sorry hun. Way to have PMA though, love your spirit. :hugs:
Hello Everyone! I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now... after I got my blood work done they said I had to get a hold of womans health at the military facility I go to and they would give me a referral to an ob doc. Well I have called the womans health everyday for the last 3 days and they keep telling me I have to speak with this one nurse IN PERSON, well this nurse is not calling me back to set up when I can see her and its really making me mad. I have an appointment with the obgyn doc I want to go to on Mon but the appointment is for just a pap, (i made this appt before I knew I was pregnant) so I need advice, should I still go to the pap? I was hoping a referral would be sent to them before Mon so maybe she would look at me for more then just a pap. I'm scared by the time I get my referral I wont be seen by an ob until I'm 8-9 weeks and with the mc before I wish I could be seen earlier. ugh :( Any advice or opinions would be awesome!
EJ, I had a similar thing happen...I had a pap scheduled and I decided to just show up with my + test. She did the pap, which I think would be part of your prenatal anyway. Talked about what to eat & vitamins a bit. Felt around, but it was too early to "feel" the pregnancy. No ultrasound at that visit, but we setup an appointment for an early ultrasound. I would just go ahead with your Monday appt unless you hear otherwise from the nurse. My bigger point is just don't be disappointed by the first early prenatal visit--they mostly just want to talk at you. Maybe the preggy girls can confirm or deny that. The US is really what is going to be reassuring, so see how early they are willing to schedule that based on your history! :flower:
THANKS ready!! Yea I know they wont do an u/s exp since I will only be 5w2d but I wasn't sure If the pap was ok to go to or if it was bad I didn't call and tell them first. I think if I call the obgyn they will want me to cancel my appointment and make one for later on but for some reason I still wanna go to Mon's appointment and talk to them, exp since I am still on the metformin. So I think I will still show up and be like Oh by the way I think I am pregnant! lol I really wanted to get more blood work done today while I'm off work to see if the hcg is rising but with no one calling me back doesn't look like thats going to happen...
Yeah, just go to your appointment. The pap is no harm, they would do it anyway. Are you staying with this doc for your pregnancy? I'm sorry they are not calling you back...
Kylar- those blocks are so adorable I think a months wait is well worth it. Plus, with some luck, lo won't be here for another couple months anyways so there is plenty of time for them to arrive. I too have the same love/hate relationship with babiesrus. Honestly though, I feel much less overwhelmed in store than I do when I browse online. Dh's mom has been pressuring me to add things to my registry so I've been on their site quite a bit and I swear I'm going to have a panic attack everytime. I read the reviews because, being this is my first, I am completely clueless and oh boy does that make things worse. Every product has just as many bad reviews as it does outstanding ones so I'm left banging my head against the wall.

I'd like to have a shower but it's a bit difficult. My family in Ohio is throwing me one in June when dh and I go out there for my grandpa's surprise 70th birthday party. But all of my friends, and dh's as well, are still in the young mindset. Dating around, partying, enjoying being young. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just not the sort of crowd to throw a baby shower or understand how to have one lol.

With the way this changer is attached I don't see it posing that big of an issue. I am worried about this lo though. Dh's mom has been telling me stories about him as a baby and oh my. Apparently the first night they had him home he kept trying to scoot to the top of his bassinet and they kept having to move him back down. Needless to say they bought a crib ASAP. Then dh was standing at 6 months... Never crawled, went straight to walking. Knowing dh none of this surprises me lol. I'm just worried lo is going to be very much like daddy.

EJ- I would go to Monday's appointment and tell them that you had a positive pregnancy test over the weekend after a missed af and weren't able to get ahold of your doctor for the referral (which is a half truth). The pap is standard for a first pregnancy appointment. I didn't schedule my first appointmen till 7 weeks because I knew the office I went to performed early ultrasounds at about 6-7 weeks. Not all places do scans that early so the first appointment is pretty boring and otherwise uneventful. They go over your family history, what your appointments for the pregnancy will be like, vitamins, just the basics. Aside from the pap and a possible breast exam, they don't really examine anything. They will have you pee in a cup, maybe take bloods but that's it.
I'm too nervous to update my profile! lol I am going in for blood work later today but I wont know the results until tomorrow. ahh I'm still so worried but Yes the obgyn I am seeing on Mon will be who I continue to see throughout pregnancy.
love yes 12 weeks already life has been hectic trying to move and just not going as planned. Had my 12 week scan today and a sch that they found at 7 weeks has gotten bigger and am now on strict light duty, go back in 2 weeks for another scan and if it has not stopped getting bigger will be put on complete bedrest!! I am very scared at this point as i'm told i can't do anything but sit and walk i can't lift i'm not to use stairs unless absolutely necessary, i'm not allowed to pack or unpack, which makes moving 10x harder and emotionally i just wanna cry after 2 years and a mc in january i just feel like i am not meant to have a healthy pregnancy and i should be happy with the 2 healthy kids i have. sorry for the rant ladies but it felt good to tell someone as dh has been at work since the scan as he had to get straight back
Oooh kylar I want to order some cute blocks too. i love them.
And yes, i am still sooooooo crabby. Holy cow, does this get worse in 2nd tri? I'm, like, seething for no good reason.

Oh, yea I'm in 2nd tri as of yesterday!!!

I am thinking baby will just sleep in a dresser drawer or something. According to oh we will "figure it out" what a splendid idea. I also forgot to mention along with my crankiness has come a hatred for oh. Well, not hate, but dislike. Is this hormones or what the heck?

EJ definitely go for the pap. You need it anyways. Only other thigh they really do at the first one is take 70 tubes of blood to test for syphilis and ghonorrea and whatever concoction of std's that are out there. I hope thyll do all that for you on Monday. Good luck.
Ny, I'm sorry you're so hormonal, but it makes me smile for some reason! :flower: Is hating on the father of your babe a common occurrence in pregnancy? I'm sure I've read that elsewhere and I'm definitely not looking forward to that!

I think I may have finally ovulated yesterday. My ovaries have calmed down and I had a high temp this morning. Phew, I hope I have...what a lousy cycle!

Less than 24 hours until I'm on a plane. Yay!

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